Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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For those who actually paid attention and were smart enough to stay focused it is obvious that Paul nailed Dr, Fauci dead-to-rights once again, that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.

FOCUS: The subject / issue is 'Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.'

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci previously declared he had NOT funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci had directed / affected NIH grant funding of the Wuhan Lab

Paul previously, when this came out, forced Fauci to admit under oath that he (Fauci) could not guarantee that once the money was put in the CCP's / Wuhan Lab's that it did NOT go to GoF Research, that it was very possibLe that the money was used to do GoF research

Paul read Dr. Fauci's own definition of Gof research then pointed out what was done at the Wuhan lab matched Fauci's exact definition of GoF research

(Previously Fauci's own past Comments about he fully supported GoF research EVEN IF THERE WAS A THREAT OF A LEAK / PANDEMIC)


Paul NEVER accused Fauci of conducting GoF research that resulted in COVID-19 that most probably leaked from the Wuhan Lab
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of leaking the virus
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of killing millions of people all over the world with COVID-19
Paul made it clear that Fauci provided the CCP / Wuhan Lab with funding that was most probably used to conduct GoF research, which he did

The subject of discussion was NOT if Fauci had 'killed' millions, but Fauci swiftly changed the topic by falsely accusing Paul of accusing him (Fauci) of being responsible for COVID-19 / of killing millions around the world and 'killing' the global economy

Paul nailed Fauci on his part in NIH funding the Wuhan lab, which Fauci did deny earlier of having anything to do with.

Give the definition of the GOF research that the NIH continued to ban.

Tell us what Fauci and the grant applicationsaid was being funded by the NIH grant.

See the difference?
Give the definition of the GOF research that the NIH continued to ban.

Tell us what Fauci and the grant applicationsaid was being funded by the NIH grant.

See the difference?
You’ll have to produce the documented definition according to NIH and the text of the grant then, if we’re going to do commands to the prisoners.

Rick Bright is the connection to the scrubbing that occurred on the CDC Variants page, as well as a BARDA member, the latter impeccably linking Fau Chi’s Moderna stock.

Rick Bright
Give the definition of the GOF research that the NIH continued to ban.

Tell us what Fauci and the grant applicationsaid was being funded by the NIH grant.

See the difference?
My definition of GoF research does not matter. Paul read FAUCI's definition of GoF research, and it was Fauci's definition that is important. Again, by Fauci's own definition of GoF research Fauci funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab.
Gain-of-function research is medical research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range. This research is intended to reveal targets to better predict emerging infectious diseases and to develop vaccines and therapeutics.
Almost verbatim what Rand read to Fauci, and it is EXACTLY what happened.

Fauci said "everybody agreed that this was not gain-of-function even though it was."

All the Nazis agreed that it was not genocide, so I guess it wasn't genocide, right?
Previous post is yet another maga fuckup brought to you by Angry White Fuckups, Inc.
Except it is true.

And whites aren't the ones that are angry. We are doing just fine. It's not us stupid enough to burn down our own communities...
Now stay on point. This is Obama's pandemic. That he paid for to gain function in China. For this outcome:

Titled, The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, the paper was written in 2015 by 18 Chinese military scientists and weapons experts. They stated that a family of viruses called coronaviruses could be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before.” Noteworthily, the cause of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is a coronavirus that first emerged in Wuhan, China, and was named SARS-CoV-2. The document also highlighted how these engineered viruses will lead to a “new era of genetic weapons” and fantasized about a bioweapon attack that could cause the “enemy’s medical system to collapse.”

^exactly what happened...
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Pelosi and Biden are going to throw Fauci under the bus because he is indefensible.
They want to get Fauci out of the way as an issue for the 2022 midterms.
There are all kinds people and countries that are going to be lined up to sue him, and perhaps even sue the US government.
This issue is going to get much worse for the Troglocrats.
Thanks for the Moderna info. We were tracking the J&J-Janssen fentanyl trajectory connected to CDC scrubbing info on their Variants page, which links to data on the performance of various vaccines. The hot statistic would be to find out if Fau Chi’s stock investment was more or less intelligent than the other ones.
We all know Congress can do insider trading without consequence, but does anyone know if lying government stooge bureaucrats also are immune from prosecution of insider trading?

The SEC should be looking into this, right?
We’ve already caught the cocksucker either deliberately or as a Freudian slip, getting a major C-19 mutation backwards in his video. Therefore, those who (have not [italics]) seen OP’s video yet may be more fortunate than those who have: the former can first watch it with the sound turned off, watch only the movements.
We all know Congress can do insider trading without consequence, but does anyone know if lying government stooge bureaucrats also are immune from prosecution of insider trading?

The SEC should be looking into this, right?
Most definitely SEC. Fau Chi’s years on the HIV/AIDS committees gave him the avaricious overconfidence necessary to finally cause his (organism [italics]) to balk at the contradictions. Thus, the Freudian slip.
My definition of GoF research does not matter. Paul read FAUCI's definition of GoF research, and it was Fauci's definition that is important. Again, by Fauci's own definition of GoF research Fauci funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab.
What's Rand's evidence...?

Rand Paul says he has written to the DOJ seeking a criminal referral of Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress after expert insisted he had not funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab during fractious exchange​

  • The Kentucky senator appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Tuesday
  • Paul earlier on Tuesday had angrily clashed with Dr Anthony Fauci in the Senate
  • He accused Fauci of lying when he said he did not fund gain of function research
  • Fauci hit back, telling Paul that he was the one who was spreading lies
  • Tuesday night Paul said he wanted a criminal complaint for lying to Congress
I will be sending a letter to Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to congress,' Paul told Sean Hannity.

It's too bad the DOJ is so crooked. It will probably go nowhere.
other countries might want to sue dr fauci and the US government

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