Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Another idiot who believes an eye doctor knows more about virology than the world's most renowned epidemiologist.

Once again, you prove how functionally brain dead you really are.
Can I ask you a simple question?

If he’s the worlds most renowned epidemiologist how the fuck did he not know what to do when it first started spreading? I keep hearing you idiots say he was just learning on the job and coming up with new remedies on the fly. Yet he’s also supposed to be the guy who knows what to do before it gets out of control. You can’t have both fauxi knows everything and he was just making shit up as it went along.

What kind of worthless is an expert that only reacts as shit happens? Anybody can do that. A world renowned fucking expert should know ahead of time. That’s what makes you an expert.
If i found out the NIH was funding viral research meant to help development of treatments and vaccines, and then a facility released a novel virus by accident, i would not be upset simply that we funded such research. Would you? The discussion would turn to the ethics of viral research and safety of facilities, IMO.
That’s splitting some already split hairs. We were finding the bat plague gain of function research. End of story.
Can I ask you a simple question?

If he’s the worlds most renowned epidemiologist how the fuck did he not know what to do when it first started spreading? I keep hearing you idiots say he was just learning on the job and coming up with new remedies on the fly. Yet he’s also supposed to be the guy who knows what to do before it gets out of control. You can’t have both fauxi knows everything and he was just making shit up as it went along.

What kind of worthless is an expert that only reacts as shit happens? Anybody can do that. A world renowned fucking expert should know ahead of time. That’s what makes you an expert.
He’s been learning on the fly since his recommendations killed all those AIDS infected folks.
Fauci's word don't mean shit to me after he first told the nation on TV that masks were a waste of time, then retracted that to say something totally different later.
Cool story bro, except of course he didn't say that.
That’s splitting some already split hairs
Well you better send that memo to the global scientific Community. Because this is actually an ongoing debate. But won't they be shocked that someone with absolutely zero education or experience in any relevant field has solved it already!
Well you better send that memo to the global scientific Community. Because this is actually an ongoing debate. But won't they be shocked that someone with absolutely zero education or experience in any relevant field has solved it already!
I see your such a fraud you’re back to not addressing full quotes. Suck a dick you hack.
I see your such a fraud you’re back to not addressing full quotes. Suck a dick you hack.
Dont be a whiny little bitch. I am not going to respond to every steaming turd you pinch off. And when people can read your entire post just above mine and did so before getting to my post, your steaming turds are quite safe.
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Paul has no proof. Just a handful of nondescript papers and a loud voice. Say something enough times to the right group of people..and they will eventually believe it as truth.
He's spouting a political slant. That's all. No fact. Just slant.
What is a non-descript paper? Paul’s chrestomathy paper describes gain of function as a mechanism. The virus in Paul’s paper crosses species. What does that mean to you, gain or loss of function?
Can I ask you a simple question?

If he’s the worlds most renowned epidemiologist how the fuck did he not know what to do when it first started spreading? I keep hearing you idiots say he was just learning on the job and coming up with new remedies on the fly. Yet he’s also supposed to be the guy who knows what to do before it gets out of control. You can’t have both fauxi knows everything and he was just making shit up as it went along.

What kind of worthless is an expert that only reacts as shit happens? Anybody can do that. A world renowned fucking expert should know ahead of time. That’s what makes you an expert.
I'll tell you one thing Fauci DIDN'T do. Suggest to people that shoving a light bulb up your ass & drining bleach was worth looking into. He also didn't claim that it was one guy from China, we'd be over it by Easter, it's nothing to worry about, & that he wouldn't wear a mask because he thought he'd fucking look bad. And Fauci didn't hold hate rallies all over the country spreading the virus all over the place to stroke his super ego.
I'll tell you one thing Fauci DIDN'T do. Suggest to people that shoving a light bulb up your ass & drining bleach was worth looking into. He also didn't claim that it was one guy from China, we'd be over it by Easter, it's nothing to worry about, & that he wouldn't wear a mask because he thought he'd fucking look bad. And Fauci didn't hold hate rallies all over the country spreading the virus all over the place to stroke his super ego.
PIG-lousi set those super spreaders up...my how quickly brain dead, scum demonRATS forget
What is a non-descript paper? Paul’s chrestomathy paper describes gain of function as a mechanism. The virus in Paul’s paper crosses species. What does that mean to you, gain or loss of function?
Neither. It means he's trying to make a political point. As has been told to you many times tonight. But feel free to keep parroting the party line.
Again, I think Paul's neighbor should have beat him harder. I think he enjoys it. :)
When he had little information and was trying to stave off a mask shortage for healthcare workers. Like every normal, functioning adult, he quickly changed his tune in light of new information.
A normal functioning adult doesn’t lie out their ass like he admitted to doing. I can’t believe you morons are running with this. If he thought masks would save you from dying he lied to you to get masks to someone other than you. He left you hanging and defenseless because you didn’t matter. If he knew masks were needed he could have told you to use something to cover your nose and mouth a tshirt, a sock, anything but we need masks for medical people. He didn’t do that. He told you no, you don’t need a mask at all. And you still trust this fucking guy. He decided you were expendable. And you still hang on his every word. WTF is wrong with you?
Dont be a whiny little bitch. I am not going to respond to every steaming turd you pinch off. And when people can read your entire post just above mine and did so before getting to my post, your steaming turds are quite safe.
Address the entire statement or fuck off. You fucking fraud.

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