POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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It's not worth sending any of our children or husbands off to die in a war with Iran... just like with Iraq, it will always be a disturbed hornets nest, and the end, will NOT justify it....there is no rosy ending where ''we all live happily ever after'' in the Middle East....it's a never ending war and conflict there, which we also will never understand....imo

I guess you will not complain when Iran decides to let Hezbollah smuggle a nuke into your city.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I don't believe you've won until your enemy is vanquished.
A war with Iran would cost us more than Vietnam did. And Iran poses no major danger to the US at present. This is the same kind of bullshit we saw in the runup to the invasion of Iraq.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!
Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

So then why didn't they call for new elections? Oh that's right - most Yemeni did want that leader.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

SA is not going to allow an iranian proxy terrorist army on its border, no sane country would. The SA forces will cease their attacks when the iran poodles/stooges return to iran.

You're misinformed. Most Yemenis don't want the Saudi Puppet back in power. Even some Sunni groups in Yemen are trying to oust the Saudis. Some are working with the Houthis. Saudi Arabia should just stop the meddling. Saudis should go back to Saudi Arabia. They don't belong in Yemen.

Keep the Yemenis out of Saudi Arabia.
Quite on the contrary. The biggest supporter of terrorism is the money coming out of Saudi Arabia. The Wahabi's are the ideological supporters of ISIS an the Al Queda.
Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

how do you know? you got it from the Teheran Times? Iranian armed Houthis have been on a murder spree in Yemen for more than a decade.----
their attacks in concert with Iranian Hezbollah implants have consisted of
fairly limited skirmishes at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----their objective is actually the SAME as that of your all time fave ISIS and even Al Queida----ie GRAB THE GIANT TURD IN THE SANDS OF MECCA------

try to cope---their are SEVERAL FACTIONS ----the MOST NEFARIOUS being
the dogs and pigs allied with Iran. Iran is trying to "SAVE" Yemen like your
best pal ADOLF went to Austria to SAVE the Austrians

Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

They did 9/11 for God's sake. Why are we still calling them our 'Good Friends?' And it is guilty of committing numerous atrocities in Yemen. The only reason it won't be held accountable for it, is because it is considered a US 'Good Friend.' The UN won't do anything.

who is "they"? -------in fact OSAMA BIN LADEN was a YEMENI . IN THE CESSPIT COMOS of Arabia-----there is no SAUDI ARABIA and no YEMEN-----there is DOG PACKS of muhummad ass lickers The British made Arabia a "KINGDOM"------quite a joke

Osama's father was a Yemeni. Osama was born in Saudi Arabia.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I voted No.

That's no and no and no and no and....NO.

We're all tired of war, I think everyone should just sit down and have some nice Martini Cocktails and talk about Neoclassical architecture and 19th Century poetry, wouldn't that be nice? Yes it would be very nice.

Iranians don't have any of that.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I don't believe you've won until your enemy is vanquished.

I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.
how do you know? you got it from the Teheran Times? Iranian armed Houthis have been on a murder spree in Yemen for more than a decade.----
their attacks in concert with Iranian Hezbollah implants have consisted of
fairly limited skirmishes at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----their objective is actually the SAME as that of your all time fave ISIS and even Al Queida----ie GRAB THE GIANT TURD IN THE SANDS OF MECCA------

try to cope---their are SEVERAL FACTIONS ----the MOST NEFARIOUS being
the dogs and pigs allied with Iran. Iran is trying to "SAVE" Yemen like your
best pal ADOLF went to Austria to SAVE the Austrians

Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

They did 9/11 for God's sake. Why are we still calling them our 'Good Friends?' And it is guilty of committing numerous atrocities in Yemen. The only reason it won't be held accountable for it, is because it is considered a US 'Good Friend.' The UN won't do anything.

who is "they"? -------in fact OSAMA BIN LADEN was a YEMENI . IN THE CESSPIT COMOS of Arabia-----there is no SAUDI ARABIA and no YEMEN-----there is DOG PACKS of muhummad ass lickers The British made Arabia a "KINGDOM"------quite a joke

Osama's father was a Yemeni. Osama was born in Saudi Arabia.

Osama's mommy was also a Yemeni------anyone here want the rundown on what
FAMILY means to Yemenis? feel free to ask
how do you know? you got it from the Teheran Times? Iranian armed Houthis have been on a murder spree in Yemen for more than a decade.----
their attacks in concert with Iranian Hezbollah implants have consisted of
fairly limited skirmishes at the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia----their objective is actually the SAME as that of your all time fave ISIS and even Al Queida----ie GRAB THE GIANT TURD IN THE SANDS OF MECCA------

try to cope---their are SEVERAL FACTIONS ----the MOST NEFARIOUS being
the dogs and pigs allied with Iran. Iran is trying to "SAVE" Yemen like your
best pal ADOLF went to Austria to SAVE the Austrians

Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST
It's not worth sending any of our children or husbands off to die in a war with Iran... just like with Iraq, it will always be a disturbed hornets nest, and the end, will NOT justify it....there is no rosy ending where ''we all live happily ever after'' in the Middle East....it's a never ending war and conflict there, which we also will never understand....imo

I guess you will not complain when Iran decides to let Hezbollah smuggle a nuke into your city.
Seriously? You think that's a likely reality? That Hezbollah is gonna mosey on over to my town with a nuke in hand? I don't buy it....fear mongering b.s.
Mindlessly running on about how bad Iran was in 1979 (and who wants to defend Khomeini?) obfuscates the facts of provocation well before that time.
Over 82% of those who responded do not believe in war with Iran. It is going to take a lot of persuading for Donald Trump who intends to have his war to keep his followers behind him. This war could be Donald Trump's downfall but he will not go without a fight. Benjamin Netanyahu will be visiting Trump next week. Watch for some ratcheting up of anti-Iran rhetoric from Donald Trump after the Israeli visit.
Posting again, not for the obtuse who have seen this before and remain in denial for some perverse reason, but for anyone remaining with a shred of objectivity.
link: Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan
The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.

Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

He then added unequivocally: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and from the charter point of view it was illegal."
Mr Annan has until now kept a tactful silence and his intervention at this point undermines the argument pushed by Tony Blair that the war was legitimised by security council resolutions.
Discouraging to see that nearly one in five posters here favor unnecessary, ghastly conflict, death and destruction.

Talk about 'sad'!

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