POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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TEHRAN, Iran — Irahttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/02/10/iran-celebrates-anniversary-1979-islamic-revolution-mass-rallies/97742024/nians on Friday marked the anniversary of the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution with nationwide celebrations and mass rallies that saw people step on large U.S. flags laid out on the streets while President Hassan Rouhani called the new American administration “a problem.






You're just attempting to make it only about Donald Trump. Y'all are obsessed with hating him. Our awful relationship with Iran goes back long before Donald Trump.
Those who want war with Iran only care about Israel.

Saudi Arabia plays a big part in it too. Our Government sold our soul to the Saudi Devil a long time ago. We're fully committed to pleasing the Saudi Royal Family now. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia are pushing for the US to attack Iran. And that's why i see it as being inevitable. God help us.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up

Hillary's North Korea problem

Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.

Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:

Q. Why did Bush invade and occupy Iraq and not N. Korea?
Israel and Saudi...

and that "757"


Interesting. I've always questioned the Government's story on that. Thanks.

And it does look like Israel and Saudi Arabia have formed an alliance to fight Iran and the Shiites in the region. It's pretty disturbing. Will the US go along? It appears so. Stay tuned.

Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.

Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:

Q. Why did Bush invade and occupy Iraq and not N. Korea?

Iraq was much easier, or so they thought. It barely had a military and was crippled by years of sanctions. It was a weak defenseless nation. It was supposed to be a 'cakewalk.'
Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.
Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:

Q. Why did Bush invade and occupy Iraq and not N. Korea?

Iraq was much easier, or so they thought. It barely had a military and was crippled by years of sanctions. It was a weak defenseless nation. It was supposed to be a 'cakewalk.'

But N. Korea was belligerent and had nukes. So in short, is it your opinion that the Brinkmanship of the lunatic(s) in charge in N. Korea caused Bush to blink?
Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.
Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:

Q. Why did Bush invade and occupy Iraq and not N. Korea?

Iraq was much easier, or so they thought. It barely had a military and was crippled by years of sanctions. It was a weak defenseless nation. It was supposed to be a 'cakewalk.'

But N. Korea was belligerent and had nukes. So in short, is it your opinion that the Brinkmanship of the lunatic(s) in charge in N. Korea caused Bush to blink?

They caused Clinton and Obama to blink too. That war wasn't and still isn't seen as being 'do-able.' Iraq was seen as being a 'cakewalk.'
Israel and Saudi...

and that "757"


Interesting. I've always questioned the Government's story on that. Thanks.

And it does look like Israel and Saudi Arabia have formed an alliance to fight Iran and the Shiites in the region. It's pretty disturbing. Will the US go along? It appears so. Stay tuned.

I'm pretty sure the "leaders" of Saudi are just like Gaddafy...

gaddafy jewish - Google Search

We have JDAAC "Christian" preachers here (JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian)

With Osama, Al Baghdadi, and the Saudi leaders, as well as the late Gaddafi, we have JDAAMs too (Jew disguised as a Muslim)
My prediction is, there will be some sort of False Flag event occurring near Yemen. The US will claim that Iran attacked a US naval ship. Now of course Iran wouldn't attack the US knowing it couldn't possibly win a war with it. But it will be the 'Justification' Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US needs to attack Iran. That's what i think's gonna happen anyway. Stay tuned.
Well, most folks apparently aren't supporting war with Iran. But will it happen anyway?
I read an article today about how the only way Trump is going to stop the bleeding with his plummeting poll numbers and the Russian scandals is to start a war.

I wouldn't be surprised if he wags that dog.
I read an article today about how the only way Trump is going to stop the bleeding with his plummeting poll numbers and the Russian scandals is to start a war.

I wouldn't be surprised if he wags that dog.

Good point. Presidents have been doing it for years. Nothing like a good ole war to distract the Sheeple. That's why i'm predicting some sort of False Flag event near Yemen. It'll probably be a claim that Iran attacked a US naval ship.

They seem to be working on that one. They recently released a very questionable video showing the Houthis from Yemen supposedly attacking a Saudi naval ship. But the video was such poor quality, you couldn't tell what was going on. It may have been a complete fake. But i think they were just testing the waters. Probably setting up their False Flag.

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