POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Saudi Arabia's trying to reinstate a leader that most Yemenis don't want back. In fact, the Houthis and some Sunni groups have formed a coalition to oust the Saudis.

So then why didn't they call for new elections? Oh that's right - most Yemeni did want that leader.

No one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until it started bombing there. It's meddling in a foreign nation. The Saudis should just leave and go back to Saudi Arabia.

SA is not going to allow an iranian proxy terrorist army on its border, no sane country would. The SA forces will cease their attacks when the iran poodles/stooges return to iran.

You're misinformed. Most Yemenis don't want the Saudi Puppet back in power. Even some Sunni groups in Yemen are trying to oust the Saudis. Some are working with the Houthis. Saudi Arabia should just stop the meddling. Saudis should go back to Saudi Arabia. They don't belong in Yemen.

Keep the Yemenis out of Saudi Arabia.

When the Saudis leave Yemen, all attacks on Saudi Arabia will end.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I don't believe you've won until your enemy is vanquished.

I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.
Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

They did 9/11 for God's sake. Why are we still calling them our 'Good Friends?' And it is guilty of committing numerous atrocities in Yemen. The only reason it won't be held accountable for it, is because it is considered a US 'Good Friend.' The UN won't do anything.

who is "they"? -------in fact OSAMA BIN LADEN was a YEMENI . IN THE CESSPIT COMOS of Arabia-----there is no SAUDI ARABIA and no YEMEN-----there is DOG PACKS of muhummad ass lickers The British made Arabia a "KINGDOM"------quite a joke

Osama's father was a Yemeni. Osama was born in Saudi Arabia.

Osama's mommy was also a Yemeni------anyone here want the rundown on what
FAMILY means to Yemenis? feel free to ask

Bin Laden was a violent Saudi Wahhabist Sunni Muslim. Shiites don't adhere to Wahhabist Islamic teachings.
Again, no one in Yemen attacked Saudi Arabia until the Saudis started bombing there. Saudi Arabia has committed numerous war atrocities in Yemen. Hopefully it will be held accountable. I mean, i'm not counting on it. But maybe somehow it'll happen.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.
It's not worth sending any of our children or husbands off to die in a war with Iran... just like with Iraq, it will always be a disturbed hornets nest, and the end, will NOT justify it....there is no rosy ending where ''we all live happily ever after'' in the Middle East....it's a never ending war and conflict there, which we also will never understand....imo

I guess you will not complain when Iran decides to let Hezbollah smuggle a nuke into your city.
Seriously? You think that's a likely reality? That Hezbollah is gonna mosey on over to my town with a nuke in hand? I don't buy it....fear mongering b.s.

The Warmongers are desperate in their justifications for starting a war with Iran. They don't make sense. In my opinion, they're gonna create a False Flag event any day now. They're sending more ships to the coast of Yemen. They're provoking an attack. And if an attack happens, they'll blame Iran for it. It's been done in the past. Stay tuned.
That should be clear even for the fiercest propaganda parrot.

Exclusive: U.S. withdraws staff from Saudi Arabia dedicated to Yemen planning

the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east
the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.
the article demonstrates that Saudi Arabia picked up its RESISTENCE efforts against the IRANIAN PROXIES in Yemen SO? Why not start counting the
numbers of children killed over the past 20 years in YEMEN ----by Iranian subsidized or supplied weapons?------Shiite shit has been going on in Yemen for quite some time--------its the PORTS that the Shiite shit want. My very own hubby was born in an important Yemeni port------Saudi Arabia would have had no trouble grabbing that port for the past 1000 years if SHE WANTED TO. It is now in the hands of the Iranian proxy Shiite shit

Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

The US and Great Britain have made it much worse. It's all about controlling the oil. They should leave Muslim Lands. They don't belong there.
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

I have been acquainted with-----THE NON WEST for many years. ------like since my teens---- that's like 50 years. I have learned from people from south east asia----both muslims and hindus-----from Iranians---mostly muslims, from middle easterners---especially muslims THAT ALL THOSE AREAS
suffer horrific social and economic woes-------ALL BROUGHT ABOUT BY ***WESTERN IMPERIALISM AND COLONIALISM**** (sorry---I left out sub-Saharan Africa and west Africa----THEM TOO)

here is the accepted FACT---------all those places were FAIRY LANDS OF PERFECTION till the
brits, northern Europeans, portugese missionaries and later yanks---SHOWED UP.
Keep in mind the term GOLDEN AGE -----------now for the bummer------there ain't no such thing.---
never was---------a good example THE GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM----nevah happened
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

The US and Great Britain have made it much worse. It's all about controlling the oil. They should leave Muslim Lands. They don't belong there.

If it were not for THE USA AND GREAT BRITAIN------the muslims would still be sitting over their
oil and and wiping their butts with their left hands. Right now the persons desperate to CONTROL
THE OIL are the RUSSIANS AND IRANIANS (as allies) Desire to CONTROL or BENEFIT from trade is nothing new---------MUHUMMAD INVENTED HIMSELF ON THE SILK ROAD and took mecca
in order to CONTROL THE SILK ROAD---------in fact is the basis of the HAJJ
It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

You're already on record by omission of not having a clue about what drives anything in the Middle East.
It could happen. But not if the US continues to meddle and threaten.

ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

so? what is your point? are you admitting that you are Iranian?---or Shiite?-----that's ok---the
very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite-------full of hatred. I was very young and could
not really understand just WHO he hated--------I did not even know "Shiite" then. Osama was a sunni----
SO? does that fact make Shiites something like quakers?
ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

You're already on record by omission of not having a clue about what drives anything in the Middle East.

give him a chance------my guess (on very slim evidence, however) is that he is a shiite
ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

so? what is your point? are you admitting that you are Iranian?---or Shiite?-----that's ok---the
very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite-------full of hatred. I was very young and could
not really understand just WHO he hated--------I did not even know "Shiite" then. Osama was a sunni----
SO? does that fact make Shiites something like quakers?

They are working very diligently towards bring their Imam back.
The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

You're already on record by omission of not having a clue about what drives anything in the Middle East.

give him a chance------my guess (on very slim evidence, however) is that he is a shiite

Think so? That hadn't occurred to me.
The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

so? what is your point? are you admitting that you are Iranian?---or Shiite?-----that's ok---the
very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite-------full of hatred. I was very young and could
not really understand just WHO he hated--------I did not even know "Shiite" then. Osama was a sunni----
SO? does that fact make Shiites something like quakers?

They are working very diligently towards bring their Imam back.

assuming their leaders believe that bullshit-----???? at least they are USING the
ROFLMAO------^^^^ very important ---islamo Nazi propaganda----Iran would be perfect if
not for the "meddling" of DA WEST

The US/West is causing all the horrific chaos in the Middle East. It's about controlling Governments and the oil. Iran certainly wouldn't be perfect, but the US meddling there did lead to the Revolution.

ok ----you have made a flamboyant and utterly idiotic ASSERTION--------TAKE A BOW

Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east

"Horrific chaos is nothing new in the middle east"

It is indeed what the Shia desire, they "believe" it will bring back their "messiah". Mr. Schrute has no knowledge of the Religious motives of all involved over there.

Guess who attacked the US on 9/11? Here's a hint, it wasn't Iran or Shiites.

so? what is your point? are you admitting that you are Iranian?---or Shiite?-----that's ok---the
very first muslim I knew VERY WELL-----was a Shiite-------full of hatred. I was very young and could
not really understand just WHO he hated--------I did not even know "Shiite" then. Osama was a sunni----
SO? does that fact make Shiites something like quakers?

Just countering your Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Maybe it's time for the US to focus on who and where the real Terrorists are. Look to our supposed 'Good Friends.'
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

Did you see what that scumbag regime did in 2009?

In syria the last 5 years?

They will slaughter every fucking iranian, cat, mouse, plant and tree before giving up power, no different than the germans.

It will take an outside invading force willing to do what is necessary to save the world to destroy a regime the iranian people have foisted upon the rest of us.

Very true about the 7th century savages....

"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

My Iranian friends are waiting and hoping for another revolution to over throw the current regime.
Hopefully all the old Iranian hardliners will die soon and the young generations will take over that are sick with the current regime.

Did you see what that scumbag regime did in 2009?

In syria the last 5 years?

They will slaughter every fucking iranian, cat, mouse, plant and tree before giving up power, no different than the germans.

It will take an outside invading force willing to do what is necessary to save the world to destroy a regime the iranian people have foisted upon the rest of us.

Very true about the 7th century savages....

"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

My Iranian friends are waiting and hoping for another revolution to over throw the current regime.

Cool, none of our business though. We need to disengage from the Middle East. It's time.

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