POLL: Conservatives & Progressives: What is your goal here?

What is the point of personally attacking the other "side"?

  • No real reason, it's just fun, I'm not serious, they're okay

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • They are evil and I want them to hurt in any way possible

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • One day my side will win, so I'm fucking with them now

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I have severe self esteem issues and this provides temporary comfort

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I think I'm supposed to because other members of my tribe do it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango, big time, seriously, holy shit.

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
It's been my contention for some time now that perhaps what we need to do as a country is divide it in half and each political group gets a side. We can't seem to get along, and as time moves forward, we are drifting further and further apart.

Imagine how great it would be to live in a country with no liberals around at all? Low crime, lower taxes, less laws and regulations, very few people on social programs? Life would be great, and the best part of all, is if we chose my side of the country for conservatives to live on, my property value would double overnight.
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.
Crazy Cali can succeed as they wish… Their votes don't count anyways… LOL
The majority of votes didn't could this year. Not a good thing.
The Electoral college worked perfectly, keeping the crazies at bay
I'm a liberal, I wouldn't know, but that sounds like most people and all religions.
Is that a cop out? Like I said many times over, why don't you progressives keep your socialism to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of the shit?

It's been my contention for some time now that perhaps what we need to do as a country is divide it in half and each political group gets a side. We can't seem to get along, and as time moves forward, we are drifting further and further apart.

Imagine how great it would be to live in a country with no liberals around at all? Low crime, lower taxes, less laws and regulations, very few people on social programs? Life would be great, and the best part of all, is if we chose my side of the country for conservatives to live on, my property value would double overnight.
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

Is that a cop out? Like I said many times over, why don't you progressives keep your socialism to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of the shit?

It's been my contention for some time now that perhaps what we need to do as a country is divide it in half and each political group gets a side. We can't seem to get along, and as time moves forward, we are drifting further and further apart.

Imagine how great it would be to live in a country with no liberals around at all? Low crime, lower taxes, less laws and regulations, very few people on social programs? Life would be great, and the best part of all, is if we chose my side of the country for conservatives to live on, my property value would double overnight.
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
It's been my contention for some time now that perhaps what we need to do as a country is divide it in half and each political group gets a side. We can't seem to get along, and as time moves forward, we are drifting further and further apart.

Imagine how great it would be to live in a country with no liberals around at all? Low crime, lower taxes, less laws and regulations, very few people on social programs? Life would be great, and the best part of all, is if we chose my side of the country for conservatives to live on, my property value would double overnight.
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
Whats makes driving constantly from the Land of the Free (my nation) to American Taliban held territory nice?
im not blaming the system Joe,you are....the system worked the way it has for 200 years ....i can accept who ever wins,and just do what i can to survive the guys term,like most sensible people will....we survived bush we survived obama.....we will survive trump.....

first, I'm not 100% sure we will survive Trump.

secondly, no, the system didn't work. The people made it pretty clear they didn't want Trump and we got him anyway.
joe.....learn how our elections work.....your problem like so many others is....you cant believe the "most qualified" person ever spent a billion dollars, and lost to trump....get over it....
Half won't do. We get all the coasts, you get the Flyover.

That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.
Crazy Cali can succeed as they wish… Their votes don't count anyways… LOL
The majority of votes didn't could this year. Not a good thing.
The Electoral college worked perfectly, keeping the crazies at bay
It put the crazy into the White House. Hillary was Bill Clinton (in panties) and would have governed like he did. Good times, maybe they will come again someday?
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.

...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
Whats makes driving constantly from the Land of the Free (my nation) to American Taliban held territory nice?
''Red" state America has really nothing to do with you, you don't go there anyways.
We are not all in this together… Getting along is way overrated
the election wasnt stolen....it was lost by one hillary clinton....next time run someone who at least has likability factor on the positive side and doesnt have the baggage and taint she had........
When you get the most votes - you didn't lose. Do try again.
why isnt she president then?.....did she win or lose?....you try again....
She won, she got the most votes, but Trump was appointed by the EC anyway. Very undemocratic.

We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.

You and I get into an argument about who the best pool player is, so we agree to a game of 8-ball to determine who is right.

I break, and get two solids in and a stripe. Because of the placement of the striped balls, I choose stripes.

As I knock my balls into the pocket, I accidentally knock in another solid ball. I miss the eighth ball and it's your turn. You knock in all the solid balls and then the eight ball to win the game. But I protest saying I am the better player because I knocked in more balls than you did. Would you agree with that?

Of course not. We were not playing to see who could knock the most balls in, we were playing to see who could knock the most selected balls in.

If we had a popular vote race, Trump would have spent much more time in blue states to get every last vote. But he chose red and swing states to capture the most electoral votes. You can't say Hillary won anything because neither were after popular votes. They both played by the same rules, after the same goals, and Hil-Liar lost.
In a democracy the majority rules. The majority isn't ruling in this case. That is a problem in our democratic republic that needs to be - fixed.

We know how it works, even why it was done, but it's simply wrong.
the majority rules?....was that your thinking when california voted down gay marriage ...twice.....but was overruled anyway?....
When you get the most votes - you didn't lose. Do try again.
why isnt she president then?.....did she win or lose?....you try again....
She won, she got the most votes, but Trump was appointed by the EC anyway. Very undemocratic.

We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.

You and I get into an argument about who the best pool player is, so we agree to a game of 8-ball to determine who is right.

I break, and get two solids in and a stripe. Because of the placement of the striped balls, I choose stripes.

As I knock my balls into the pocket, I accidentally knock in another solid ball. I miss the eighth ball and it's your turn. You knock in all the solid balls and then the eight ball to win the game. But I protest saying I am the better player because I knocked in more balls than you did. Would you agree with that?

Of course not. We were not playing to see who could knock the most balls in, we were playing to see who could knock the most selected balls in.

If we had a popular vote race, Trump would have spent much more time in blue states to get every last vote. But he chose red and swing states to capture the most electoral votes. You can't say Hillary won anything because neither were after popular votes. They both played by the same rules, after the same goals, and Hil-Liar lost.
In a democracy the majority rules. The majority isn't ruling in this case. That is a problem in our democratic republic that needs to be - fixed.

We know how it works, even why it was done, but it's simply wrong.
the majority rules?....was that your thinking when california voted down gay marriage ...twice.....but was overruled anyway?....
The people don't get to vote on the rights of others. Soon no one would have any.

That's mob rule and we don't have that either.
...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
Whats makes driving constantly from the Land of the Free (my nation) to American Taliban held territory nice?
''Red" state America has really nothing to do with you, you don't go there anyways.
We are not all in this together… Getting along is way overrated
The country should be six or so smaller nations. I want nothing to do with your kind, Rez boy. The American Taliban is all yours.
That's very typical lib of you. More for you and less for everybody else. It's like a creed or something with you people.

I say divide the country in half, and we will build a wall to keep you out of our side. I'm all for that.
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.
Crazy Cali can succeed as they wish… Their votes don't count anyways… LOL
The majority of votes didn't could this year. Not a good thing.
The Electoral college worked perfectly, keeping the crazies at bay
It put the crazy into the White House. Hillary was Bill Clinton (in panties) and would have governed like he did. Good times, maybe they will come again someday?
Bill Clinton was only good for progressive America, The child molester/rapist was well related to by progressives/liberal's.
You still have not answered my question, why don't you socialists keep your shit to yourself? Could it be you want to force others into your shit hole?
Start with Texas, to keep them away from the rest of us.
Crazy Cali can succeed as they wish… Their votes don't count anyways… LOL
The majority of votes didn't could this year. Not a good thing.
The Electoral college worked perfectly, keeping the crazies at bay
It put the crazy into the White House. Hillary was Bill Clinton (in panties) and would have governed like he did. Good times, maybe they will come again someday?
Bill Clinton was only good for progressive America, The child molester/rapist was well related to by progressives/liberal's.
You still have not answered my question, why don't you socialists keep your shit to yourself? Could it be you want to force others into your shit hole?
I'm not a socialist (but it has its good parts).
...and it's conservative counties of the nation that control the food, energy and acreage. I'm all for a split up by county.
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
Whats makes driving constantly from the Land of the Free (my nation) to American Taliban held territory nice?
''Red" state America has really nothing to do with you, you don't go there anyways.
We are not all in this together… Getting along is way overrated
The country should be six or so smaller nations. I want nothing to do with your kind, Rez boy. The American Taliban is all yours.
My "kind" is all about individuality and freedom, obviously we've lost that in this country… LOL
why isnt she president then?.....did she win or lose?....you try again....
She won, she got the most votes, but Trump was appointed by the EC anyway. Very undemocratic.

We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.

You and I get into an argument about who the best pool player is, so we agree to a game of 8-ball to determine who is right.

I break, and get two solids in and a stripe. Because of the placement of the striped balls, I choose stripes.

As I knock my balls into the pocket, I accidentally knock in another solid ball. I miss the eighth ball and it's your turn. You knock in all the solid balls and then the eight ball to win the game. But I protest saying I am the better player because I knocked in more balls than you did. Would you agree with that?

Of course not. We were not playing to see who could knock the most balls in, we were playing to see who could knock the most selected balls in.

If we had a popular vote race, Trump would have spent much more time in blue states to get every last vote. But he chose red and swing states to capture the most electoral votes. You can't say Hillary won anything because neither were after popular votes. They both played by the same rules, after the same goals, and Hil-Liar lost.
In a democracy the majority rules. The majority isn't ruling in this case. That is a problem in our democratic republic that needs to be - fixed.

We know how it works, even why it was done, but it's simply wrong.
the majority rules?....was that your thinking when california voted down gay marriage ...twice.....but was overruled anyway?....
The people don't get to vote on the rights of others. Soon no one would have any.

That's mob rule and we don't have that either.
Socialism... mob rule
Yeah, like that would ever happen.
Of course it wouldn't, but it would be nice.:2up:
Whats makes driving constantly from the Land of the Free (my nation) to American Taliban held territory nice?
''Red" state America has really nothing to do with you, you don't go there anyways.
We are not all in this together… Getting along is way overrated
The country should be six or so smaller nations. I want nothing to do with your kind, Rez boy. The American Taliban is all yours.
My "kind" is all about individuality and freedom, obviously we've lost in this country… LOL
If that were true - you'd be a liberal.

"Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others; but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty. As the revolutionary American pamphleteer Thomas Paine expressed it in “Common Sense” (1776), government is at best “a necessary evil.” Laws, judges, and police are needed to secure the individual’s life and liberty, but their coercive power may also be turned against him. The problem, then, is to devise a system that gives government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also prevents those who govern from abusing that power."
So a winger from one end shoots a Congressman from the other end, and we on USMB take that serious and thought-provoking occasion to keep right on attacking, mocking & insulting each other. Pretty much immediately.

Tell me, what is the goal of non-stop attacks on the other side?
They did it to us. Try to act better next time you're the minority. And you've shown us how to win. Obstruct obstruct obstruct
You still have not answered my question, why do you progressives want to force your shit on other people that want nothing to do with your shit?
I'm a liberal, I wouldn't know, but that sounds like most people and all religions.
Is that a cop out? Like I said many times over, why don't you progressives keep your socialism to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of the shit?
One more time - I'm not a progressive.

And maybe they want morons like you to be less moronic?
You are not a progressive? LOL
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders (only much smarter).
oh geez.....
She won, she got the most votes, but Trump was appointed by the EC anyway. Very undemocratic.

We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.

You and I get into an argument about who the best pool player is, so we agree to a game of 8-ball to determine who is right.

I break, and get two solids in and a stripe. Because of the placement of the striped balls, I choose stripes.

As I knock my balls into the pocket, I accidentally knock in another solid ball. I miss the eighth ball and it's your turn. You knock in all the solid balls and then the eight ball to win the game. But I protest saying I am the better player because I knocked in more balls than you did. Would you agree with that?

Of course not. We were not playing to see who could knock the most balls in, we were playing to see who could knock the most selected balls in.

If we had a popular vote race, Trump would have spent much more time in blue states to get every last vote. But he chose red and swing states to capture the most electoral votes. You can't say Hillary won anything because neither were after popular votes. They both played by the same rules, after the same goals, and Hil-Liar lost.
In a democracy the majority rules. The majority isn't ruling in this case. That is a problem in our democratic republic that needs to be - fixed.

We know how it works, even why it was done, but it's simply wrong.
the majority rules?....was that your thinking when california voted down gay marriage ...twice.....but was overruled anyway?....
The people don't get to vote on the rights of others. Soon no one would have any.

That's mob rule and we don't have that either.
Socialism... mob rule
Ah, no. Completely unrelated, Rez boy.

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