POLL: Democrats - Is Trump asking for Russian interference in this clip?

Is Trump asking for Russian interference in this clip?

  • 3. I don't want to answer, I just want to complain about Mac

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Folks, just because we disagree on many issues, it doesn't mean that basic statements can't be true or false. I get that things can be interpreted differently, but I think we are straining the power of how subjective things can be.
Do we get to include peripheral evidence...like what Stone was telling Trump? Because when you include that, he is quasi-facetiously asking for help while ALSO mocking the press while ALSO, as proven in a court of Law, aware of what Stone was working on.
In the last couple of days, I've heard Democrats once again referring to this press conference moment as Trump asking the Russians to interfere with our elections and politics.

Here is what Trump says:

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens, that'll be next."

So do those Democrats honestly believe that he was trying to engage Russia, or do they just believe that he was mocking the American press?

I think he was mocking the press, and that those Democrats who are trying to make this clip into something else are just playing standard dishonest partisan politics.

Shut up.

Identity political loser

Just out of curiosity...

What the fuck is a "Identity political loser" ?


Who, claims he hates it and votes for the party that only uses identity politics.

He has a bunch of posts saved and never calls out the democrats for their nefarious rhetoric against Christians.


Mac is an identity political loser

K, thanks for the clarification, but your response raises another interesting question...

How do you know what party Mac votes for?

As aside... I never "calls out the democrats for the nefarious rhetoric against Christians" either, I figure the Christians can take care of that themselves, so I guess I'm a "Identity political loser" too ... :(

"Life is good and then, all of a sudden, you find out by accident you're a member of this whole category of people that you didn't even know existed"

You familiar with Mac at all? Besides, is anyone actually answering his obvious rhetorical question?

He still thinks there was collusion and his witch in a pants suit was cheated.

You didn't waste your time answering his pathetic survey did you?

Nope to all of it, just curious as to the basis of your unconventional assertion.

AnyHOOT, have a good one.
In the last couple of days, I've heard Democrats once again referring to this press conference moment as Trump asking the Russians to interfere with our elections and politics.

Here is what Trump says:

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens, that'll be next."

So do those Democrats honestly believe that he was trying to engage Russia, or do they just believe that he was mocking the American press?

I think he was mocking the press, and that those Democrats who are trying to make this clip into something else are just playing standard dishonest partisan politics.

Shut up.

Identity political loser

Just out of curiosity...

What the fuck is a "Identity political loser" ?


Who, claims he hates it and votes for the party that only uses identity politics.

He has a bunch of posts saved and never calls out the democrats for their nefarious rhetoric against Christians.


Mac is an identity political loser

K, thanks for the clarification, but your response raises another interesting question...

How do you know what party Mac votes for?

As aside... I never "calls out the democrats for the nefarious rhetoric against Christians" either, I figure the Christians can take care of that themselves, so I guess I'm a "Identity political loser" too ... :(

"Life is good and then, all of a sudden, you find out by accident you're a member of this whole category of people that you didn't even know existed"

You familiar with Mac at all? Besides, is anyone actually answering his obvious rhetorical question?

He still thinks there was collusion and his witch in a pants suit was cheated.

You didn't waste your time answering his pathetic survey did you?

I think there was collusion?

Hearing voices again, slugger? Nutters just love to make it up as you go, dontcha?
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Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna ask for help in front of a tv camera. That's something Joe Biden would do, not a smart person.
What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.
I'd agree that when you're spraying out hyperbolic bullshit 24/7 you're inviting stuff like this, but at the same time I think the Dems aren't being terribly honest themselves on this one.

What a group.
Wow, that might be the most special post I've seen this month. You can't be serious.

Snowflake, when you act like a retard, expect everyone to point that out. Trump asked Russia for interference, plain as day. Yet here you are, telling us he didn't ask for interference. That makes you look like a paste-eating moron. You look like someone who snarfed way too many lead paint chips as a child. You act like a retard, so everyone points and laughs.


Snowflake, understand that we don't care how badly you're triggered. We don't care if you cry "WAAAAAH! TDS! TDS! MOMMY, MAKE THE MEAN LIBERALS STOP HUMILIATING ME!". You need to be dragged out of your SafeSpaces and back into the real world, no matter how much it hurts you.
In the last couple of days, I've heard Democrats once again referring to this press conference moment as Trump asking the Russians to interfere with our elections and politics.

Here is what Trump says:

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens, that'll be next."

So do those Democrats honestly believe that he was trying to engage Russia, or do they just believe that he was mocking the American press?

I think he was mocking the press, and that those Democrats who are trying to make this clip into something else are just playing standard dishonest partisan politics.

I was watching (TV) when Trump said that. At the moment, I felt that he was pointing out that Russia probably already had copied HRC's emails since she was using an unsecure server.
Since Trump is clearly asking for Russian interference in that clip, someone would have to be pathologically dishonest to say he wasn't.

Thus, all the Trump cultists will say he wasn't.

It's fascinating, this anti-truth reality that Trump cultists reside in. They can see Trump asking for interference, and then claim the exact opposite happened. Cult brainwashing is a powerful force.
Speaking of humorless leftbat chumps. :auiqs.jpg:

Speaking of humorless leftbat chumps.

Just because I humiliate you on one thread is no reason to follow me around pouting.

Remember, things never turn out well for my pout-stalkers. They usually self-immolate. Pull out of the sanity death spiral now.
Speaking of humorless leftbat chumps.

Just because I humiliate you on one thread is no reason to follow me around pouting.

Remember, things never turn out well for my pout-stalkers. They usually self-immolate. Pull out of the sanity death spiral now.
You haven't humiliated anyone, Kooky Kat.

A sense of humor takes a level of intelligence that's far above your pay grade.....Maybe if Trump slipped on a banana peel or there was a poop joke involved, you might have laughed.
A sense of humor takes a level of intelligence that's far above your pay grade.....Maybe if Trump slipped on a banana peel or there was a poop joke involved, you might have laughed.

I find the irony here funny. After "speaking of humorless leftbat chumps" and "Kooky Cat", you're now bragging about your sophisticated sense of humor.

I know, you won't find the irony funny. Most conservatives are irony-impaired, being that irony requires self-awareness.

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