POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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i'm over the "kumbaya" phase.

these people are cult members and must be deprogrammed or otherwise neutralized.

Yeah but, The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is extensive and quite adept at keep their Cult Members isolated.
They will not just let them be deprogrammed without a tremendous fight.
I do agree with them being neutralized, by any means necessary, tough.
Some people say our divisions are not that big a deal, that we've seen them before. Personally I don't think that's true. One thing that concerns me the most is the amount of people who don't seem to WANT our divisions healed. It seems they'd rather have some kind of final, winner-take-all war, thinking the other side can somehow be eliminated.

Do you want to see our divisions healed? It would certainly require communication with people who disagree with you, and you would have to bend somewhat, regardless of where you stand politically.

The right is already at war with their perceived evil enemy.
I don’t know how regular folks , who are not at war, overcome this. Especially with those who are willing to throw their own purported loved ones away over this.
The right is already at war with their perceived evil enemy.
I don’t know how regular folks , who are not at war, overcome this. Especially with those who are willing to throw their own purported loved ones away over this.
It's an asymmetrical situation. They're at war, the rest of us from across the political spectrum are not.

Speaking of "evil", it was a post that used that word this morning that got me thinking about this. They're operating under a "Good vs. Evil" mentality, and yeah, I don't know how to effectively address that.
It's an asymmetrical situation. They're at war, the rest of us from across the political spectrum are not.

Speaking of "evil", it was a post that used that word this morning that got me thinking about this. They're operating under a "Good vs. Evil" mentality, and yeah, I don't know how to effectively address that.
Probably because you are too stupid to realize how evil Trump is, or for years you were fine with it as long as the Stock Market does well.
The situation here in the U.S. is analogous to that in the Holy Land. One cannot negotiate with a party whose raison e'etre is the murder of you and everyone on your side. Not the same, but analogous.

The Left wants to RE-MAKE the country and its culture into a Leftist shit-hole. Open borders, neurotic pursuit of a degree C in a hundred years, re-definition of marriage, gender, and most of all "normality," rejection of middle-class values, and a re-casting of every dispute into the paradigm of Oppressor vs Oppressed.

You cannot negotiate with this garbage or these people. There can be no compromise.
Probably because you are too stupid to realize how evil Trump is, or for years you were fine with it as long as the Stock Market does well.
Vichy Mac with another fake poll.

We are ALWAYS going to have divisions.

The problem here is that Trump has made himself the issue, and like most cult leaders, demands complete obedience.

For the 1,000,000th time, President Trump is not the issue.

He is the public face of the issue.

He represents 80,000,000 people behind the scenes.
Maybe more
You tell me, what issues are you not willing to see my way?

What are you flexible on Mac?

Until Candidate Trump came along old mac was not involved at all.
He was a 3rd (or maybe 5th) party person who just stood on the sidelines and bitched.
He simply hates President Trump.
I'm flexible on anything. That's where innovation happens. New ideas via collaboration.

And what do I see your way? You could start with this link in my sig: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

I'm guessing I just wasted some bandwidth there.
I for one am not flexible on:

1. Open border. There is a border and we have laws about it. Either fix the border or change the laws. Do your damned job.
2. Mutilating the genitals of children
3. Forcing gender theory on kids. Kids should not be made to think they are either a victim or a victimizer because of the color of their skin. That does not bode well for the mental health of either child.
4. Unlimited spending that causes unlimited inflation.
5. Abortion on demand. The Federal government needs to make a determination on the personhood of the unborn before making policy on them. When does a human become human with natural rights?

You start with that.

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