POLL: Does the other side of the issues at least have reasonable points?

Does the other side of the issues AT LEAST make some reasonable points?

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Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


since you are obviously referencing the 2 extreme sides of politics and not the LARGEST SIDE (moderates) my answer is;


both sides are capable of espousing rational positions on some subjects

1. pot should be legal
2. the war on pot is a crime against humanity
3. illegal aliens should be rounded up and deported
4. laws should be secular and NOT based on anyones religion
5. homosexuals should be accepted in society
6. 6 year girls should NOT learn how to give BJs in school
7. law abiding citizens should be able to own guns, including automatics
8. all gun owners should be subjected to a background check to make sure they are REALLY Americans and are NOT violent criminals.
9. all gun owners should be trained and licensed to prove they can handle the weapons safely
10. welfare for life should be abolished!

are all reasonable positions on various topics held by one extreme or the other.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


since you are obviously referencing the 2 extreme sides of politics and not the LARGEST SIDE (moderates) my answer is;


both sides are capable of espousing rational positions on some subjects

1. pot should be legal
2. the war on pot is a crime against humanity
3. illegal aliens should be rounded up and deported
4. laws should be secular and NOT based on anyones religion
5. homosexuals should be accepted in society
6. 6 year girls should NOT learn how to give BJs in school
7. law abiding citizens should be able to own guns, including automatics
8. all gun owners should be subjected to a background check to make sure they are REALLY Americans and are NOT violent criminals.
9. all gun owners should be trained and licensed to prove they can handle the weapons safely
10. welfare for life should be abolished!

are all reasonable positions on various topics held by one extreme or the other.
The problem I see is that the "extremes" are increasing in size. This cancer is metastasizing throughout our society & culture.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Depends on the issue, do you have any in particular in mind?

Any major issue. The top 10 or 15. I see reasonable arguments on both sides for any of them.

Do you?

Why are you being so cryptic? I have no idea what you consider the top 10-15 top issues. Pick some and I'll be happy to discuss.

Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Depends on the issue, do you have any in particular in mind?

Any major issue. The top 10 or 15. I see reasonable arguments on both sides for any of them.

Do you?

Why are you being so cryptic? I have no idea what you consider the top 10-15 top issues. Pick some and I'll be happy to discuss.

Good gawd. I'm not being cryptic, I just think some things are obvious.

And I'm not asking for a discussion on the individual issues, I'm asking if people CAN make reasonable, intelligent arguments on both sides of an issue.
  1. Economy
  2. Taxation
  3. Health Care
  4. Immigration
  5. Foreign Policy
  6. Abortion
  7. Gun Control
  8. Unions
  9. Gay Marriage
  10. Education
  11. Climate Change
  12. Death Penalty
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.

Depends on which "other side" you're talking about.

The demented tRumpling harpies who frequent this site, or the nominal adults (no, I'm not referring to Cheeto Jesus) who really participate in the government?
Well, I'm talking about whichever side is on the other end for you. So yeah, in your case, the Trumpsters.
Then no. The local tRumplings rarely even try to make a point, it's mostly a barrage of "liberals suck" hatred and "our great president tRump" sucking up.
Do you feel you could argue the other side effectively if you had to?

"Do you feel you could argue the other side effectively if you had to?"

I think I can.....

gay rights: "gays are disgusting perverts and liberals hate god and christians!"

how was that?

pot legalization "liberal dope heads kill and rape and should be take out back and shot!"

pretty good, eh?

one more;

Keeping Government out of our private lives;

"The government must STAY OUT OF OUR PRIVATE LIVES! that is why i support criminalization of gays, gay marriage, gay sex, and pot smoking....because nothing says "smaller government" like lots of punitive laws against my enemies!"

I could write a book~!
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.

Depends on which "other side" you're talking about.

The demented tRumpling harpies who frequent this site, or the nominal adults (no, I'm not referring to Cheeto Jesus) who really participate in the government?
Well, I'm talking about whichever side is on the other end for you. So yeah, in your case, the Trumpsters.
Then no. The local tRumplings rarely even try to make a point, it's mostly a barrage of "liberals suck" hatred and "our great president tRump" sucking up.
Do you feel you could argue the other side effectively if you had to?

"Do you feel you could argue the other side effectively if you had to?"

I think I can.....

gay rights: "gays are disgusting perverts and liberals hate god and christians!"

how was that?

pot legalization "liberal dope heads kill and rape and should be take out back and shot!"

pretty good, eh?

one more;

Keeping Government out of our private lives;

"The government must STAY OUT OF OUR PRIVATE LIVES! that is why i support criminalization of gays, gay marriage, gay sex, and pot smoking....because nothing says "smaller government" like lots of punitive laws against my enemies!"

I could write a book~!
Um, great!
I don't complain about gridlock much........because we already have enough laws anyway......we don't need anymore......if anything we need less..............So Gridlock is fine with me.

You are entitled to your opinion, even though I think that is a dangerous way of thinking.

Gridlock is fine when it stops unreasonable people from doing unreasonable things. If either side is intent on doing something unreasonable with our government, then yes, gridlock should remain.

But what about the things that will do good for all of American society? Should we favor gridlock over that?
We have far too many laws already.............laws were not supposed to be easy to pass to begin with..............Unless we really need a new law..................then gridlock is fine..................General housekeeping is mainly what they do.........Laws have become a way to line their pockets with EARMARKS ANYWAY.

Gridlock is good..........keeps them from screwing the taxpayers.
We have far too many laws already....
* Then leaves to go to a rally to make abortion illegal
Most States have laws for late term abortion already........too dang bad that we are against allowing babies killed after 20 weeks.............and up to 9 months and during delivery as the Liberal States do now............

Most States have laws for late term abortion already....
But not banning all abortion which is what you want.

Let me guess: you think there are too many laws, but those laws are fine. So, basically, you spout that useless, embroidered pillow meme when it suits you.
But you are a moron who could not win a debate against a 6 year old. The only reason you are in the ring is because you get the same vote I do.
Awe...........do you need a tissue........LOL
I rest my case.
Good for you..............You want another ALMOST TROPHY...........LIke the trophy Hillary got.......hmmm
But you are a moron who could not win a debate against a 6 year old. The only reason you are in the ring is because you get the same vote I do.
Awe...........do you need a tissue........LOL
I rest my case.
Good for you..............You want another ALMOST TROPHY...........LIke the trophy Hillary got.......hmmm
Now I'm just getting bonus points.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Reasonable to them (my opponents) perhaps. However, when they (you?) refuse to give open and sincere answers to my questions? I do not find them to be "reasonable" at all.
I'm talking about their actual points rather than behaviors.

Yes, wingers on both ends can exhibit counter-productive behaviors, but I'm talking about something more than that.

I'm talking beyond that too.

Have you considered the fact that some people have been on both sides of an issue and have already dealt with the "reasonable" points of "both sides?"
Some? Of course. I just want to know how many people here recognize the obvious.

For example: If you had to, are you capable of making a rational and effective argument for either side of any of the major issues?


That is how I know (and others know) the flaws in leftarded logic.

Any simpleton can master and mimic their bullshit "logic" with little effort at all.
. . . I used to be anti-Abortion. A bad bit of vestigal Catholic Brainwashing that remained even after I became an atheist.

It appears they were heavy on the religion and relatively weak on the biological facts, while they were "brainwashing" you.

Then I realized several important truths.

1) The rich have no intent on banning abortion, just keeping people like you upset about it.

And to a leftard, this is reason enough to support keeping abortion legal? Wow. So, in your mind, it is ok to punish innocent CHILDREN with DEATH, because of your disdain for all things catholic or conservative?

Got it.

2) Conservatives don't really give a damn about babies after their umbilical cords are cut.

Dawwwwww you have the feelz. . .

That's sweet.

Grownups know that, objectively speaking, children's rights are not contingent upon whether You, I or anyone else "cares" about them at ANY time during their lifespan. But you go ahead and convince yourself that it's ok to deny children their rights and protections in the womb, based on your lie that "Conservatives don't care about them, after the cord is cut." I'll pretend that I didn't love my own daughter both before and after her (unplanned) birth. Just for you.

3) If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

No doubt that is true.

I'll bet you still claim to support laws against child molestation. Don't you?

I'll bet that you actually BELIEVE you are a supporter of Basic Human Rights!

Even as you DENY basic human rights and protections to the most BASIC of human's that there are.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Reasonable to them (my opponents) perhaps. However, when they (you?) refuse to give open and sincere answers to my questions? I do not find them to be "reasonable" at all.
I'm talking about their actual points rather than behaviors.

Yes, wingers on both ends can exhibit counter-productive behaviors, but I'm talking about something more than that.

I'm talking beyond that too.

Have you considered the fact that some people have been on both sides of an issue and have already dealt with the "reasonable" points of "both sides?"
Some? Of course. I just want to know how many people here recognize the obvious.

For example: If you had to, are you capable of making a rational and effective argument for either side of any of the major issues?


That is how I know (and others know) the flaws in leftarded logic.

Any simpleton can master and mimic their bullshit "logic" with little effort at all.
I'll believe when I see it. And I won't be holding my breath.

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