POLL: Do you want to see race relations improve?

Do you want to see race relations improve in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 63.9%
  • No

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I really don't give a shit. It's up to them.

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters
I'm truly, seriously beginning to have my doubts. I think the division pimps on both ends of this are winning.

I voted yes, for what I used to think were obvious reasons.

Please respond and expand, thanks.

I agree.

The race pimps, on the Left, dominate media and pop culture and feed the population as a whole, nothing but racial division.

Minorities and liberals are constantly feed a stream of fear and hate,

while White are constantly berated and insulted.
Do you see any room for improvement from the Right?

Define what you mean by the right?

There are the neo-Nazi types that you hear about at rallies and they are referred to as "the right".

Problem is, Nazis were self identified socialists who would just assume have a dictator as a leader.

These type of people are more similar to the Left than the right. Conservatives don't want a dictator and they established a limited government where the Constitution gave us all freedom despite our race. Granted, slavery continued under Democrat insistence but the country corrected itself without an outside force to tell it that slavery was immoral.

Conversely, an outside force had to tell the Left winged German people that genocide was not OK.
We have never been down that road. Not even close. If we had so many whites would not be here lying about Obama

Obama would have made for a really cool one man race war



ask why blacks rioted more under one black prez, than the prior four white ones IM2....


You mean give handouts out to buy friendships, HELL NO!
How about the lowest black unemployment rate since slavery.

But that's simply not true, either. One could argue that when WWII allowed blacks to get truly good jobs, because all the White dudes were off fighting the War, that gave them enough of the taste of what being in the Middle Class was like that it triggered the Civil Rights movement.

Look, buddy, if you are going to pin all your arguments on "What Trump is doing is okay because unemployment is low" then you have kind of a problem.

Only a matter of time before the next recession gets here. We are probably over due, the last one ended in 2009. So does Trump's racist rhetoric and his embrace of Nazis become okay when the Unemployment Rate shoots up over 6% and companies feel safe firing all those people they paid too much for?

The problem with that lie is unemployment had been on a downward trend for 6 yeas before Trump took office. He entered office with full employment. He's done nothing to improve it. His tax cut is based upon projected GDP of annual 3-4 percent that he will not meet (Right now the annual GDP is at 2.2 percent). Then we are going to be in trouble. At that point he'll start blaming Obama or democrats.
I'm truly, seriously beginning to have my doubts. I think the division pimps on both ends of this are winning.

I voted yes, for what I used to think were obvious reasons.

Please respond and expand, thanks.

I agree.

The race pimps, on the Left, dominate media and pop culture and feed the population as a whole, nothing but racial division.

Minorities and liberals are constantly feed a stream of fear and hate,

while White are constantly berated and insulted.
Do you see any room for improvement from the Right?

Define what you mean by the right?

There are the neo-Nazi types that you hear about at rallies and they are referred to as "the right".

Problem is, Nazis were self identified socialists who would just assume have a dictator as a leader.

These type of people are more similar to the Left than the right. Conservatives don't want a dictator and they established a limited government where the Constitution gave us all freedom despite our race. Granted, slavery continued under Democrat insistence but the country corrected itself without an outside force to tell it that slavery was immoral.

Conversely, an outside force had to tell the Left winged German people that genocide was not OK.
In this particular context, the Right is who minorities see as the Right. Perception. Just as you have perceptions about the Left.

So, when the Right is represented to any degree by people who clearly don't care about the priorities of minorities, who clearly don't care for minorities, well, minorities see that. Loud and clear.

Look at the posts on this very thread from conservatives, or Trump supporters, or whatever the term currently is. Nothing but disagreement with, or mockery of, or dismissive responses to, the top priorities of minorities.

Okay, that's fine. But for these same people to complain that minorities don't respond to their come-hither look is just ludicrous, it's delusional. If Trump or the GOP or conservatives or whomever don't need minorities, great, minorities will be quite willing to stay where they are.
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We have never been down that road. Not even close. If we had so many whites would not be here lying about Obama

Obama would have made for a really cool one man race war



ask why blacks rioted more under one black prez, than the prior four white ones IM2....



I don't need to ask myself questions I know the answers to. You need ask why white prosecutors and majority white grand juries could not indict white police murderers caught committing crimes on tape so there at least could be a trial. How convenient it must be to be white and allowed too erase half the story then claim the half you chose to use is how things are.
So what metric do we apply Joe?


The metric that says you just don't comment on blacks rioting unless you comment on whites doing the same.
All you understand is that I don't agree 1,000% with on you with everything, so you've gone full drama queen. Again.

Stormy Mac accusing someone else of being a Drama Queen?

View attachment 197301

Obama's inaction on race, no doubt politically driven, was my biggest disappointment of his administration, but what we're seeing from some of Trump's fans has only confirmed (some of, enough of) what minorities have been told. And even if minorities have been used and pandered to, that's enough to keep them away.

wait a minute, Stormy Mac, make up your mind. Either Obama made race relations worse by talking about cop shootings and stuff, or he didn't do enough.

Or is your complaint he didn't go out like your hero Bill Cosby and tell them to pull up their pants?

Yeah, I'm doubtful. Trump's presence has emboldened some pretty nasty characters, at whom the Democrats can simply point and say, "See? What have we been telling you?"

But that's the point. When David Duke and Pat Buchanan ran in 1992 spewing a rather nasty stew of racism, George W. Bush and the GOP Establishment went all out to put a stop to them. Today, the GOP has embraced the nastiness...

But you'll blame the liberals.

View attachment 197302

You may remember that about 12-18 months ago, it was all about the dangers of political correctness.

How to be Politically Correct in 8 easy steps!

Now, if you're politically incorrect with racially charged speech it seems. In fairness to Mac-muffin, I don't read all of his posts much any more so maybe I'm off on that.
You may remember that about 12-18 months ago, it was all about the dangers of political correctness.

How to be Politically Correct in 8 easy steps!

Now, if you're politically incorrect with racially charged speech it seems. In fairness to Mac-muffin, I don't read all of his posts much any more so maybe I'm off on that.

Naw, he mostly spews the same kind of nonsense about the "PC Police" and "Regressives' and Muslims.

I think he's trying to show how "balanced" he is by actually addressing some of USMB's more open racists, but he'll get bored with that in a day or two and start bashing minorities for being part of the problem again.
If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Is that how you define your political policy ... More ambiguous garbage ... :dunno:

You may remember that about 12-18 months ago, it was all about the dangers of political correctness.

How to be Politically Correct in 8 easy steps!

Now, if you're politically incorrect with racially charged speech it seems. In fairness to Mac-muffin, I don't read all of his posts much any more so maybe I'm off on that.

Naw, he mostly spews the same kind of nonsense about the "PC Police" and "Regressives' and Muslims.

I think he's trying to show how "balanced" he is by actually addressing some of USMB's more open racists, but he'll get bored with that in a day or two and start bashing minorities for being part of the problem again.

As stated, I don't read much of it any more...
If you think what I wrote is garbage, it doesn't matter.

I think you and IM2 are made for each other, opposite sides of the same coin.

It's all the other guy's fault. You two have fun.

Is that how you define your political policy ... More ambiguous garbage ... :dunno:

I have no doubt that it's ambiguous to you.
Mac, you're an idiot arguing a false premise. You see junior, you've bought into the right wing republican narrative that tells you anyone who opposes their racism is full of hate. You bought up MLK but I was alive when he walked the earth, you apparent weren't around. Those like you would have called him a race pimp and divider. But like those you want to be like, you take one sentence he spoke in his life and you try making that his entire existence. His ideas were so unifying and popular among all races that he was murdered in cold blood by a white man. I have 20/20 vision junior, you are blind. I've stood in the rooms fighting republicans for things to help communities of color, you've done nothing but run your mouth.

You talk a lot of shit about both sides, but what just do you expect blacks to do? Forget everything? Ignore the racism by whites that still goes on? Blame ourselves for the problems in black communities while ignoring the policies that created them? What allows you to think people opposing racism are the same as people wanting to maintain it? Do you actually believe racism is over and that people are making it up now? What allows you to believe that?

The only policies that could have ”created them ” in black communities are five decades of handouts, special privilages, block voting for democrats and attacks on the rule of law.
Black communities are what they are because they are communities of blacks who have made choices.
The easy choices.

Like the easy choice whites here make to completely deny what they have done.
I completely deny it.

My ancestors fought and died to free yours, but you still hate me and want me to pay you...when you should be paying me.

None of that happened so we'll just move on.
Ignorance of history...is well....pure ignorance.
I have no doubt that it's ambiguous to you.

It is ambiguous ... Because what you offered is nothing but empty talk ... :thup:

You said the right needs to stop downplaying racism ...

Okay, what political policy are you going to support that stops downplaying racism.
How are you going to establish that in legislative concerns I look towards a political party to offer?

You said President Trump needs to stop saying he doesn't know who David Duke is ...

What political policy are you going to support that stops President Trump from saying he doesn't know who David Duke is.
Would you like to change the party's primary process so that anyone who wants to say they don't know who David Duke is will immediately be disqualified.

You said white supremacists support candidates on the right ...

What political policy are you going to support that stops white supremacists from supporting the candidate of their choice?
Are we supposed to cruise the hills of West Virginia looking for white supremacists,
so we can knock on their door and tell them they have no right to vote for whomever they want?

You said we need to stop racist nit-wits from saying minorities are freeloaders ...

What political policy are you going to support that stops racist nit-wits from saying minorities are freeloaders?
If you are waiting for someone to print campaign fliers that read ...
"My mission in Congress during the next term is to make sure racist nit-wits don't say minorities are freeloaders"
It's probably going to be a long wait.

My guess is that minorities are sick and tired of your empty assed talk ... :dunno:

I am not saying racism doesn't exist.
I am not saying there are not racists in either party.

I am saying that if the only actual answer you present is blowing more smoke up minorities' ass ...
I would tell you to go fuck yourself too.

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