POLL: Conservatives & Progressives: What is your goal here?

What is the point of personally attacking the other "side"?

  • No real reason, it's just fun, I'm not serious, they're okay

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • They are evil and I want them to hurt in any way possible

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • One day my side will win, so I'm fucking with them now

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I have severe self esteem issues and this provides temporary comfort

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I think I'm supposed to because other members of my tribe do it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango, big time, seriously, holy shit.

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
What political correctness has killed more than anything else is liberalism. You may be arguing with authoritarians who CALL themselves liberal, but they are really just leftist authoritarians since they demand unthinking conformity the way they do.
And, bingo.
My "kind" is all about individuality and freedom, obviously we've lost in this country… LOL
If that were true - you'd be a liberal.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
There cannot be any sort of freedom and individuality in socialism/progressivism/liberalism… Fact
So, then, since the Founders were liberals and used Liberalism to found this nation, how is it that you have - liberty (freedom and individuality) if there is no such thing in, liberalism?
Political correctness has killed the individual and their freedom in this country… The whole purpose of socialism/communism/progressivism/liberalism… LOL

I agree with you here except for one word.

What political correctness has killed more than anything else is liberalism. You may be arguing with authoritarians who CALL themselves liberal, but they are really just leftist authoritarians since they demand unthinking conformity the way they do.
True, that's why I've become more and more libertarian every day that goes by. It does not take a village, because the village will be abused every time then enslaved by the progressive.
Because a large part of being a liberal is to make everybody else unhappy. Liberals are miserable people, so the only joy they get in life is to try and make everybody else miserable as well.

seems to me the only guy making your life miserable is you, Ray.
Progressive Priunciples and Goals. These points must be continually driven home to shame the right and mobilize all decent people. That is why I'm here

1. All lives matter. No one should have insuficient shelter, food, water or health care

2. All people should enjoy equal protection under the law. No one should suffer from discrimiation, humiliation or violence because of their race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation, sexual identity, or disability

3. The earth matters. It is the only one we have and the environment must be protected for our postarity. Climate change is not a hoax

4. Income and wealth disparity must be revered through a fair, progressive tax structure. A nation that is on the way to a plutocracy and oligarchy will not survice for long

5. No one should have to work more than one full time job to pay the bills, while CEOs make obscean amounts of money that cannot be justified.

6. War and the use of force in the world must be a very last resort, used only when diplomacy fails and the United States is facing a real and grave danger.

7. This is a nation bult of immigrents . People seeking to come to this country for a better life ecconomically, or to flee strife in their home land shuld not be shuned or feared. Entire groups should not be marginalised and rejected because of the actions and fanaticism of some.

8. Trade with other nations should be fair, not free, meaning that the consideration of protecting the environment, preventing the exploitation of workers, and consumer safety should be placed over profit and trade deficits

9. Boarders should be secured using appropriate technology and manpower, not half baked ideas that appeal to a political base and are not practical or cost effective

10. Criminal Justice must be reformed to reduce the prison population of non violent offenders, and to address the issue of racial disparity in arrests, prosecution and sentencing. The death penalty must be abolished . Drug crimes must be teated as a public health problem instead of a criminal matter

11. The federal goverment has the responsibilty for activily protecting the health and welfare of all citizens , both from physical harm, and discrimination. The tenth amendment must be understood in the context of the entire constitution, espacially the bill of rights and the 14th amendment. States may not violate the US constitution, and voters do not get to decide matters of civil rights.

12.Guns must be kept out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill people. High capacity assault weapons must be kept out of the hans of everyone not in the military or law enforcement. There must be a national and uniform policy.
13. It is time for the Equal Rights Amendment protecting women from discrimination is ratified, and the passage of the Employmnet non discrimination, as well as laws addressing discrimination in housing and places of public accomodation for LGBT people.

14. Religious freedom does not mean the ability to use religion as a weapon to discriminate aagainst others. The first amendment applies equally to all, not just conservative Christians who have weaponised religion.

15. Public education must remain free and well funded and without religious beliefs influencing it. Real science, not junk science must be taught. Real history, not whitwashed revisionist histort must also be taught. +Meaningful sex education, not abstiance only is a must. Children are the future

16. Abortion should be rare, but available when necesary. That can be achieved, not by denying women the right to choose but by allowing contracetion to be readily availabe, and by supporting other policies and programs that can prevent unwanted pregnancies and provide supports to women to chose to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term.

17. Financial and insurance institutions must be well regulated in order to prevent another near collapse of the global economy as almost happened in 2008 as the result of greed, and recklessness of the banks.

18. Consumers must be protected from physical harm and financial exploitation by banks, insurers and mortgage companies
19. Health insurers should be put out of business. We need a single payer system

20. Big Pharma- that charges ridiculous prices and sometimes withholds lifesaving drugs from the market because they are not profitable must be rained in.
In a democracy the majority rules. The majority isn't ruling in this case. That is a problem in our democratic republic that needs to be - fixed.

We know how it works, even why it was done, but it's simply wrong.
the majority rules?....was that your thinking when california voted down gay marriage ...twice.....but was overruled anyway?....
The people don't get to vote on the rights of others. Soon no one would have any.

That's mob rule and we don't have that either.
you just said....."In a democracy the majority rules".....California is a democracy,the majority voted....words have meaning,if you were as smart as the founders you would have known this....
They can rule on what they are allowed to. The rights of others they are not allowed to. It's not up for a vote.
then the majority does not rule does it?... .....
Not currently, and never in the case of civil rights.
All inclusion into the federal government should be voluntary… That means all socialist entitlement programs.
How do you suppose I do that? My property is now worth less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago. Move them out and my property will triple in price.

How come nothing in your life is ever your fault?

It's not my fault unless you can explain why it is. I didn't cause the crime here. I didn't cause the closing of businesses here. I didn't bring the HUD people here. I didn't put all the trash on the streets here. I don't make noise day and night causing people to move. Who did all that here and more? The Democrats of course. They destroy anything good that working people have.
All inclusion into the federal government should be voluntary… That means all socialist entitlement programs.
When you reach Fantasy Island make sure and - don't write.
I'm not saying that will be so, Obviously the Ponzi scheme will go on.
Who's Ponzi, the guy getting rich at the top?
The federal government… All along while the country goes into debt
How do you suppose I do that? My property is now worth less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago. Move them out and my property will triple in price.

How come nothing in your life is ever your fault?

It's not my fault unless you can explain why it is. I didn't cause the crime here. I didn't cause the closing of businesses here. I didn't bring the HUD people here. I didn't put all the trash on the streets here. I don't make noise day and night causing people to move. Who did all that here and more? The Democrats of course. They destroy anything good that working people have.
You also - didn't leave and you could have (and you still can). Man up, Hitler youth.
All inclusion into the federal government should be voluntary… That means all socialist entitlement programs.
When you reach Fantasy Island make sure and - don't write.
I'm not saying that will be so, Obviously the Ponzi scheme will go on.
Who's Ponzi, the guy getting rich at the top?
The federal government… All along while the country goes into debt
They are rich? Interesting. Last I heard they were still borrowing to pay the bills. That's not much of a Ponzi scheme.
How do you suppose I do that? My property is now worth less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago. Move them out and my property will triple in price.

How come nothing in your life is ever your fault?

It's not my fault unless you can explain why it is. I didn't cause the crime here. I didn't cause the closing of businesses here. I didn't bring the HUD people here. I didn't put all the trash on the streets here. I don't make noise day and night causing people to move. Who did all that here and more? The Democrats of course. They destroy anything good that working people have.
You also - didn't leave and you could have (and you still can). Man up, Hitler youth.

Yep, that's the solution to liberal destruction--just leave. Great nations were created because of people that left. Great cities and towns were created by people that left. When injustice happens, just leave because taking a stand is not the American way. Leaving is the American way.
All inclusion into the federal government should be voluntary… That means all socialist entitlement programs.
When you reach Fantasy Island make sure and - don't write.
I'm not saying that will be so, Obviously the Ponzi scheme will go on.
Who's Ponzi, the guy getting rich at the top?
The federal government… All along while the country goes into debt
They are rich? Interesting. Last I heard they were still borrowing to pay the bills. That's not much of a Ponzi scheme.
The career politicians own the federal government… So they are rich.
The country is on the hook for paying the bills… Unfortunately
When you reach Fantasy Island make sure and - don't write.
I'm not saying that will be so, Obviously the Ponzi scheme will go on.
Who's Ponzi, the guy getting rich at the top?
The federal government… All along while the country goes into debt
They are rich? Interesting. Last I heard they were still borrowing to pay the bills. That's not much of a Ponzi scheme.
The career politicians on the federal government… So they are rich.
The country is on the hook for paying the bills… Unfortunately
So, these guys are rich because they stole your tax-dollars for - themselves?

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