Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ) That Psychopaths Are Running America?

Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters?

  • Yes, I generally agree, but his message is a bit over the top and almost offensive.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Their ignorance is no excuse.

The Q-balls are among the most rabid believers in the Cry Baby Loser's lie that he had a "Landslide!" inexplicably stolen from him by some unnamed entities in a mysterious manner.

Nah. Just about everyone knows the 2020 election was stolen with some cheating and with unconstitutional changes to voting and counting rules in swing states, using the pandemic as a justification.

So if that's what Q claims (I wouldn't know), I agree that they are probably correct.

From a long time ago.... A lot of the conspiracy theories have come to fruition....

The only textbook psychopath might be Trump. The rest are just politicians who annoy you or didn’t express the proper level of adoration to Trump.
Spoken like an obsessive psychopath.
Apparently in your tiny dark little mind it's all about Trump.
Reading this thread is like watching a clown show........ But then again that's politics.......
So when Joe Biden dismisses the news that thousands of Americans, by the reckoning of Biden's
own State Department, are trapped inside Afghanistan when he abruptly pulled everything out,
and Biden says time to turn the page on the nation....that is callous uncaring classic psychopathic

Nothing counts but Joe's image. No one matters but Joe. Nothing but the effect that news has on Joe's
political life is important. Classic psychopath.
So when Joe Biden dismisses the news that thousands of Americans, by the reckoning of Biden's
own State Department, are trapped inside Afghanistan when he abruptly pulled everything out,
and Biden says time to turn the page on the nation....that is callous uncaring classic psychopathic

Nothing counts but Joe's image. No one matters but Joe. Nothing but the effect that news has on Joe's
political life is important. Classic psychopath.

God do I love partisan politics!!!
:rofl: :lmao: :rofl:

God do I love partisan politics!!!
You should know. The lives of over nine thousand people carry no meaning to you except in that
they negatively effect Joe Biden's image (for the few people even aware that we still have many
people left behind in Afghanistan). So you simply ignore the matter and chalk it up to

The partisan press ignores the issue. Biden himself said turn the page on Afghanistan...i.e. forget
anything that goes on there now. Etc.

Your post is only an ironic post mortem on the matter and thanks for helping make my point.
Apparently you are good for something. BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Admin Left 9K Americans in Afghanistan, Originally Claimed 150
You should know. The lives of over nine thousand people carry no meaning to you except in that
they negatively effect Joe Biden's image (for the few people even aware that we still have many
people left behind in Afghanistan). So you simply ignore the matter and chalk it up to

The partisan press ignores the issue. Biden himself said turn the page on Afghanistan...i.e. forget
anything that goes on there now. Etc.

Your post is only an ironic post mortem on the matter and thanks for helping make my point.
Apparently you are good for something. BOMBSHELL REPORT: Biden Admin Left 9K Americans in Afghanistan, Originally Claimed 150
I care about Bidumb's image!!?? Really?? :rofl:
So when Joe Biden dismisses the news that thousands of Americans, by the reckoning of Biden's
own State Department, are trapped inside Afghanistan when he abruptly pulled everything out,
and Biden says time to turn the page on the nation....that is callous uncaring classic psychopathic

Nothing counts but Joe's image. No one matters but Joe. Nothing but the effect that news has on Joe's
political life is important. Classic psychopath.

Yes, beating war drums in an attempt to distract from all of his failures.
Just about everyone knows the 2020 election was stolen...
The Q-anon crackpots actually swallow that one along with their pedophile pizza parlors, etc., but most rational folks recognize reality that does not include a vast, clandestine, paranoid conspiracy the included Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican judges, etc., etc., etc. across America - and yet not a single conspirator has ever been identified, and no evidence found that is acceptable in any legal venue anywhere.

Of course, self-pleasuring fantasies are not bound by the constraints of reality, but it is important to be able to differentiate.

Obviously, some cannot. The blind faith of a cult is not amenable to reason.
The Q-anon crackpots actually swallow that one along with their pedophile pizza parlors, etc., but most rational folks recognize reality that does not include a vast, clandestine, paranoid conspiracy the included Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican judges, etc., etc., etc. across America - and yet not a single conspirator has ever been identified, and no evidence found that is acceptable in any legal venue anywhere.

Of course, self-pleasuring fantasies are not bound by the constraints of reality, but it is important to be able to differentiate.

Obviously, some cannot. The blind faith of a cult is not amenable to reason.

To pretend that no evidence that fraud exists in the faux election of democrat and three time presidential loser Joe Biden in his bid for the office of the presidency is to close one's eyes and convince yourself there
is nothing to see. But how can people find something they don't want to see?
To pretend that more people voted for the much despised Joe Biden than Barack Obama is wishful
self deception and an absurdity on it's face.

When the republicans inevitably take control of the government in 2024 let's hope the squishy cowardly
republicans, the Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Joe Scarborough types, do not succeed in stopping investigations and credible instances of election fraud.

Maybe then disingenuous losers like Skinflap will put his little drum of disinformation away
as we watch the myths of the honest election disappear.
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