POLL: Conservatives & Progressives: What is your goal here?

What is the point of personally attacking the other "side"?

  • No real reason, it's just fun, I'm not serious, they're okay

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • They are evil and I want them to hurt in any way possible

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • One day my side will win, so I'm fucking with them now

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I have severe self esteem issues and this provides temporary comfort

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I think I'm supposed to because other members of my tribe do it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango, big time, seriously, holy shit.

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
I don't normally start it.....there have been a few times in response to others attacking others, then I'll jump in, but usually I get attacked for a comment or opinion, then well.....fight fire with fire I say.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.
I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg. So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
So dig down a bit: What is it that delights you?

My "routine" accomplishes absolutely nothing. But observing the behaviors of people like you is interesting. That's about it.
Here's an interesting piece:

Most partisans treat politics like sports rivalries, study shows

"What is the consequence of today's polarized politics? What's motivating partisans to vote in this climate?" said Patrick Miller, a University of Kansas assistant professor of political science. "For too many of them, it's not high-minded, good-government, issue-based goals. It's, 'I hate the other party. I'm going to go out, and we're going to beat them.' That's troubling."

When it came to uncivil attitudes, 38 percent of partisans agreed that their parties should use any tactics necessary to “win elections and issue debates.” When those who agreed with this view were asked what tactics they had in mind, the most common ones they offered were voter suppression, stealing or cheating in elections, physical violence and threats against the other party, lying, personal attacks on opponents, not allowing the other party to speak and using the filibuster to gridlock Congress. Democrats and Republicans were equally likely to express this opinion.

"This is the first research to show that strong partisans who are motivated by partisan conflict are endorsing uncivil attitudes about the political process," Miller said. "This comes to an important point. If our politicians are polarized and uncivil, maybe it's because many voters are polarized and uncivil."

Here's an interesting piece:

Most partisans treat politics like sports rivalries, study shows

"What is the consequence of today's polarized politics? What's motivating partisans to vote in this climate?" said Patrick Miller, a University of Kansas assistant professor of political science. "For too many of them, it's not high-minded, good-government, issue-based goals. It's, 'I hate the other party. I'm going to go out, and we're going to beat them.' That's troubling."

When it came to uncivil attitudes, 38 percent of partisans agreed that their parties should use any tactics necessary to “win elections and issue debates.” When those who agreed with this view were asked what tactics they had in mind, the most common ones they offered were voter suppression, stealing or cheating in elections, physical violence and threats against the other party, lying, personal attacks on opponents, not allowing the other party to speak and using the filibuster to gridlock Congress. Democrats and Republicans were equally likely to express this opinion.

"This is the first research to show that strong partisans who are motivated by partisan conflict are endorsing uncivil attitudes about the political process," Miller said. "This comes to an important point. If our politicians are polarized and uncivil, maybe it's because many voters are polarized and uncivil."

Welcome to American politics, not a game for sissies.
Well, regarding the hardcore Left, I can't disagree. I've reached the conclusion that, yeah, they really don't like this country and they have become emboldened to admit it. But, while they're pretty well represented here, they're still the minority within the group that is Left of center. Or maybe some of them just say what they say to fit within their tribe, I don't know.

It's difficult to say for sure where most of the country is. The two ends are so loud and aggressive now that, at least for some of us, aligning with either one of them just ain't an attractive option.
I can't disagree. In truth, I don't run into many radicalized leftists in real life. They have been regulated to places like this and the leadership of the Democrat party (LOL, sorry, couldn't resist). They get a lot of attention because they keep upping the outrageous things they are doing to stay in the headlines. They get full cooperation from the activist media as well, so it seems more prevailent than it really is. Kind of like the left and their on demand core of outraged progressive groups they trot out when they want America to think they are being wronged.
I live in a smaller state (it's kinda purple, leaning blue), and I have a dear friend who has always been (what I would call) a mainstream Democrat, and we've always agreed on a majority of the issues. But, beginning around the time Trump announced, she went completely nuts. Two, three, four over-the-top posts and memes on Facebook a day, and some of them are REALLY nasty in attacking Trump and the GOP.

A few months ago I made the mistake of (mildly) disagreeing with her on one, and she went completely ape shit, threatening to "unfriend" me. It was pretty wild, and I've seen her do that with others.

I haven't done THAT again.
Well, it's not My place, but I usually break off relationships with people like that. I've walked away from someone I admire as an editor and writing mentor because of how unhinged she has become with regard to Trump. Prior, she was reasonable to talk with regarding policies of both parties, now there is no talking to her at all, so I don't. You'll have to chose what you want to do about it, but honestly, this isn't actually rare. Just look at the students in Washington State. They're attacking one of the most progressive professors in the country for not agreeing with them. I call it, "Eating their own".

I agree that people have went NUTS with this past election. I've had family & friends go bezerk over it like I've never seen before. Normally politics was never an issue......whether we agreed or not....it just was and was ok. I blocked a few on FB just because I was tired of seeing what they posted....but kept them as 'friends' because we were before the election & hoped to again. But they unfriended me just because I had commented that even Republicans are entitled to their opinions & shouldn't be chastised for it, just as Democrats do. (trying to keep peace between 2 family members of opposing sides) and BOY did I get told. And the worst offenders, that I know are from the left.
When the right steals an election, it upsets the left. Give it time.

As I've posted elsewhere on the board to a similar comment...........Nobody stole a damn thing, except Hillary stealing the nomination from Sanders.
Here's an interesting piece:

Most partisans treat politics like sports rivalries, study shows

"What is the consequence of today's polarized politics? What's motivating partisans to vote in this climate?" said Patrick Miller, a University of Kansas assistant professor of political science. "For too many of them, it's not high-minded, good-government, issue-based goals. It's, 'I hate the other party. I'm going to go out, and we're going to beat them.' That's troubling."

When it came to uncivil attitudes, 38 percent of partisans agreed that their parties should use any tactics necessary to “win elections and issue debates.” When those who agreed with this view were asked what tactics they had in mind, the most common ones they offered were voter suppression, stealing or cheating in elections, physical violence and threats against the other party, lying, personal attacks on opponents, not allowing the other party to speak and using the filibuster to gridlock Congress. Democrats and Republicans were equally likely to express this opinion.

"This is the first research to show that strong partisans who are motivated by partisan conflict are endorsing uncivil attitudes about the political process," Miller said. "This comes to an important point. If our politicians are polarized and uncivil, maybe it's because many voters are polarized and uncivil."

Welcome to American politics, not a game for sissies.
Yes, I think "game" is an appropriate word for it.
I can't disagree. In truth, I don't run into many radicalized leftists in real life. They have been regulated to places like this and the leadership of the Democrat party (LOL, sorry, couldn't resist). They get a lot of attention because they keep upping the outrageous things they are doing to stay in the headlines. They get full cooperation from the activist media as well, so it seems more prevailent than it really is. Kind of like the left and their on demand core of outraged progressive groups they trot out when they want America to think they are being wronged.
I live in a smaller state (it's kinda purple, leaning blue), and I have a dear friend who has always been (what I would call) a mainstream Democrat, and we've always agreed on a majority of the issues. But, beginning around the time Trump announced, she went completely nuts. Two, three, four over-the-top posts and memes on Facebook a day, and some of them are REALLY nasty in attacking Trump and the GOP.

A few months ago I made the mistake of (mildly) disagreeing with her on one, and she went completely ape shit, threatening to "unfriend" me. It was pretty wild, and I've seen her do that with others.

I haven't done THAT again.
Well, it's not My place, but I usually break off relationships with people like that. I've walked away from someone I admire as an editor and writing mentor because of how unhinged she has become with regard to Trump. Prior, she was reasonable to talk with regarding policies of both parties, now there is no talking to her at all, so I don't. You'll have to chose what you want to do about it, but honestly, this isn't actually rare. Just look at the students in Washington State. They're attacking one of the most progressive professors in the country for not agreeing with them. I call it, "Eating their own".

I agree that people have went NUTS with this past election. I've had family & friends go bezerk over it like I've never seen before. Normally politics was never an issue......whether we agreed or not....it just was and was ok. I blocked a few on FB just because I was tired of seeing what they posted....but kept them as 'friends' because we were before the election & hoped to again. But they unfriended me just because I had commented that even Republicans are entitled to their opinions & shouldn't be chastised for it, just as Democrats do. (trying to keep peace between 2 family members of opposing sides) and BOY did I get told. And the worst offenders, that I know are from the left.
When the right steals an election, it upsets the left. Give it time.

As I've posted elsewhere on the board to a similar comment...........Nobody stole a damn thing, except Hillary stealing the nomination from Sanders.
Sanders has never, ever, not even once been a Democrat. Try again.
Here's an interesting piece:

Most partisans treat politics like sports rivalries, study shows

"What is the consequence of today's polarized politics? What's motivating partisans to vote in this climate?" said Patrick Miller, a University of Kansas assistant professor of political science. "For too many of them, it's not high-minded, good-government, issue-based goals. It's, 'I hate the other party. I'm going to go out, and we're going to beat them.' That's troubling."

When it came to uncivil attitudes, 38 percent of partisans agreed that their parties should use any tactics necessary to “win elections and issue debates.” When those who agreed with this view were asked what tactics they had in mind, the most common ones they offered were voter suppression, stealing or cheating in elections, physical violence and threats against the other party, lying, personal attacks on opponents, not allowing the other party to speak and using the filibuster to gridlock Congress. Democrats and Republicans were equally likely to express this opinion.

"This is the first research to show that strong partisans who are motivated by partisan conflict are endorsing uncivil attitudes about the political process," Miller said. "This comes to an important point. If our politicians are polarized and uncivil, maybe it's because many voters are polarized and uncivil."

Welcome to American politics, not a game for sissies.
Yes, I think "game" is an appropriate word for it.
Of course it is. Do you think this was invented yesterday? We've been calling each other bastards, and accusing each of being and spreading rumors of the other creating bastards, as long as we've been a nation.
I live in a smaller state (it's kinda purple, leaning blue), and I have a dear friend who has always been (what I would call) a mainstream Democrat, and we've always agreed on a majority of the issues. But, beginning around the time Trump announced, she went completely nuts. Two, three, four over-the-top posts and memes on Facebook a day, and some of them are REALLY nasty in attacking Trump and the GOP.

A few months ago I made the mistake of (mildly) disagreeing with her on one, and she went completely ape shit, threatening to "unfriend" me. It was pretty wild, and I've seen her do that with others.

I haven't done THAT again.
Well, it's not My place, but I usually break off relationships with people like that. I've walked away from someone I admire as an editor and writing mentor because of how unhinged she has become with regard to Trump. Prior, she was reasonable to talk with regarding policies of both parties, now there is no talking to her at all, so I don't. You'll have to chose what you want to do about it, but honestly, this isn't actually rare. Just look at the students in Washington State. They're attacking one of the most progressive professors in the country for not agreeing with them. I call it, "Eating their own".

I agree that people have went NUTS with this past election. I've had family & friends go bezerk over it like I've never seen before. Normally politics was never an issue......whether we agreed or not....it just was and was ok. I blocked a few on FB just because I was tired of seeing what they posted....but kept them as 'friends' because we were before the election & hoped to again. But they unfriended me just because I had commented that even Republicans are entitled to their opinions & shouldn't be chastised for it, just as Democrats do. (trying to keep peace between 2 family members of opposing sides) and BOY did I get told. And the worst offenders, that I know are from the left.
When the right steals an election, it upsets the left. Give it time.

As I've posted elsewhere on the board to a similar comment...........Nobody stole a damn thing, except Hillary stealing the nomination from Sanders.
Sanders has never, ever, not even once been a Democrat. Try again.

Whether he really is or was, makes no difference.....but he did run on that ticket & got forked by Hillary.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Well, it's not My place, but I usually break off relationships with people like that. I've walked away from someone I admire as an editor and writing mentor because of how unhinged she has become with regard to Trump. Prior, she was reasonable to talk with regarding policies of both parties, now there is no talking to her at all, so I don't. You'll have to chose what you want to do about it, but honestly, this isn't actually rare. Just look at the students in Washington State. They're attacking one of the most progressive professors in the country for not agreeing with them. I call it, "Eating their own".

I agree that people have went NUTS with this past election. I've had family & friends go bezerk over it like I've never seen before. Normally politics was never an issue......whether we agreed or not....it just was and was ok. I blocked a few on FB just because I was tired of seeing what they posted....but kept them as 'friends' because we were before the election & hoped to again. But they unfriended me just because I had commented that even Republicans are entitled to their opinions & shouldn't be chastised for it, just as Democrats do. (trying to keep peace between 2 family members of opposing sides) and BOY did I get told. And the worst offenders, that I know are from the left.
When the right steals an election, it upsets the left. Give it time.

As I've posted elsewhere on the board to a similar comment...........Nobody stole a damn thing, except Hillary stealing the nomination from Sanders.
Sanders has never, ever, not even once been a Democrat. Try again.

Whether he really is or was, makes no difference.....but he did run on that ticket & got forked by Hillary.
It makes a big difference. Shutting him out was the correct thing to do. The Elks don't let the Moose lodge members run to be their President. It's a two-party system. Sanders and Trump are members of neither. The GOP was just too weak to kill off Trump. Their big mistake.
My goal is to keep America a first world super power that cares about its people...Something people like Trump want to do away with.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Mac of both ways, never able to pick one. I know you think that makes you more worthy but - it doesn't.
I personally attack the otherside as I see them the same way one would see islamic terrorist...They want to destroy, control and turn everything they touch to shit.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Mac of both ways, never able to pick one. I know you think that makes you more worthy but - it doesn't.

Hey Mac, A few questions
1. Do you think we should educate our children, invest in infrastructure and be a leader in science? Because republicans don't...
2. Do you think LGBT people have a right to live in peace? Because most republicans don't.

Now choose your side.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Mac of both ways, never able to pick one. I know you think that makes you more worthy but - it doesn't.
Okay, fence sitter.

Happens all the time here. The conservatives will engage, the "progressives" do their usual deflect/pivot/attack routine.

Just as we see on this thread.
To post in the Flame Zone and laugh.

Upstairs is mostly a wasteland of partisans more interested in reinforcing their tribalism and calling the other side names rather than engaging in any serious discussion.

Very true.

You've been around this board long enough to know that it wasn't always as bad as it is now. I'm not sure when everything went to shit... Might have been around W's second term... Or maybe when the board was sold?
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Mac of both ways, never able to pick one. I know you think that makes you more worthy but - it doesn't.

Hey Mac, A few questions
1. Do you think we should educate our children, invest in infrastructure and be a leader in science? Because republicans don't...
2. Do you think LGBT people have a right to live in peace? Because most republicans don't.

Now choose your side.
1. Yes
2. Yes

I hope that helps. Now, if you'd like to know precisely where I stand on about ten other issues, you can just click the link at the end of my sig.

I've given the same suggestion to RightyTighty, but he is more interested in lying about me than in normal, adult conversation. He doesn't wanna know.
I continue to wonder what you think such behavior actually accomplishes.

I have little patience with weasels and hypocrites, and I delight in exposing them and taking them down a peg.

So, what do you think your smarmy holier-than-thou routine accomplishes?
Mac is sitting on a fence made of cake, and trying to have and eat it too.
Fascinating how I've had a few interesting conversations on this thread, and none of them have been with the "progressives".

They've all just tried to make it about me, illustrating the point of my thread perfectly.

The conservatives have tossed out some interesting ideas, even though they know I disagree with them on a majority of issues.

That happens pretty consistently here. There's just something about "progressives", they just don't like being civil.
Mac of both ways, never able to pick one. I know you think that makes you more worthy but - it doesn't.
Okay, fence sitter.

Happens all the time here. The conservatives will engage, the "progressives" do their usual deflect/pivot/attack routine.

Just as we see on this thread.

yep & when they do they get so worked up, there is no longer any point in arguing & time to walk away.....leaving them to babble with themselves.

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