Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Fauci's defense is lame in the extreme. He admitted that he had dealings with the lab in China and supported it but went off on a convoluted rant that had nothing to do with the facts. In an honest world the mainstream media would be pushing for an indictment but so far they are silent.
Fauci's defense is lame in the extreme. He admitted that he had dealings with the lab in China and supported it but went off on a convoluted rant that had nothing to do with the facts. In an honest world the mainstream media would be pushing for an indictment but so far they are silent.

The guy is dirty.......and if the democrats did not control the press and the Department of Justice, he would likely be in cuffs already...
Working with the Chinese at the bio weapon lab to develop the chinese flu.

He better hope the democrats keep needing him....because they will hang him out to dry at the first opportunity...
Where did Dr. Fauci work in China?
Regarding what? I could have never heard of Fauci and all the same info on covid would still be out there. I dont think i relied on Fauci much at all.
The country has throughout the entire epidemic. You wearing a mask, were on shutdown, or having to get tha vaccine?
Working with the Chinese at the bio weapon lab to develop the chinese flu.

He better hope the democrats keep needing him....because they will hang him out to dry at the first opportunity...
As Dems already tried to blame FB for missing their vaccinated goal, Dems will need someone to blame when the covid number is killing their polls. if I were he, I would look into an early retirement exit plan.
Fauci, when Paul allowed him to speak said

Senator, you do not know what you are talking about
Senator, you are the one who is lying

Here we have a former Optometrist lecturing a world renowned viral infection expert on the science of viral research
Dr. Paul is not a former optometrist. He is a practicing ophthalmologist who travels with Doctors without Borders every year performing eye surgeries. Fauci is a bureaucrat who has long ago lost whatever grasp he had on medicine. During this entire unfortunate exercise in government seizing power, Fauci has proved himself for sale to any bidder on either side.
Watch again retard. And watch for more than the first reply.
I've just DIRECTLY QUOTED to you your own link and it shows Faucci explaining to you the primary use for masks, directly contradicting your claim that he said they are useless.

Do you accept plain english? Nope, like a total idiot you double down on stupid.
Jesus, anyone who thinks typical masks do anything except potentially damage the health of the user is literally insane.

We currently have a psychopathic, Europhobic idiot as Attorney General so rest assured Fraudi will not be charged with lying to Congress (which he did) along with the deaths, and economic damage Fraudi caused by using US tax dollars to finance the Fauci Flu. Folks need to realize Chinese and Russian virus experimenters have been in the employment of Fauci's NIH since the 1980's and doing crazy ass experiments in US labs, although in this case Fraudi outsourced it to avoid a temporary ban. The other interesting thing is to look at Fraudi and AIDS and compare it with Fraudi and the Frauci Flu. Back in 1980's he was insisting AIDS is an epidemic and every normal person can get it, not just qu33rs and Haitians and blacks in Africa. Point being Fraudi, the Pharma Industrial Complex, and the Military Industrial Complex (zog) was seeking a short cut for world domination way back then. Fraudi finally got his way with the Fraudi Flu. Here is an interesting discussion.

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Long story short :laugh: Fraudi is a megalomaniac doing the bidding of evil, international financiers.
First off we need to get one thing straight. Gain-of-function research is a legitimate medical research that intentionally mutates viruses in order to test new versions of treatments on them. the US funds Labs all over the world and in the US to do this research and that included the Latin Wuhan.

so she did technically lied to Congress when he said that the US government never funded the lab in Wuhan.

But you also have to take into account the reality that the anger over this funding is because of a life read by Republicans including "doctor" Rand Payl. and that lie is that the lab in Wuhan was a weapons lab which created bio weapons and that doctor falci in a secret cabal of Democrats were secretly funding them without permission.
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

Who cares? Fauci blew the shit out if that Republican stooge.
It's a witch hunt which will come to nothing.
Working with the Chinese at the bio weapon lab to develop the chinese flu.

He better hope the democrats keep needing him....because they will hang him out to dry at the first opportunity...
Lets get a few things straight...

This article explains a bit better but it doesn't seem that there was Gain of Function going on in that lab..

If the was 'Gain of Function' going on it would be under Trump Administration... Obama put a pause to funding it for 3 years, Trump let that ban die. So Trump's Admin is administration would be the reason they got funding..

Sorry but Rand Paul seems highly unprofessional here and really just wanted to be a witness... Let be one and let Fauci ask the questions..
It is fascinating how TDS folks interpret what they allegedly see. Senator Paul destroyed Fraudi as usual and suggested he should get 5 years for lying to Congress (which Fraudi did obvsiously) and causing quite a few deaths and maybe a trillion dollars of destruction to Western civilization? In contrast Roger Stone got raided with assorted government, douchebag agents and qu33r CNN for doing basically nothing.
Dr. Paul is not a former optometrist. He is a practicing ophthalmologist who travels with Doctors without Borders every year performing eye surgeries. Fauci is a bureaucrat who has long ago lost whatever grasp he had on medicine. During this entire unfortunate exercise in government seizing power, Fauci has proved himself for sale to any bidder on either side.
He has said things wrong about COVID in the past and he is continuing today...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This information frees up millions of doses of vaccines for those not yet infected in places with vaccine shortages like India.<a href="No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests">No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests</a></p>&mdash; Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) <a href="">June 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He didn't explain that immunity is only for a few months and not fool proof... Paul doesn't give a shit how many people die, as long as he doesn't look bad..

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