POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.
Well yeah, in terms of numbers, but the majority of Sunnis are moderate, despite Saudi Arabia, ISIS and several of the Gulf States. African countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Central Asian republics and so on are mainly Sunni and would not go to war over their brand of Islam.

Well, most Sunni nations would feel obligated to defend Saudi Arabia. And in that case, the Shiites wouldn't stand a chance. They just don't have the numbers.
only idiots want war, and only idiots ask about wanting a war.

only idiots twiddle their thumbs in the face of rampant conflagration

Rampant conflagration? What the hell is that supposed to mean? How many of you have lived through a nuclear war? Such Keyboard Kowboys and Kowgirls.

May this come to YOUR town and you are way fucking downwind from me.


I did see the movie ON THE BEACH decades ago---------it was fiction----there has not been a REAL
nuclear war
In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.
Well yeah, in terms of numbers, but the majority of Sunnis are moderate, despite Saudi Arabia, ISIS and several of the Gulf States. African countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Central Asian republics and so on are mainly Sunni and would not go to war over their brand of Islam.

Well, most Sunni nations would feel obligated to defend Saudi Arabia. And in that case, the Shiites wouldn't stand a chance. They just don't have the numbers.

your comment is 100% conjecture. You are assuming that ALL the SHIITES of the world will band together and ALL the SUNNIS of the world will band together into TWO BIG FIGHTING forces------very simplistic
In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.
Well yeah, in terms of numbers, but the majority of Sunnis are moderate, despite Saudi Arabia, ISIS and several of the Gulf States. African countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Central Asian republics and so on are mainly Sunni and would not go to war over their brand of Islam.

Well, most Sunni nations would feel obligated to defend Saudi Arabia. And in that case, the Shiites wouldn't stand a chance. They just don't have the numbers.

your comment is 100% conjecture. You are assuming that ALL the SHIITES of the world will band together and ALL the SUNNIS of the world will band together into TWO BIG FIGHTING forces------very simplistic

Sunni nations of the world would feel obligated to defend Saudi Arabia. If it ever looks like it's gonna fall, Sunni nations around the world will step in. It's their duty. Shiites will never invade and take over Saudi Arabia. It's impossible.
"Saudi Arabia is a classic straddling state. It combats Sunni extremism while at the same time nurturing it. They’re like a man holding a tiger by the ears. If the man lets go of the tiger, it will devour him.”
The Saudis are more afraid of Iran than they are of ISIS. Iran is Shiite. And ISIS, for all its evil, is Sunni.
...from the Saudi perspective a Sunni caliphate is far preferable to a Shiite Crescent that stretches from Iran to Lebanon."
Daniel Silva

Things have the potential to be different, now that we have a President who doesn't bow to the Saudi King.

Shiites can never defeat Sunnis. Their numbers are tiny compared to Sunni numbers. It's something like 90%-10%. There's just far more Sunnis in the world than there are Shiites. It's not even close.

But regardless, it's not our issue. It never has been. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East. All our meddling over there is only gonna lead to more Americans being slaughtered.

"Shiites can never defeat Sunnis."

You bring that up.....why?

Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

So you've never seen a minority rule a majority?

You should pick up a book once in a while.

Alawites are a case in point, and right in the region in question.

"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:
"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells."
Daniel Silva

In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.

Now you're sounding like a child.

1. I just told you the facts about Syria....
"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

2. Why would you pretend that versions of Islam wouldn't work together against their enemy, western civilization.

3. Are you so ignorant that you don't know that 7th century savages control Iran, and await war that will release the Mahdi, who's been hiding in a well since the 9th century.

You're really sounding pretty ignorant.
Shiites can never defeat Sunnis. Their numbers are tiny compared to Sunni numbers. It's something like 90%-10%. There's just far more Sunnis in the world than there are Shiites. It's not even close.

But regardless, it's not our issue. It never has been. We need to scale things back bigtime in the Middle East. All our meddling over there is only gonna lead to more Americans being slaughtered.

"Shiites can never defeat Sunnis."

You bring that up.....why?

Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

So you've never seen a minority rule a majority?

You should pick up a book once in a while.

Alawites are a case in point, and right in the region in question.

"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:
"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells."
Daniel Silva

In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.

Now you're sounding like a child.

1. I just told you the facts about Syria....
"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

2. Why would you pretend that versions of Islam wouldn't work together against their enemy, western civilization.

3. Are you so ignorant that you don't know that 7th century savages control Iran, and await war that will release the Mahdi, who's been hiding in a well since the 9th century.

You're really sounding pretty ignorant.

Here, i'll be more blunt. I don't give a damn about Sunnis. Shiites, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or whatever. None of that mayhem should have ever been any of our business. It's time to get out. No good is gonna come out of our endless meddling over there. It's only gonna lead to more Americans being killed. So, fuck em all as far as i'm concerned. I just want out.
"Shiites can never defeat Sunnis."

You bring that up.....why?

Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

So you've never seen a minority rule a majority?

You should pick up a book once in a while.

Alawites are a case in point, and right in the region in question.

"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:
"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells."
Daniel Silva

In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.

Now you're sounding like a child.

1. I just told you the facts about Syria....
"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

2. Why would you pretend that versions of Islam wouldn't work together against their enemy, western civilization.

3. Are you so ignorant that you don't know that 7th century savages control Iran, and await war that will release the Mahdi, who's been hiding in a well since the 9th century.

You're really sounding pretty ignorant.

Here, i'll be more blunt. I don't give a damn about Sunnis. Shiites, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or whatever. None of that mayhem should have ever been any of our business. It's time to get out. No good is gonna come out of our endless meddling over there. It's only gonna lead to more Americans being killed. So, fuck em all as far as i'm concerned. I just want out.

But I'm concerned about our nation.

Protecting it means stamping out the disease at its source.
I hate to sound pompous or condescending, but most Americans really are so misinformed. The country that actually carried out 9/11 is still considered a 'Good Friend.' It's been proven that prominent Saudis funded and assisted the 9/11 attacks. Yet most Americans fully supported attacking Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. And now they're supporting attacking another country that also has nothing to with Al Qaeda or ISIS. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation that vehemently opposes Sunni Islamist Orgs.

So who's the real enemy? Most Americans don't know. That perfectly sums up our Government's disastrous insane Middle East policy. We need revolutionary change in our policy. We can't continue this madness. Our constant meddling over there is only gonna lead to more Americans being killed. Americans need to start demanding big change. It's time.
Because it's why the Saudis want the US to attack Iran. They're very angry about the rising influence of Shiite Iran in the region. But like i said, Shiites can't possibly win a war with the Sunnis. Only 10% of the world's Muslims are Shiites. They wouldn't stand a chance in a global conflict. And I don't wanna go to war to defend the Saudis regardless. I despise that country.

So you've never seen a minority rule a majority?

You should pick up a book once in a while.

Alawites are a case in point, and right in the region in question.

"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

Hafez Assad, and his rise to power in Syria:
"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells."
Daniel Silva

In a global conflict, the Sunnis would easily crush the Shiites. Sunnis make up 90% of the world's Muslims. But regardless, i don't support going to war to help the Saudis. I think it's an evil country.

Now you're sounding like a child.

1. I just told you the facts about Syria....
"Alawites make up just 10% to 15% of Syria’s population, and they are usually presented as fervent supporters of Mr. Assad."
Syria’s Alawites: The People Behind Assad

2. Why would you pretend that versions of Islam wouldn't work together against their enemy, western civilization.

3. Are you so ignorant that you don't know that 7th century savages control Iran, and await war that will release the Mahdi, who's been hiding in a well since the 9th century.

You're really sounding pretty ignorant.

Here, i'll be more blunt. I don't give a damn about Sunnis. Shiites, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or whatever. None of that mayhem should have ever been any of our business. It's time to get out. No good is gonna come out of our endless meddling over there. It's only gonna lead to more Americans being killed. So, fuck em all as far as i'm concerned. I just want out.

But I'm concerned about our nation.

Protecting it means stamping out the disease at its source.

Not gonna happen if we continue all the meddling over there. Our Government is part of the disease.
Anyone who goes around calling people warmongers is a leftard.

I just call em like i see em. But i'm not a Leftist.
Because of pacifists letting Hitler take the Rhineland because they did not want a conflict, 60 million people died a violent death in the next 7 years. Their blood is on the hands of pacifists.

Oh Gawd, the tired 'Nazi' meme. Man, you Warmongers really have run out of material for justifying endless war. The 'Nazis?' Really?
History is history. Your inability to learn from it is why you have such stupid opinions.

Y'all Warmongers gotta let the Nazi meme go. Not everything is about the Nazis and WWII.
Your inability to avoid the facts of history is not anyone's problem but your own.
The left cannot confront true evil, so you invent things like the global warming myth to combat.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.
Looking just like the lead up to the Iraq War blunder, hah? What lies will our Government come up with this time? Who knows? It's proved it's willing to tell any preposterous lie to drag us into more wars. God help us.
DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

Why should I waste my time looking for your so-called lies that never existed in the first place?

You know less about this topic than your average liberals which is nothing at all.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.
I think he is one of those we see on Waters World who tells us about the American Civil War being fought between Russia and the South in 1954.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.

Like i said, many could legitimately argue that the US is the greatest threat to peace in the world. How many nations has Iran invaded lately?

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