Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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You really don't want to bet. Rand Paul was just on Hannity minutes ago and from what I've seen and heard, Faulci is going to jail. Paul said he is sending a request tomorrow to the DOJ to have a criminal investigation on the rat bastard.

Rand Paul says he has written to the DOJ seeking a criminal referral of Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress after expert insisted he had not funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab during fractious exchange​

  • The Kentucky senator appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Tuesday
  • Paul earlier on Tuesday had angrily clashed with Dr Anthony Fauci in the Senate
  • He accused Fauci of lying when he said he did not fund gain of function research
  • Fauci hit back, telling Paul that he was the one who was spreading lies
  • Tuesday night Paul said he wanted a criminal complaint for lying to Congress
I will be sending a letter to Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to congress,' Paul told Sean Hannity.

It's too bad the DOJ is so crooked. It will probably go nowhere.
I've just DIRECTLY QUOTED to you your own link and it shows Faucci explaining to you the primary use for masks, directly contradicting your claim that he said they are useless.

Do you accept plain english? Nope, like a total idiot you double down on stupid.

Read his emails....that is where he said they were useless....
Another idiot who believes an eye doctor knows more about virology than the world's most renowned epidemiologist.

Once again, you prove how functionally brain dead you really are.
Everyone and their mom knows what "gain of function" is. Except for fauzi, apparently. And you. And all the other dumbfucks that didnt bother to watch the video.
You do understand that they lie.....right? They are 1930s Germany all over again.........

Are you really this fucking stupid....? Please......tell us.....
yes. it is very fucking stupid
He has said things wrong about COVID in the past and he is continuing today...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This information frees up millions of doses of vaccines for those not yet infected in places with vaccine shortages like India.<a href="No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests">No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests</a></p>&mdash; Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) <a href="">June 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He didn't explain that immunity is only for a few months and not fool proof... Paul doesn't give a shit how many people die, as long as he doesn't look bad..

That’s right. Fau Chi is a not a field epidemiologist, he’s an armchair epidemiologist. That’s why we saw him conveniently step back from the initial origins media limelight and more into the vaccine-making media limelight. Fau Chi’s investments in pharmaceutical stock should definitely be scrutinized. The pharmaceutical link to Janssen and J&J is also connected to the CDC changing the published material on their variants webpage: Paul’s evidential text actually goes back to 2011, so the CIA’s circa 2014 propaganda shows their stupidity and inexperience as well.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is a scum bag plain and simple and Dr. Fauci nailed his raggedy ass today in the Senate hearing.

Here is a short clip of that heated exchange and I totally agree with Dr. Fauci - 100%:

un-educated, scum demonRATS have to say that shit to appease their master.....
He has said things wrong about COVID in the past and he is continuing today...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This information frees up millions of doses of vaccines for those not yet infected in places with vaccine shortages like India.<a href="No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests">No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests</a></p>&mdash; Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) <a href="">June 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

He didn't explain that immunity is only for a few months and not fool proof... Paul doesn't give a shit how many people die, as long as he doesn't look bad..

Yes but here Paul is speaking of the Cleveland Clinic before this last spike in Delta, which is the actual real-time expression of the viral genome as it learns more about its host from an international collective of genomes.
Lets get a few things straight...

This article explains a bit better but it doesn't seem that there was Gain of Function going on in that lab..

If the was 'Gain of Function' going on it would be under Trump Administration... Obama put a pause to funding it for 3 years, Trump let that ban die. So Trump's Admin is administration would be the reason they got funding..

Sorry but Rand Paul seems highly unprofessional here and really just wanted to be a witness... Let be one and let Fauci ask the questions..
Any pause the Arab Roosterfish POSPOTUS, Obama, was a theatrical gesture: military investments in vaccine-making were the driver, and the Obama-Biden administration funded Duke-NUS Singapore, when the signifier “Singapore” was a trendy one to use in discourse of the information-compromised. This precise funding linked to adenovirus vector technology that also went on to vaccinate the Russian military. Duh
I've just DIRECTLY QUOTED to you your own link and it shows Faucci explaining to you the primary use for masks, directly contradicting your claim that he said they are useless.

Do you accept plain english? Nope, like a total idiot you double down on stupid.
He admitted store bought masks are worthless. He then kept wearing a mask after he was vaccinated just for show to keep rubes like you masked up.

If you’re still basing your actions on what this fucking guy says you’re an idiot.
Dr. Paul is not a former optometrist. He is a practicing ophthalmologist who travels with Doctors without Borders every year performing eye surgeries. Fauci is a bureaucrat who has long ago lost whatever grasp he had on medicine. During this entire unfortunate exercise in government seizing power, Fauci has proved himself for sale to any bidder on either side.
Maga fuckup fail
For those who actually paid attention and were smart enough to stay focused it is obvious that Paul nailed Dr, Fauci dead-to-rights once again, that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.

FOCUS: The subject / issue is 'Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.'

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci previously declared he had NOT funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci had directed / affected NIH grant funding of the Wuhan Lab

Paul previously, when this came out, forced Fauci to admit under oath that he (Fauci) could not guarantee that once the money was put in the CCP's / Wuhan Lab's that it did NOT go to GoF Research, that it was very possibLe that the money was used to do GoF research

Paul read Dr. Fauci's own definition of Gof research then pointed out what was done at the Wuhan lab matched Fauci's exact definition of GoF research

(Previously Fauci's own past Comments about he fully supported GoF research EVEN IF THERE WAS A THREAT OF A LEAK / PANDEMIC)


Paul NEVER accused Fauci of conducting GoF research that resulted in COVID-19 that most probably leaked from the Wuhan Lab
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of leaking the virus
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of killing millions of people all over the world with COVID-19
Paul made it clear that Fauci provided the CCP / Wuhan Lab with funding that was most probably used to conduct GoF research, which he did

The subject of discussion was NOT if Fauci had 'killed' millions, but Fauci swiftly changed the topic by falsely accusing Paul of accusing him (Fauci) of being responsible for COVID-19 / of killing millions around the world and 'killing' the global economy

Paul nailed Fauci on his part in NIH funding the Wuhan lab, which Fauci did deny earlier of having anything to do with.

If Fauci was a Trump ass licker you guys would be kissing HIS ass. You clowns are still pissing & moning about him because he told the truth about COVID
So Fauci was telling the truth when he said that masks do not matter?

That's more then can be said about the hundreds of thousand who died under Trump's reign of incompetence

Such a pathetic drama queen.
I think Rand Paul is a whiny little pussy who needs to concern himself more with the lack of vaccinated people in Kentucky than constantly harping gain of function nonsense
50% is better than Missouri and several other southern states but it's still miserable.

His sidekick in Kentucky knows this. Sean Hannity knows this - Even Steve Scalise finally got around to it!


I think Rand Paul is a whiny little pussy who needs to concern himself more with the lack of vaccinated people in Kentucky than constantly harping gain of function nonsense

The gain of function research is a proven reality.
What Fauci should have said is that the only way to anticipate future epidemics is to do gain of function research.
But since Fauci did not do that, and instead lied, you have to wonder what really is going on?
The fact Fauci owns a large quantity of Moderna stock, makes one wonder?
For those who actually paid attention and were smart enough to stay focused it is obvious that Paul nailed Dr, Fauci dead-to-rights once again, that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.

FOCUS: The subject / issue is 'Dr. Fauci lied to Congress regarding NIH funding of GoF research in Wuhan.'

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci previously declared he had NOT funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab

Paul pointed out the FACT that Fauci had directed / affected NIH grant funding of the Wuhan Lab

Paul previously, when this came out, forced Fauci to admit under oath that he (Fauci) could not guarantee that once the money was put in the CCP's / Wuhan Lab's that it did NOT go to GoF Research, that it was very possibLe that the money was used to do GoF research

Paul read Dr. Fauci's own definition of Gof research then pointed out what was done at the Wuhan lab matched Fauci's exact definition of GoF research

(Previously Fauci's own past Comments about he fully supported GoF research EVEN IF THERE WAS A THREAT OF A LEAK / PANDEMIC)


Paul NEVER accused Fauci of conducting GoF research that resulted in COVID-19 that most probably leaked from the Wuhan Lab
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of leaking the virus
Paul NEVER accused Fauci of killing millions of people all over the world with COVID-19
Paul made it clear that Fauci provided the CCP / Wuhan Lab with funding that was most probably used to conduct GoF research, which he did

The subject of discussion was NOT if Fauci had 'killed' millions, but Fauci swiftly changed the topic by falsely accusing Paul of accusing him (Fauci) of being responsible for COVID-19 / of killing millions around the world and 'killing' the global economy

Paul nailed Fauci on his part in NIH funding the Wuhan lab, which Fauci did deny earlier of having anything to do with.

That’s correct. All of it. When you give a panhandler money, it’s not your business to then tell them how to spend it. But Fauci did and they spent it on ”Whomever gets the baddest virus and the vaccine that can control it, rules the world.” There are numerous military links to Wuhan viral research and they’re all Chinese military institutes. Fau Chi’s alibi and cop-out was relying on humanitarian links to vaccine production.
The gain of function research is a proven reality.
What Fauci should have said is that the only way to anticipate future epidemics is to do gain of function research.
But since Fauci did not do that, and instead lied, you have to wonder what really is going on?
The fact Fauci owns a large quantity of Moderna stock, makes one wonder?
Thanks for the Moderna info. We were tracking the J&J-Janssen fentanyl trajectory connected to CDC scrubbing info on their Variants page, which links to data on the performance of various vaccines. The hot statistic would be to find out if Fau Chi’s stock investment was more or less intelligent than the other ones.
That stat would link to the efficiency by which any vaccine puts a leash on emerging Delta.
Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.
No, I watched him lie on my own. Didn't have to have anyone to tell me that quack lied.

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