POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.

Like i said, many could legitimately argue that the US is the greatest threat to peace in the world. How many nations has Iran invaded lately?
Hey shitforbrains, Iran supplied most of the arms used to kill our troops in the past 15 years. Time to nuke the bastards.
Looking just like the lead up to the Iraq War blunder, hah? What lies will our Government come up with this time? Who knows? It's proved it's willing to tell any preposterous lie to drag us into more wars.Stay tuned.
Yeah, we all know Iran is a peaceful neighbor.


Looks like it's more peaceful than the US. How many nations has Iran invaded in the last couple hundred years? How many has the US invaded in that same time span?
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.

Bubba Clinton was the ultimate enabler for North Korea. He basically told them, "Here, take our money we are sending to feed your people and while we are not looking, use it to restart your nuclear program and no one will ever say a word to you."
And who knows how many hundreds of thousands, maybe millions will die because Clinton enabled North Korea to obtain nukes.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.

Like i said, many could legitimately argue that the US is the greatest threat to peace in the world. How many nations has Iran invaded lately?

They have their operatives all over the Middle East and Europe. Invasions do not merely mean military ground forces.
I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

Why should I waste my time looking for your so-called lies that never existed in the first place?

You know less about this topic than your average liberals which is nothing at all.

You've gone all-in on Warmonger Bullshite, son. The Bush Administration told numerous preposterous lies to get us into the Iraq War blunder. I truly hope Trump doesn't go that route. He was very critical of Bush's blunder back in the day. He needs to be very careful not to allow the Warmongers to sink his Presidency.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.
I think he is one of those we see on Waters World who tells us about the American Civil War being fought between Russia and the South in 1954.

I'm smarter than any two-bit Warmonger cretin. I assure you of that. Y'all are just pathetically sad Archie Bunker cliches. You're comically uninformed old stooges.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?

Illegal? Sure. Does it happen? All the time!
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.

Like i said, many could legitimately argue that the US is the greatest threat to peace in the world. How many nations has Iran invaded lately?
Hey shitforbrains, Iran supplied most of the arms used to kill our troops in the past 15 years. Time to nuke the bastards.

Ridiculous gibberish. We shouldn't have been there in the first place. That war was based on preposterous lies.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?

To which law are you referring?

You get so confused it is hard to tell what you are screeching about.
How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.

OMG! Will you just stop already!

Myself and others have easily disproven your crackpot theories and outright lies. Give it up!

It's embarrassing to watch someone so desperate to hold onto to their last shreds of decency.

Like i said, many could legitimately argue that the US is the greatest threat to peace in the world. How many nations has Iran invaded lately?
Hey shitforbrains, Iran supplied most of the arms used to kill our troops in the past 15 years. Time to nuke the bastards.

Ridiculous gibberish. We shouldn't have been there in the first place. That war was based on preposterous lies.

Lies by Saddam and his minions is where you will find the source of all of those 'lies".
you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.
I agree. We can stop sending humanitarian aid, troops, and money. We can also close off ALL immigration from the middle east. It's their problem, refugees and all.

It's so tragic that our Government has made all that madness our problem. I don't care about Sunnis, Shiites, Iraq, Iran, or whatever. I just want out. We don't belong there.

You are more than welcome to move to a country that agrees with your wishes. I hear Canada really sucks this time of year. That would be good for you.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?
Funny how you leftards were so silent when Obama invaded Libya and Syria.

I wasn't silent. And i'm not a Leftist either.
Anyone who goes around calling people warmongers is a leftard.

I just call em like i see em. But i'm not a Leftist.

That's odd! You already have the proper level of ignorance for it.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
We can safely assume that those who voted yes have signed up for the front lines or signed their children up.

If you have any apprehension about sending your own children to die in miserable foreign hellholes, stop being a Warmonger immediately. Otherwise, i have no respect for ya.

Son-in-law fought in Afghanistan, my son followed 2 years later, daughter is Army 2LT and her Cavalry unit is returning as we speak.

Shut up until you know what you are prattling about.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?

To which law are you referring?

You get so confused it is hard to tell what you are screeching about.

Assassinating foreign leaders is illegal. Yet you Warmonger dunces call for that all the time. In your warped brains, it's only wrong and illegal if other nations do it. Such ignorance and arrogance.

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