Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Funny, the WaPo article concludes,
"the NIH connection to possible gain-of-function research appears so far to be elusive."

The paper Paul referenced includes:
"This work was jointly funded by...the National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964)"
Yes, because of the difference (important to a government official) between a legal version of gain of function to comply with a "treaty" of sorts (which guides our scientists and government) and a more colloquial version. That's one of the things the article informs us on. If Rand has a problem with the current state of ethics of viral research, then he should say so and say why. His argument (not that the buffoon Rand knows it) really boils down to violating the spirit of the ethics agreement, vs. what can be performed and funded. (and of trying to blame political enemies for an accident in China, his only real reason to be there, in that silly head of his).

There are good points in the things Rand brings to our attention. Quite by accident and expedience, no doubt. But it is an important discussion that we need to have. Just as important is how we treat our frontiers between humans and wildlife, and for the same reasons.
Paul has no proof. Just a handful of nondescript papers and a loud voice. Say something enough times to the right group of people..and they will eventually believe it as truth.
He's spouting a political slant. That's all. No fact. Just slant.
He introduced the proof into the record.

It's right here...

Read it all, and let us know your summary, LOL.
Rand Paul was just on Hannity minutes ago and from what I've seen and heard, Faulci is going to jail. Paul said he is sending a request tomorrow to the DOJ to have a criminal investigation on the rat bastard.
haha, lil' Napoleon got embarrassed again
Fauci isn't good at his job. In the private sector he would have been fired many, many years ago. In government, he's the highest paid employee. The only place total incompetents can thrive like this is in government.
Fauci's comments in the past betray him. He said he supported Gain of Function testing Even if it risked causing a leak / pandemic.

He lied about knowing the origin was probably the Wuhan lab, & when tge e-mail sent to him about it was presented he knew nothing about it because he had decided it was too long to read..

He lied about his part in funding the research. As Paul made him admit, once the money was in the hands of the CCP he could not guarantee what the money was used gor and was notvused for.

Fauci has flip-glopped and changed his opinions after being proven wrong so many times he has proven he is only an expert in political BS & covering his ass.

The only thing he said that has been true, which he has flip-flopped on because if Teachers Union pressure, is that clorh masks do nothing to prevent one from getting tge virus, that children have virtually no risk of getting the virus, that the Delra variant has a mortality rate of 0.08% - less in children, and that prolonged wearing of masks is detrimental to one's health ESPECIALLY CHILDREN.

Fauci should be completely ignored, as we should remember while he was spreading the Democrat mask mansate message the SOB was caught maskless, not sovial distancing at a baseball game, undercuttoing his own message while proving he was / is just another lying, hypocritical Demofrat lik Ed Pelosi, Newsom, Whitmer, Biden Harris, & others.
haha, lil' Napoleon got embarrassed again
This is an extract of an email from Rand Paul that I received 90 minutes ago from [email protected].

join me

On May 11th, Dr. Fauci lied to our faces.

He came to the Senate and told us that the NIH absolutely did not fund gain of function research.

That simply isn't true and I gave Dr. Fauci the chance to retract his statements in our Senate hearing today.

No surprise, he stood by his lies.
It's never been more clear that Dr. Fauci believes he's invincible. He believes our strong bureaucracy and his corrupt allies in Congress will defend him till the end. He thinks he can avoid accountability completely.

I'm doing everything to prove him wrong.

I'm leading the charge to #FIREFAUCI and hold him accountable for lying to Congress, misleading the public, and for his well-documented role in providing funds to the Wuhan Lab in China so they can create bioweapons like COVID-19
Now do a global one:

Smart people
Dumb people
Impossible to predict because I don't know the truth...and neither do you...

With our ever divisive and agenda driven media, its impossible to know what's true, whats up, whats sideways.

Its funny, in an era where we have unprecedented access to any and all information, at our fingertips, and nobody REALLY knows whats going on.
This is an extract of an email from Rand Paul that I received 90 minutes ago from [email protected].

join me

On May 11th, Dr. Fauci lied to our faces.

He came to the Senate and told us that the NIH absolutely did not fund gain of function research.

That simply isn't true and I gave Dr. Fauci the chance to retract his statements in our Senate hearing today.

No surprise, he stood by his lies.
It's never been more clear that Dr. Fauci believes he's invincible. He believes our strong bureaucracy and his corrupt allies in Congress will defend him till the end. He thinks he can avoid accountability completely.

I'm doing everything to prove him wrong.

I'm leading the charge to #FIREFAUCI and hold him accountable for lying to Congress, misleading the public, and for his well-documented role in providing funds to the Wuhan Lab in China so they can create bioweapons like COVID-19
Hah..."bioweapon". Yes, they are going to release a virus that infects all their own citizens as a bioweapon. Whoever wrote that is a moron.
Impossible to predict because I don't know the truth...and neither do you...
That Fauci personally funded development of covid 19? Or of a chinese government apparatus to create bioweapons? Hmm, i am pretty sure it's not hard to figure.
Hah..."bioweapon". Yes, they are going to release a virus that infects all their own citizens as a bioweapon. Whoever wrote that is a moron.

Are you really this stupid, or do you just post as if you are this stupid........

How do you know the Chinese haven't had a vaccine for this all along?

If the Chinese accidentally released this that is one thing......but the concept, you fucking moron, is to develop a bio weapon, create the cure, then release it....which is what they are planning on doing with their research, you idiot......
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

Fauci has lied about covid, since the beginning.
Haha, that's even dumber. So they waited to be, what, 3rd in vaccine development?

This is absurd.

You do understand that they lie.....right? They are 1930s Germany all over again.........

Are you really this fucking stupid....? Please......tell us.....
Haha, that's even dumber. So they waited to be, what, 3rd in vaccine development?

This is absurd.

The timing of the chinese flu, released from the chinese military bio weapon lab, couldn't have been better for them......the one thing Trump had was the economy which was booming. The release of the virus allowed the democrats to crush the economies in their states, and to tamper with the election processes here......the timing was just right.....
i know you're a piece of shit, that would disagree with another piece of dog shit if it were republican
your pathetic life is just that---pathetic---you whine ass pussy

Bbbuut he has like 226,000 posts!!!! He's an "expert"!!!

Roflmao....Jeebus how does anyone have 226,000 posts? Lol
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