Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ) That Psychopaths Are Running America?

Poll: Do You Agree With This Controversial Message From US Senate Candidate Blake Masters?

  • Yes, I generally agree, but his message is a bit over the top and almost offensive.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"if liberals get their way, there will be no USA in 10 years" - Blake Masters

Yup, just another cookie cutter QOP politician looking to pander their way to elected office to turn a Merica into an authoritarian state.

Sorry not buying that shit.
Notice that I didn't use the trappings that you use to make a point.
The Nazis called the Jews a lot of terrible things, but not Nazis, that's true.

So how DO you deal with Democrat Nazism...?
The Nazis called the Jews a lot of terrible things, but not Nazis, that's true.

So how DO you deal with Democrat Nazism...?
Don't have too.

However we all have to deal with QOP authoritarianism.
Yep! All those CRAZY ideas like:
  1. Rugged Individualism
  2. Autonomy and Liberty
  3. Limited Government
  4. A government of the People FOR the people
  5. Family Values
  6. God
  7. Strong Borders
  8. Self-Defense
  9. National Pride
  10. America First
  11. Energy Independence
  12. American Jobs
  13. Thriving Economy
  14. End to government spying
  15. Accountability to all politicians
  16. Real Healthcare

What's YOUR platform, asshole?
All 16 of those used to be solid Democratic values too. Used to be is the operative phrase there.
Do I think they are psychos? No.

Do I think they only care about their own personal political and financial gain? And that they only represent themselves and their party and not Americans or America? Do I think they don't care about the country and will shit allover it to get what they want as long as it's nice in their backyard? Absolutely yes.

They don't represent or care about america. They only represent themselves and care about themselves.
While he is right, blind partisanship is a mental condition also.
This is nothing but hyperbole. If one wants to campaign for office and excoriate members of the Democratic Party, by all means have at it.

Labeling people “psychopaths” under the banner of campaign rhetoric is bullshit. It was puerile nonsense when thrown at the former POTUS and it still is now.
His message is quite controversial, but it really resonates for me.
Crackpot paranoia remains rampant, and there are vulnerable folks who are easily indoctrinated. Most are white and did not make it beyond high school.

One in Four Republicans Still Believe in QAnon Conspiracy Theories​

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Even with Trump out of power, QAnon conspiracy beliefs have continued to flourish among some Americans, according to a new analysis released today by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI)... The proportion of Americans who buy into QAnon theories increases among Republicans, as one in four (25%) are QAnon believers...
QAnon beliefs are measured using three statements that are core tenets of the movement: (1) The government, media, and financial sector are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking operation; (2) There is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders; and (3) Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country...
Americans who most trust far-right news sources, such as One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax, are nearly five times more likely than those who most trust mainstream news to be QAnon believers. Americans who most trust Fox News are about twice as likely to be QAnon believers as those who most trust mainstream news...
QAnon believers are strongly committed to Christian nationalism...
QAnon believers remain loyal to Trump. Seven in ten QAnon believers agree with the idea that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (69%), and 67% believe Trump is a true patriot. Regarding the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, QAnon believers are most likely to blame left-wing groups like Antifa (59%), and only 30% blame Trump, compared to 56% of all Americans.
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That's some red meat right there.....I'm sure he will be a bit more even tempered later on if he thinks he has a chance.

I have no idea if he'll feel the need to be "more even-tempered" at any point, but right now he's working to get his name on the ballot.
Please watch the 90-second video before voting...

His message is quite controversial, but it really resonates for me. I am very concerned about all the terrible things which we are witnessing and the erosion of freedoms. The Democrats in charge want us all to believe that it's all happening because of circumstances beyond their control - a global pandemic caused by a novel and extremely dangerous virus - but all the negatives we are seeing are actually a result of deliberate decisions made by tyrannical leaders.

And when the results of these deliberate decisions turn out to be disastrous, the leaders don't change course and push for even more control and continued restrictions, not concerned about the long-term and sever damage it is causing to the populace and the country. Only true psychopaths rule like that.

Since it is so controversial and strongly-worded, I am curious what others think about it, particularly Democrats. Thanks.

Crackpot paranoia remains rampant, and there are vulnerable folks who are easily indoctrinated. Most are white and did not make it beyond high school.

One in Four Republicans Still Believe in QAnon Conspiracy Theories​

Even with Trump out of power, QAnon conspiracy beliefs have continued to flourish among some Americans, according to a new analysis released today by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI)... The proportion of Americans who buy into QAnon theories increases among Republicans, as one in four (25%) are QAnon believers...
QAnon beliefs are measured using three statements that are core tenets of the movement: (1) The government, media, and financial sector are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking operation; (2) There is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders; and (3) Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country...
Americans who most trust far-right news sources, such as One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax, are nearly five times more likely than those who most trust mainstream news to be QAnon believers. Americans who most trust Fox News are about twice as likely to be QAnon believers as those who most trust mainstream news...
QAnon believers are strongly committed to Christian nationalism...
QAnon believers remain loyal to Trump. Seven in ten QAnon believers agree with the idea that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (69%), and 67% believe Trump is a true patriot. Regarding the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, QAnon believers are most likely to blame left-wing groups like Antifa (59%), and only 30% blame Trump, compared to 56% of all Americans.

>One in Four Republicans Still Believe in QAnon Conspiracy Theories

You mean conspiracy theories like the virus was made in a lab in Wuhan China, the vaccines and masks cause more harm than good, and the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats using cheating and unconstitutional voting rule changes?

So what.

Most Democrats have a favorable approval opinion of President Biden, so you tell me who is mentally-challenged.
An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older -- about 1 in 4 adults -- suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year

And half of the population has below average intelligence. Not that average intelligence is anything to be proud of.
>One in Four Republicans Still Believe in QAnon Conspiracy Theories

You mean conspiracy theories like the virus was made in a lab in Wuhan China, the vaccines and masks cause more harm than good, and the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats using cheating and unconstitutional voting rule changes?

So what.

Most Democrats have a favorable approval opinion of President Biden, so you tell me who is mentally-challenged.
Indeed. Eschewing credible evidence and incontrovertible proofs to satisfy one's ideological, emotional needs is a rampant affliction and Q-anon its most conspicuous component. (Don't forget pedophile pizza parlors, a central feature of their irrational dogma.)
Indeed. Eschewing credible evidence and incontrovertible proofs to satisfy one's ideological, emotional needs is a rampant affliction and Q-anon its most conspicuous component. (Don't forget pedophile pizza parlors, a central feature of their irrational dogma.)
Yes, the entire premise of Pizza Gate was rather absurd and there was never any real proof that the outlandish claims of a Pizza/Ping Pong Parlor in Downtown Chevy Chase, DC was abusing captive children in a non-existent basement were true. I'll give you that one for, sure.

Some of the Dems are quite creepy though. Podesta with pictures of naked children in his house and mega Dem donor Ed Buck come to mind.

Q-Anon is fringe. Most Republicans don't follow their stuff, and most don't even know what QAnon is all about. It's a conspiracy theory or at lesat strawman in itself to think that QAnon has a large following or that they are a significant fraction of Republicans/Conservatives, but this is not what the Left-Wing media wants the gullible to believe. So, you should practice what you preach and also be skeptical of the massive QAnon following.

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