Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Most all of Covid has been a statistical lie. Now the new shiny object is the more contagious, but less lethal, Delta and next up is Epsilon as the lockdown loons gotta keep banging that drum to force us into being as unproductive as they are.
The lockdowns are the newest communist tactic to take control.
Most all of Covid has been a statistical lie. Now the new shiny object is the more contagious, but less lethal, Delta and next up is Epsilon as the lockdown loons gotta keep banging that drum to force us into being as unproductive as they are.
Why are you calling it the Delta variant?
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

A good read:

Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

You mean the eye doctor? Claiming to know about epidemiology?
I'll go with the Dr. who didn't get rich sucking millions out of Medicare BEFORE deciding Medicare was bad.
You mean the eye doctor? Claiming to know about epidemiology?
I'll go with the Dr. who didn't get rich sucking millions out of Medicare BEFORE deciding Medicare was bad.
ok...delusional though
fake-i -sucks AMERICA out of 750,000 a year...
When you take a small amount of virus and grow it in a lab to study it… that’s gain of function

Can that create problems? It can and care needs to be taken but that is the only way to study virus’

Did the NIH give money to Ecohealth? Yes. Did Ecohealth give money to the Wuhan lab? Yes
Was it provided for Gof F ? No

Was Gof F the cause of the outbreak? There is no evidence that it did.
polly want a cracker?
Better still,

‘If anybody is lying here, senator, it is you,’​

Well, yeah, duh...we knew that already. :)
I know you are but what am I. That’s a response you want from this fraud? Paul is sitting there with proof and this is what you’re running with.
Gain of Function is a buzzword Rand Paul picked up off of Ted Cruz

Neither knows what it means

MAYBE if they let Fauci get a word in edgewise, he could teach them
Gain of function has been what we call making viruses more lethal for years. WTF are you going to redefine it as now?
I knew you would CRAP OUT. You're just a crapper, Jack---- a LOT of gas followed by a little turd.

Too bad I already heard him admit he knew he was lying in order to save more masks for the hospitals.

Your whole life is nothing but problems. Jack, you are the square block in the round-hole universe of Life.
If Fauci was a Trump ass licker you guys would be kissing HIS ass. You clowns are still pissing & moning about him because he told the truth about COVID & your boy who was more worried about his fucking poll numbers then he was about people dying. It's a shame the bastard made it out of Walter Reed under his own power. That's more then can be said about the hundreds of thousand who died under Trump's reign of incompetence, corruption & blatent self dealing.
The left and fauxi desperately would like you all to stop digging into the fact the government funded this virus with your tax dollars. Can you please just not talk about that.
Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.

Another idiot who believes an eye doctor knows more about virology than the world's most renowned epidemiologist.

Once again, you prove how functionally brain dead you really are.
Not so simple. Read the WaPo article above.
It is that simple. They sure as hell aren’t making these things lose function. Fauxi has been in charge of a pandemic he helped create for clots to two years now. And he used your tax dollars to do it. Come to terms with that.
I know you are but what am I. That’s a response you want from this fraud? Paul is sitting there with proof and this is what you’re running with.
Paul has no proof. Just a handful of nondescript papers and a loud voice. Say something enough times to the right group of people..and they will eventually believe it as truth.
He's spouting a political slant. That's all. No fact. Just slant.
The left and fauxi desperately would like you all to stop digging into the fact the government funded this virus with your tax dollars. Can you please just not talk about that.
If i found out the NIH was funding viral research meant to help development of treatments and vaccines, and then a facility released a novel virus by accident, i would not be upset simply that we funded such research. Would you? The discussion would turn to the ethics of viral research and safety of facilities, IMO.
This was awesome. By my count,

Fauci 4
Paul 0

You would think that Paul would get tired of getting his ass beat but ever since his neighbor laid one on him, I've thinking he kinda likes it :)
You would think that- fake-i would get tired of getting his ass beat by- rand paul....
what a mumbling, bumbling, lying shit stain -fake-i- is
Paul has no proof. Just a handful of nondescript papers and a loud voice. Say something enough times to the right group of people..and they will eventually believe it as truth.
He's spouting a political slant. That's all. No fact. Just slant.
like you went to Dr school....tell us, tell us do....

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