POLL: Does the other side of the issues at least have reasonable points?

Does the other side of the issues AT LEAST make some reasonable points?

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There is a reason there is Gridlock in Washington, and has been for a long time, it is because there isn't any compromise anymore, both are entrenched because both are against each other.

And anyone who dares espouse reason is swiftly purged. It's not for unwillingness to be reasonable, but out of fear. Is it possible to eliminate the fear? Sure it is.
Fear.............LOL...............Fear of THE BERN......You have got to be freaking kidding me.......

That just Psychology BS............we will not negotiate with someone OUT OF FEAR.......

Hey buddy if you want to put a solar grid on your roof GOOD FOR YOU......If you TELL ME I HAVE TO PUT ONE ON MINE........Well Houston we have a dang problem.....

I got something here for the libs...........You live your way......I'll live mine......don't shove it my way and I will not shove it yours........

Which is why we need the Enumerated powers in this country again.....and allow States to live as they choose......not via the ALMIGHTY FEDERAL GOV'T.
Show me the glaring examples of OUR SO CALLED RIGHTWING FRINGE.......Where is it...

Are you serious? It is because of the fringe of both sides that I reside on neither.
How do we REASON WITH THAT........You can't..............and that lunacy has taken over a good part of the Dem party

Then why not speak to the part that it hasn't?
Again..............WHERE IS THAT PART AT.........

Do you have a MAP TO IT............:dunno:

Sarcasm aside..

I don't have a map, nor will I lead you by the hand.

You need to be reasonable enough to seek out reasonable people. Unless you yourself are as unreasonable as you say some are.

A total 'blamer' accusing others of being unreasonable.
As Blago would say, "This is golden.".

Curious... who am I blaming? What am I blaming them for? Hmm?

Some things are best left a riddle.

This is one of them.
I don't complain about gridlock much........because we already have enough laws anyway......we don't need anymore......if anything we need less..............So Gridlock is fine with me.

You are entitled to your opinion, even though I think that is a dangerous way of thinking.

Gridlock is fine when it stops unreasonable people from doing unreasonable things. If either side is intent on doing something unreasonable with our government, then yes, gridlock should remain.

But what about the things that will do good for all of American society? Should we favor gridlock over that?
Show me the glaring examples of OUR SO CALLED RIGHTWING FRINGE.......Where is it...

Are you serious? It is because of the fringe of both sides that I reside on neither.
Then why not speak to the part that it hasn't?
Again..............WHERE IS THAT PART AT.........

Do you have a MAP TO IT............:dunno:

Sarcasm aside..

I don't have a map, nor will I lead you by the hand.

You need to be reasonable enough to seek out reasonable people. Unless you yourself are as unreasonable as you say some are.

A total 'blamer' accusing others of being unreasonable.
As Blago would say, "This is golden.".

Curious... who am I blaming? What am I blaming them for? Hmm?

Some things are best left a riddle.

This is one of them.

Riddles have answers.
And yet, here I remain, not having abandoned my argument. Is it superior? Maybe. Maybe not. But I think the most reasonable arguments are the ones you stand by, not the ones you run away from.

Good night......I'm done for the night.........Work for a living ......LOL

You are a helluva lot more patient than me when dealing with these ivory tower pseudo-philosophical fools!
Think what you like. I am not trying to convince you to think differently. I am asking you to be objective. Big difference.

Can either of you point out to me where I told you to abandon your opinion?
You like smoke blown up your butt?
The NY Times and Washington Post are already cranking out daily stories that criticize him for what's being done.

He claims credit for everything good that happens, whether he had anything to do with it or not. It isn't a one-way street, he earns blame for the bad too.

He's off to a bad start dealing with CV. Pence has no qualifications, he's just an ass-licking Bible pounder. We don't need prayer, we need experts in the field. The last thing we need are elected politicians like Pence, who will only tell us what trumpf wants him to say. Pence = zero trust, zero transparency, zero honesty.

And shut down morons like Larry Krudlow telling us how it's under control and air tight. Nobody wants smoke blown up their asses, we need the truth, and I don't believe anything this admin tells us.

We need experts, people educated, trained, and experienced in dealing with contagious diseases, who will tell us straight, not bullshit politicians. like sait idolizes
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Reasonable to them (my opponents) perhaps. However, when they (you?) refuse to give open and sincere answers to my questions? I do not find them to be "reasonable" at all.
I'm talking about their actual points rather than behaviors.

Yes, wingers on both ends can exhibit counter-productive behaviors, but I'm talking about something more than that.

I'm talking beyond that too.

Have you considered the fact that some people have been on both sides of an issue and have already dealt with the "reasonable" points of "both sides?"
"Reasonable points" used to be dictated by the presumably "reasonable" media. What happens when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party and angry lefties assault people for wearing MAGA hats? Is it reasonable? What about the Sanders supporter who tried to murder every conservative congressman? Was it "reasonable" to dismiss Hodgkinson's connection with Sanders? Reasonable Points is (are) just a cliche unless the political double standard is addressed.
I've tried to differentiate between (1) behaviors/tactics, and (2) actual specific reasons for positions. So while an ideologue (Left or Right, doesn't matter) may act in a counter-productive way, I believe that each end (or all ends) of an argument will most likely have at least some reasonable basis for their core opinion.

Looks like -- in this thread, anyway -- I'm in the minority on that.

Well, so far the poll you conducted in this thread, proves it! :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, I think I under-estimated how many people here are afraid and/or unable to understand the views of the other side, a fundamental ability of an intelligent, clear-thinking adult.
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Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Depends on the issue, do you have any in particular in mind?

Any major issue. The top 10 or 15. I see reasonable arguments on both sides for any of them.

Do you?
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.

Absolutely. Whether or not the loudest people on any given side of an issue are actually using them is a different story.

Example: student loan forgiveness.

Reasonable points: how do we account for this expense? Are we incentivizing people to waste federal tuition aid?

Unreasonable points: Everyone who paid any of their own money for tuition should get reimbursed, then! This is Marxist! This is like Venezuela!

Now ask yourself: which counterpoints are you hearing the most, from voters and politicians? Easy answer.
I think there are perfectly reasonable arguments against it. The way they are argued is an entirely different story. A large number on the Right have been trained to do little more than spray simplistic talk radio slogans and platitudes at problems, so they will often miss the more refined and intellectual argument against something. And, there is certainly some of that on the Left as well.

I'll bet you could come up with perfectly valid arguments against student loan forgiveness if you honestly tried.
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Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


You're still pompous and self-absorbed.

Conservatives used to have legitimate points, before they became the cult of Trump.
I'm talking beyond that too.

Have you considered the fact that some people have been on both sides of an issue and have already dealt with the "reasonable" points of "both sides?"

I have. For instance, I used to be anti-Abortion. A bad bit of vestigal Catholic Brainwashing that remained even after I became an atheist.

Then I realized several important truths.

1) The rich have no intent on banning abortion, just keeping people like you upset about it.
2) Conservatives don't really give a damn about babies after their umbilical cords are cut.
3) If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Reasonable to them (my opponents) perhaps. However, when they (you?) refuse to give open and sincere answers to my questions? I do not find them to be "reasonable" at all.
I'm talking about their actual points rather than behaviors.

Yes, wingers on both ends can exhibit counter-productive behaviors, but I'm talking about something more than that.

I'm talking beyond that too.

Have you considered the fact that some people have been on both sides of an issue and have already dealt with the "reasonable" points of "both sides?"
Some? Of course. I just want to know how many people here recognize the obvious.

For example: If you had to, are you capable of making a rational and effective argument for either side of any of the major issues?
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