Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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His source was FAUCI. HE even told Fauci as he read it that it was HIS definition.
He read it directly from Dr. Fauci? Then compared it to the research actually being done by the institute?

Or just gaslighted you poor sycophants.
Which will get laughed out of the room. He knows this. This is theater for people like you.
It still will not entice people to believe Fauci. He changed his turn to many times. And there is something dirty about him. African Americans do not even believe him.
It still will not entice people to believe Fauci. He changed his turn to many times.
Functional , halfway intelligent adults understand that recommendations will change as new information comes in. So that leaves out about a third of America.
I don't have a medical degree, but the subject matter is not so complicated to be understood by relatively intelligent people.

"Gain of Function" is not really complicated subject matter, and whether funding was provided for certain research seems to be well established, as acknowledged by the author of the research.

So the only question seems to be, is making a virus that does not infect humans capable of infecting humans through laboratory manipulation, gain of function?

It seems pretty clear that it is, and Fauci admits that is what was done, but he disputes the labeling of it as "gain of function."

Why do so many people here agree with Fauci and think it is not? No one has explained that yet.
The quibbling over the term or weather or not the research was 'gain of function' is irrelevant anyway.

It is asinine to quibble over the term itself and Fauci does not even deny anything. He tries to, and seemingly succeeds, in shifting the testimony away from what it seems happened at the lab to one of what we want to call it. I could care less what he wants to call it, it seems that US funding was provided to a Chinese lab (which should really not be happening anyway), that lab was increasing the transmissibility of the virus and it leaked out.

I could give two shits what Fauci wants to call the research, it is not relevant to what actually happened.

I also see no reason why we should be funding Chinese labs on research of this nature.
The quibbling over the term or weather or not the research was 'gain of function' is irrelevant anyway.

It is asinine to quibble over the term itself and Fauci does not even deny anything. He tries to, and seemingly succeeds, in shifting the testimony away from what it seems happened at the lab to one of what we want to call it. I could care less what he wants to call it, it seems that US funding was provided to a Chinese lab (which should really not be happening anyway), that lab was increasing the transmissibility of the virus and it leaked out.

I could give two shits what Fauci wants to call the research, it is not relevant to what actually happened.

I also see no reason why we should be funding Chinese labs on research of this nature.
It still will not entice people to believe Fauci. He changed his turn to many times. And there is something dirty about him. African Americans do not even believe him.
In Appalachia, they don’t believe the virus is real. How many of these are blacks?
>He [Rand Paul] introduced the proof into the record.

Hah, you sure?
He does it at 0:36 in the video in Post #1.

In the post you replied to to make this lame comment, I provided a link to the whole paper.
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Fauci's comments in the past betray him. He said he supported Gain of Function testing Even if it risked causing a leak / pandemic.

He lied about knowing the origin was probably the Wuhan lab, & when tge e-mail sent to him about it was presented he knew nothing about it because he had decided it was too long to read..

He lied about his part in funding the research. As Paul made him admit, once the money was in the hands of the CCP he could not guarantee what the money was used gor and was notvused for.

Fauci has flip-glopped and changed his opinions after being proven wrong so many times he has proven he is only an expert in political BS & covering his ass.

The only thing he said that has been true, which he has flip-flopped on because if Teachers Union pressure, is that clorh masks do nothing to prevent one from getting tge virus, that children have virtually no risk of getting the virus, that the Delra variant has a mortality rate of 0.08% - less in children, and that prolonged wearing of masks is detrimental to one's health ESPECIALLY CHILDREN.

Fauci should be completely ignored, as we should remember while he was spreading the Democrat mask mansate message the SOB was caught maskless, not sovial distancing at a baseball game, undercuttoing his own message while proving he was / is just another lying, hypocritical Demofrat lik Ed Pelosi, Newsom, Whitmer, Biden Harris, & others.

Fauci also told everyone that masks were not very effective, and later said if they work, two will work better than one.

He did not agree with Trump shutting the border to China about a week after the first confirmed US case, but he certainly supported shutting America down.

He told everyone to go ahead and take their cruises. Shortly thereafter, there was a major outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess, and people were quarantined for weeks after a major outbreak.

He also encourages people who have recovered from COVID to get vaccinated, when they have natural immunity from the real virus (as opposed to a man-made spike protein in the vaccines). Natural immunity is more effective than the vaccines (1). It's always the case. Vaccines try to mimic natural immunity.

And he has the audacity to equate criticizing him with criticizing "science."

(1 Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals
"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study."
Already did, in post #100.
What you posted was...

Paul’s article shows that one of the viruses was LYRa11. Badger’s post shows that LYRa11 was a gain of function for the virus as it relates to human ACE2 receptors. Duh

All Paul's article says about "LYRa11" is ...

Another strain from Rhinolophus affinis in Yunnan termed LYRa11 showed 90% aa sequence identity to SARS-CoV in the S gene

Where does it state Wuhan worked with LYRa11? Where does it show LYRa11 was juiced with gain-of-function research? What does LYRa11 have to do with Wuhan funding in 2014 or later when it was sampled in Yunnan in 2011?

Fauci also told everyone that masks were not very effective, and later said if they work, two will work better than one.

He did not agree with Trump shutting the border to China about a week after the first confirmed US case, but he certainly supported shutting America down.

He told everyone to go ahead and take their cruises. Shortly thereafter, there was a major outbreak on the cruise ship Diamond Princess, and people were quarantined for weeks after a major outbreak.

He also encourages people who have recovered from COVID to get vaccinated, when they have natural immunity from the real virus (as opposed to a man-made spike protein in the vaccines). Natural immunity is more effective than the vaccines (1). It's always the case. Vaccines try to mimic natural immunity.

And he has the audacity to equate criticizing him with criticizing "science."

(1 Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals
"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study."
Fauci must be the dumbest expert on the planet, and the biggest criminal.
In the post you replied to to make this lame comment, I provided a link to the whole paper.
Yes i know. I read over it. Nothing alluding to gain of function in the abstract. In fact, it wasn't what they were doing. They were basically trying to build a sars family tree.

Repeating Rand's claim isn't support for it. And i am not seeing support for his claims in that paper. They weren't developing gain of function for new viruses. They used a gain of function to speed up the experiment, not to develop new viruses. Nor were they developing gain of function techniques (an acceptable form of which is used in every virus lab on Earth, apparently). So no, it was not funding of gain of function research.

Basically...stop me if you've heard this one... Rand doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.

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