poll: Do you believe the Walker recall will have national implications?

Will the Walker recall have national implications?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.
we can only hope that all neighboring states follow the lead, Romney needs Iowa and Michigan to win.Yes, we all know Walker needs a decisve victory, hopefully by ten points, then Wasserman will be buying more depends on her way out of Wisconsin next Wednesday.
If Walker wins you will see a very energized democratic party.

If Walker loses you will see an empowered democratic party
lets hope that during Walkers speech, he will say,,,,,for the great states of ohio,pennsylvania,florida,michigan,iowa and the rest of the swing states, we ask you all join us in stopping the obama regime from destroying our nation,,,etc etc,,,,{something like that).
It will have a national impact psychologically.

How many obamabots will be eating a huge buffet of crow for breakfast the morning of the sixth?

There is no doubt that will be demoralizing.

Conversely, conservatives will be energized by a win...and at the most opportune moment...the opening salvo of the Presidential campaign.

In real terms, it means Wisconsin chances of going to Romney increase enormously.

That's 10 electoral votes that Obama will have to defend vigorously, diverting resources that were expected to be used elsewhere...like VA, OH, and FL.

Win-win-win for Republicans.
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

No, not really.

The only thing a Walker win will prove is that people still like him better than Barrett.

On the subject of unions, though, I find this amusing.

In teh private Sector, working folks went along with the Oky-Doke and gave up their union wages, their pensions, their seniority protections and their decent benefits. They are now stuck with "At-Will" employment in a "Right to work" state where they live in fear their job will probably be outsourced to China anyway or they'll be downsized because they are too old and a younger guy will work for less. They can only hope to make it far enough and their 401K won't bust before they retire.

So instead of being angry at the Plutocrats who imposed this shit on them before they went home to their car elevators, they are mad because these Public Sector workers had enough clout to maintain good wages, pensions, and benefits.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, and instead of wanting to put him in jail, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

Absolutely crazy.
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

No, not really.

The only thing a Walker win will prove is that people still like him better than Barrett.

On the subject of unions, though, I find this amusing.

In teh private Sector, working folks went along with the Oky-Doke and gave up their union wages, their pensions, their seniority protections and their decent benefits. They are now stuck with "At-Will" employment in a "Right to work" state where they live in fear their job will probably be outsourced to China anyway or they'll be downsized because they are too old and a younger guy will work for less. They can only hope to make it far enough and their 401K won't bust before they retire.

So instead of being angry at the Plutocrats who imposed this shit on them before they went home to their car elevators, they are mad because these Public Sector workers had enough clout to maintain good wages, pensions, and benefits.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, and instead of wanting to put him in jail, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

Absolutely crazy.

No one is talking about private sector unions. Do try to keep up.
I don't think he'll lose, and I don't think it will have any effect. Far too many people are disengaged.
It will have a national impact psychologically.

How many obamabots will be eating a huge buffet of crow for breakfast the morning of the sixth?

There is no doubt that will be demoralizing.

Conversely, conservatives will be energized by a win...and at the most opportune moment...the opening salvo of the Presidential campaign.

In real terms, it means Wisconsin chances of going to Romney increase enormously.

That's 10 electoral votes that Obama will have to defend vigorously, diverting resources that were expected to be used elsewhere...like VA, OH, and FL.

Win-win-win for Republicans.

Again, the GOP hasnt' taken Wisconsin in a presidential election since 1984.

Walker is a lot more moderate than Romney is... and a lot more likable.
With all the national coverage the protests and cowardly fleeing democrats drew I believe it will. I also believe it will send a striking message to public unions that their grip on total control and power is broken.

No, not really.

The only thing a Walker win will prove is that people still like him better than Barrett.

On the subject of unions, though, I find this amusing.

In teh private Sector, working folks went along with the Oky-Doke and gave up their union wages, their pensions, their seniority protections and their decent benefits. They are now stuck with "At-Will" employment in a "Right to work" state where they live in fear their job will probably be outsourced to China anyway or they'll be downsized because they are too old and a younger guy will work for less. They can only hope to make it far enough and their 401K won't bust before they retire.

So instead of being angry at the Plutocrats who imposed this shit on them before they went home to their car elevators, they are mad because these Public Sector workers had enough clout to maintain good wages, pensions, and benefits.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, and instead of wanting to put him in jail, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

Absolutely crazy.

No one is talking about private sector unions. Do try to keep up.

Well, that's the point, isn't it? They used to have what the Public Sector guys have, and instead of saying, "Hey, why don't we have that?" They want to take it away from those guys.

Absolutely crazy...
If Walker wins the only ones energized will be the hard core leftists and unions. For the rest, it will signal a trend away from obama and democratic policies in general.
Why do you righties think its getting national attention?

Because were talking about it. Were walker losing you libs would be preaching it from every capital and still may if he loses in the end. Ask Chris, he will explain politics 101 to you.

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