POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.

Son-in-law fought in Afghanistan, my son followed 2 years later, daughter is Army 2LT and her Cavalry unit is returning as we speak.

Shut up until you know what you are prattling about.

If you don't mind sending your own children to die in foreign hellholes, than continue on being a Warmonger. I can kinda respect that. I disagree, but i can respect it. It's the assholes who don't wanna send their own children to die, that piss me off. They're the ultimate hypocrite cowards.
Y'all Warmongers truly believe the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. You think it only applies to other nations. It's a big reason why we're stuck in this state of perpetual war.
Y'all Warmongers truly believe the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. You think it only applies to other nations. It's a big reason why we're stuck in this state of perpetual war.
What's the UN doing about thousands of missiles being launched at civilians?
Oh yeah, condemning the civilians for being targeted.

Iran just launched a long range missile at SAUDI ARABIA ----using its proxy-dogs----the
houthi pigs of Yemen---------and the scum of the world cheer and say "WHO ME"?

The Saudis should leave Yemen. They don't belong there. Then it wouldn't have to worry about attacks.

Try again ----the Saudis are NOT IN YEMEN-------the situation in Arabia (historically Saudi Arabia and Yemen were not COUNTRIES------they were just parts of the world and COLLECTIVELY called ARABIA)
are both tribal societies that fought with each other incessantly----------they are sorta the same
people-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi. Right now----the issue between Yemen and
Saudi Arabia is -----the old SUNNI SHIITE thing-------the Shiite shit are in the pocket of Imperialist IRAN----
(nothing new---iran is something like an alternate HOLY LAND for Shiite shit)----and the Iranians have them ATTACKING SAUDI ARABIA (see? its the old feud----ONGOING)

I honestly don't give a shite. Saudi Arabia might be the most evil nation on earth. Its violent Wahhabi teachings is at the core of Global Jihad. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God's sake. I'm sick of it all. Let's disengage from the Middle East. No good is ever gonna come out of our constant meddling over there. I want out.

So, do you support extending the ban on immigration from ALL of those Middle Eastern countries even remotely involved in terrorism?
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.

Son-in-law fought in Afghanistan, my son followed 2 years later, daughter is Army 2LT and her Cavalry unit is returning as we speak.

Shut up until you know what you are prattling about.

If you don't mind sending your own children to die in foreign hellholes, than continue on being a Warmonger. I can kinda respect that. I disagree, but i can respect it. It's the assholes who don't wanna send their own children to die, that piss me off. They're the ultimate hypocrite cowards.

Nobody sends anyone. That is what you don't get.

I supported my children and others joining the military, but there was not a damn thing I could have done to prevent it had I wanted to do so. That is what you don't get!
What's the UN doing about thousands of missiles being launched at civilians?
Oh yeah, condemning the civilians for being targeted.

Iran just launched a long range missile at SAUDI ARABIA ----using its proxy-dogs----the
houthi pigs of Yemen---------and the scum of the world cheer and say "WHO ME"?

The Saudis should leave Yemen. They don't belong there. Then it wouldn't have to worry about attacks.

Try again ----the Saudis are NOT IN YEMEN-------the situation in Arabia (historically Saudi Arabia and Yemen were not COUNTRIES------they were just parts of the world and COLLECTIVELY called ARABIA)
are both tribal societies that fought with each other incessantly----------they are sorta the same
people-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi. Right now----the issue between Yemen and
Saudi Arabia is -----the old SUNNI SHIITE thing-------the Shiite shit are in the pocket of Imperialist IRAN----
(nothing new---iran is something like an alternate HOLY LAND for Shiite shit)----and the Iranians have them ATTACKING SAUDI ARABIA (see? its the old feud----ONGOING)

I honestly don't give a shite. Saudi Arabia might be the most evil nation on earth. Its violent Wahhabi teachings is at the core of Global Jihad. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God's sake. I'm sick of it all. Let's disengage from the Middle East. No good is ever gonna come out of our constant meddling over there. I want out.

So, do you support extending the ban on immigration from ALL of those Middle Eastern countries even remotely involved in terrorism?

Yes. I think Trump's list was somewhat acceptable. I would have added Afghanistan though.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.

Son-in-law fought in Afghanistan, my son followed 2 years later, daughter is Army 2LT and her Cavalry unit is returning as we speak.

Shut up until you know what you are prattling about.

If you don't mind sending your own children to die in foreign hellholes, than continue on being a Warmonger. I can kinda respect that. I disagree, but i can respect it. It's the assholes who don't wanna send their own children to die, that piss me off. They're the ultimate hypocrite cowards.

Nobody sends anyone. That is what you don't get.

I supported my children and others joining the military, but there was not a damn thing I could have done to prevent it had I wanted to do so. That is what you don't get!

If you're calling for attacks on other countries, you should be very willing to send your own children to die. If you have any apprehensions about that, stop being a Warmonger immediately.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.

Son-in-law fought in Afghanistan, my son followed 2 years later, daughter is Army 2LT and her Cavalry unit is returning as we speak.

Shut up until you know what you are prattling about.

If you don't mind sending your own children to die in foreign hellholes, than continue on being a Warmonger. I can kinda respect that. I disagree, but i can respect it. It's the assholes who don't wanna send their own children to die, that piss me off. They're the ultimate hypocrite cowards.

Nobody sends anyone. That is what you don't get.

I supported my children and others joining the military, but there was not a damn thing I could have done to prevent it had I wanted to do so. That is what you don't get!

If you're calling for attacks on other countries, you should be very willing to send your own children to die. If you have any apprehensions about that, stop being a Warmonger immediately.
We're sending you
How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte
perhaps you might want to stop giving putin control over this country, then maybe anything else you say might be of value.

but at least you used your own words. good for you.

Well in fairness, Russia has been pretty effective in battling ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria. Russia's been doing that while our 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming those terror groups in Syria. So, i know it's popular for Americans to demonize Russia, but it's really not the 'Boogeyman' they're making it out to be.

"Saudi Arabia is a classic straddling state. It combats Sunni extremism while at the same time nurturing it. They’re like a man holding a tiger by the ears. If the man lets go of the tiger, it will devour him.”
The Saudis are more afraid of Iran than they are of ISIS. Iran is Shiite. And ISIS, for all its evil, is Sunni.
...from the Saudi perspective a Sunni caliphate is far preferable to a Shiite Crescent that stretches from Iran to Lebanon."
Daniel Silva

Things have the potential to be different, now that we have a President who doesn't bow to the Saudi King.

Shiites can never defeat Sunnis. Their numbers are tiny compared to Sunni numbers. It's something like 90%-10%. There's just far more Sunnis in the world than there are Shiites. It's not even close.

But regardless, it's not our issue. It never has been. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East. All our meddling over there is only gonna lead to more Americans being slaughtered.

"Shiites can never defeat Sunnis."

You bring that up.....why?

Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

The Saudis don't give a crap about "global" anything. If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, how will the Saudis stand up to them?
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
You are another piece of dreck who is full of shyte
Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte
Anyone who wants war with Iran wants war with China and Russia as that is what an attack on Iran actually means. Does any sane person truly want that?

Let's not forget...

What's Behind the New Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance? | The Huffington Post
That's overly simplistic, and even if there was some cooperation between the three, I don't think it's impossible to rule out possible tensions between them.

Now on the other hand Trump doesn't like Iran and he is stressing Chinese cooperation with Iran to further his own goals, because he doesn't like China either.

Houthi rebels in Iran attacked a Saudi ship with a missile, and Sean Spicer said it was Iranian military attacking a US ship, so there is a lot of propaganda going on.

The Houthis claimed it was an American ship, but of course they cannot tell a Saudi flag from the Stars and Stripes.
SUPPORT war with iran , sure , if the USA decides to go to war with iran , sure . And war with China and Russia if they decide to get involved , so yes , sure !!

You too need to enlist today, if you want to send another generation of Americans sent into harms way; you ought to lead the way. Lead by example, and take trump over the top with you! That is, "over the parapet of a trench and into battle" as a hero of the past once did.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up
Well in fairness, Russia has been pretty effective in battling ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria. Russia's been doing that while our 'allies' like Saudi Arabia were funding & arming those terror groups in Syria. So, i know it's popular for Americans to demonize Russia, but it's really not the 'Boogeyman' they're making it out to be.

"Saudi Arabia is a classic straddling state. It combats Sunni extremism while at the same time nurturing it. They’re like a man holding a tiger by the ears. If the man lets go of the tiger, it will devour him.”
The Saudis are more afraid of Iran than they are of ISIS. Iran is Shiite. And ISIS, for all its evil, is Sunni.
...from the Saudi perspective a Sunni caliphate is far preferable to a Shiite Crescent that stretches from Iran to Lebanon."
Daniel Silva

Things have the potential to be different, now that we have a President who doesn't bow to the Saudi King.

Shiites can never defeat Sunnis. Their numbers are tiny compared to Sunni numbers. It's something like 90%-10%. There's just far more Sunnis in the world than there are Shiites. It's not even close.

But regardless, it's not our issue. It never has been. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East. All our meddling over there is only gonna lead to more Americans being slaughtered.

"Shiites can never defeat Sunnis."

You bring that up.....why?

Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

The Saudis don't give a crap about "global" anything. If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, how will the Saudis stand up to them?

Why are the Saudis allowed to have Nukes, but the Iranians aren't? See, you Warmongers just refuse to see things from the Iranian perspective. But regardless, i don't wanna go to war because the Saudis are upset. To hell with em. I'm sick of all of them over there. I want out. I don't want my Government meddling over there anymore. Come home.
North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up

Hillary's North Korea problem
Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up

Hillary's North Korea problem

Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up

Hillary's North Korea problem

Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.

Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:
Bush was President for 5 long miserable years before NK tested their first nuclear device, and to your kinf=d its Clintons fault. Bush sat back and did nothing to stop them. I believe you are fullofshyte

Clinton was right, Bush phyucked it up

Hillary's North Korea problem

Hillary has nothing to do with this. It was Bush after 5 years in office who allowed NK to test their nuclear device.

Dufus thinks Presidents hold 5 year terms. :lmao::lol::lmao::lol::lmao:

How long does it have to be before Bush accepts the blame for NK nukes.
Iran just launched a long range missile at SAUDI ARABIA ----using its proxy-dogs----the
houthi pigs of Yemen---------and the scum of the world cheer and say "WHO ME"?

The Saudis should leave Yemen. They don't belong there. Then it wouldn't have to worry about attacks.

Try again ----the Saudis are NOT IN YEMEN-------the situation in Arabia (historically Saudi Arabia and Yemen were not COUNTRIES------they were just parts of the world and COLLECTIVELY called ARABIA)
are both tribal societies that fought with each other incessantly----------they are sorta the same
people-----Osama bin Laden was more YEMENI than Saudi. Right now----the issue between Yemen and
Saudi Arabia is -----the old SUNNI SHIITE thing-------the Shiite shit are in the pocket of Imperialist IRAN----
(nothing new---iran is something like an alternate HOLY LAND for Shiite shit)----and the Iranians have them ATTACKING SAUDI ARABIA (see? its the old feud----ONGOING)

I honestly don't give a shite. Saudi Arabia might be the most evil nation on earth. Its violent Wahhabi teachings is at the core of Global Jihad. Most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis for God's sake. I'm sick of it all. Let's disengage from the Middle East. No good is ever gonna come out of our constant meddling over there. I want out.

So, do you support extending the ban on immigration from ALL of those Middle Eastern countries even remotely involved in terrorism?

Yes. I think Trump's list was somewhat acceptable. I would have added Afghanistan though.

What about all of those other countries you have been screeching about? Answer that question, or are you too much of a hypocrite?

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