Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ) That Psychopaths Are Running America?

Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters?

  • Yes, I generally agree, but his message is a bit over the top and almost offensive.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I wouldn't call they psycho's but I would call them idiots. Which they are. Lefty loon idiots of the first degree.
I'd call them sociopaths. Notice Brandon's beady little black eyes, for example.

Since its beginning in the 1820s, the Democrat Party has consisted of egoists seeking approval and accolades from the people, i.e., the ignorant masses. They live to expand the size and scope of government, or the power structure in which they reside.
Where do you get that their well educated?

There grifters like their father.
I think that they are all generally articulate and obviously intelligent. I don't particularly care for the personality styles of both Eric and Don Jr. Trump, but they are both very well-spoken and generally propel political philosophies that greatly appeal to me.

No doubt they grew up in a life of privilege, but they all seem to have successful careers as far as I know. You can contrast that with the success of children from other privileged households.

Spoiler: Trump vs. De Blasio Daughters
Former Democrat voter here.

Since 2016, the Democrats have been more dangerous than Nazis.

The message is spot on.
My first thought was wow, you really turned around 180.

But it's probably the Democratic Party which has changed so much.

I hope there are about 10 million others like you who see it.
But it's probably the Democratic Party which has changed so much.
The only changing that the Democrat Party has done, I think, is to gradually grow bolder over the decades.

If it were not the antithesis of republicanism in the beginning, it would have had no reason to emerge.
No more insurrections,
There was no insurrection. BLM would have burned the Capitol down. There was violence against the Capitol Police and that is contemptible and the perpetrators of such actual violence should be punished appropriately. We Conservatives don't roll like that.

extorting foreign leaders,
10% for The Big Guy.

or constant global embarrassment, either.
Nonsense. The US has become a laughing stock and everyone knows Biden has dementia and America is being run by his handlers who helped get him installed.

Does a sicker society make more productive workers?
Works the other way around.

Employing more workers - not shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline on day one, not firing workers for not getting vaccinated or tested against their will, - results in a healthier population.

Most of these workers can get health care coverage from their employer...
According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).

The truly disabled can get Medicaid. Over 65 can get Medicare.

We don't need universal health care; the government will simply make less-effective medical care more expensive for everyone, just like they did with the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). They destroyed my great health care coverage with higher premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket limits. They mess up everything they touch.
No more insurrections, extorting foreign leaders, or constant global embarrassment, either.

You have got to be kidding. Biden is doing everything in his power to fix future elections by federalzing them. It is an insurrection against the people’s right to have a free and fair election. Biden and Hunter are on China’s payroll. As far as global embarrassment, we are the wimps in the schoolyard now thanks to the Afghanistan debacle. China, Russia and N. Korea are all testing us because they know how weak the Biden administration is.
Well, I think there are those on both sides trying, but are quickly shouted down by the rhetoric these days...It's a bad situation, and we'd better get a handle on it before it just becomes irreconcilable....
The current GOP is purging responsible lawmakers for sycophants to the former 1-term president and trying subvert our democracy in the process.

It no longer is possible that lawmakers like jim jordan, marjorie greene and others can legislate in good faith.
I'd call them sociopaths. Notice Brandon's beady little black eyes, for example.

Since its beginning in the 1820s, the Democrat Party has consisted of egoists seeking approval and accolades from the people, i.e., the ignorant masses. They live to expand the size and scope of government, or the power structure in which they reside.
Sure, go kiss the ring.
You have got to be kidding. Biden is doing everything in his power to fix future elections by federalzing them. It is an insurrection against the people’s right to have a free and fair election. Biden and Hunter are on China’s payroll. As far as global embarrassment, we are the wimps in the schoolyard now thanks to the Afghanistan debacle. China, Russia and N. Korea are all testing us because they know how weak the Biden administration is.
Have you missed the The America Competes Act of 2022?

President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was a decision he made and completed. He didn't push it off like the former 1-term president. Also, it's been forgotten to life moving on. Did the ISIS leader feel that this week? How's Putin's invasion of the Ukraine going? I suppose you support Putin and his position on NATO against the Ukraine.

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter and more Hunter plus Hunter and some more Hunter.....Blah Blah Blah

The only wimps that I see here are one's who aren't man enough to admit election losses.
"i worry about Big Tech swinging elections by suppressing information. if that's the case, do we really live in a free country anymore?" - Blake Masters

“In America, you should be able to raise a family on one single income.”

~ Blake Masters (R-AZ)

Apparently this is so controversial and “sexist!”

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On Civil Rights

I'm opposed to critical race theory as it makes white people feel bad.
On education

I believe that schools are indoctrinating students with anti-white racism.

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