POLL: Does the other side of the issues at least have reasonable points?

Does the other side of the issues AT LEAST make some reasonable points?

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Leftist are the enemy of AMERICA
They are a greater threat than any flu or virus scare they can dream of pushing.

When we start labeling people as "enemy" for having different opinions, are we not any different than the leftists who vilify conservatives for having a different viewpoint?
opinions are great when you have a common ground to meet at. Leftists have nothing in common with those who care about America.
With all due respect, how could you possibly know that?
with no respect, you either have your eyes closed or not watching their actions

No, I see everyone's actions. And this type of behavior isn't simply limited to "leftists". Everyone thinks their views are superior, and that those views subsequently make them superior to everyone else.

All viewpoints have merit, as long as they reside within the realm of reason. The act of broad brushing a group of people is childish. Whether leftists do it the right wingers, or whether right wingers do it to leftists, it is ill informed and puerile.
Again you aren't paying attention.

Is Bernie Sanders and his views good for America?
or any democrat for that matter?
Would you agree a mans work is his own and his labor is his gain and not the collectives work or gain?
I'm playing devil's advocate here.

But are we saying despicable behavior is only limited to leftists? Isn't that a bit... narrow minded?
When a Biden rally or Bernie rally needs the Riot police to show up to stop the riots let me know........

When people see a Bernie hat and start throwing a drink in their face for it let me know...

How about the IRS targeting conservative groups...........has this occurred under Trump.......no it hasn't.

The Extreme is on the left.............PERIOD........Conservatives aren't trying to shut down their Free Speech........paying protesters to show up ...........calling for people to go to their homes and get in their faces..........harassing them as they go to the movies with their kids........

To say it is equal on the extremist is BS.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?
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Are you serious? It is because of the fringe of both sides that I reside on neither.
And again where is this Fringe on the RIGHT........speak into the microphone with EXAMPLES.......

Show me how we are going to a Bernie Rally and then looting the dang place..........Do you have some of those examples.........Where are they..........LOL

You are playing the same game MAC does all the time..........that is why you are in the MINORITY HERE.

Sarcasm aside..

I don't have a map, nor will I lead you by the hand.

You need to be reasonable enough to seek out reasonable people. Unless you yourself are as unreasonable as you say some are.
Where are these REASONABLE PEOPLE............LOL...........Of course you will not draw me a map to it.....because it really doesn't exist anymore.
Show me the glaring examples of OUR SO CALLED RIGHTWING FRINGE.......Where is it...

Are you serious? It is because of the fringe of both sides that I reside on neither.
How do we REASON WITH THAT........You can't..............and that lunacy has taken over a good part of the Dem party

Then why not speak to the part that it hasn't?
Again..............WHERE IS THAT PART AT.........

Do you have a MAP TO IT............:dunno:

Sarcasm aside..

I don't have a map, nor will I lead you by the hand.

You need to be reasonable enough to seek out reasonable people. Unless you yourself are as unreasonable as you say some are.

A total 'blamer' accusing others of being unreasonable.
As Blago would say, "This is golden.".
I'm playing devil's advocate here.

But are we saying despicable behavior is only limited to leftists? Isn't that a bit... narrow minded?
When a Biden rally or Bernie rally needs the Riot police to show up to stop the riots let me know........

When people see a Bernie hat and start throwing a drink in their face for it let me know...

How about the IRS targeting conservative groups...........has this occurred under Trump.......no it hasn't.

The Extreme is on the left.............PERIOD........Conservatives aren't trying to shut down their Free Speech........paying protesters to show up ...........calling for people to go to their homes and get in their faces..........harassing them as they go to the movies with their kids........

To say it is equal on the extremist is BS.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

They aren't either............and they have taken over a large part of the Dem Party.....What the hell does the Dem Party OFFER AMERICA ANYMORE.....

Show me the SANE SIDE and WHO is proposing it.................Where is this mystical place we are to go and FIND REASON

Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.


Depends on the issue, do you have any in particular in mind?

Is Bernie Sanders and his views good for America?
or any democrat for that matter?
Would you agree a mans work is his own and his labor is his gain and not the collectives work or gain?
I disagree with Bernie's line of reasoning, simply because it is unreasonable.

When you think about it, when a farmer farms and tills the soil, he is not only doing it for just for his or his family's benefit, it has the added secondary effect of benefiting other people he may not even know. He is entitled to the benefits of his labor, and so are the people who buy his produce. He has the money, they have the produce.

No. I am not foolish enough to take socialism seriously.

I never said you had to. Where am I saying that?
You aren't ........so point me to the Reasonable people in the /Dem party where we get the so called compromise..........

There is a reason their is Gridlock in Washington....and has been for a long time........Their isn't any compromise anymore......both are entrenched..........because both are against each other.

I don't complain about gridlock much........because we already have enough laws anyway......we don't need anymore......if anything we need less..............So Gridlock is fine with me.
I'm playing devil's advocate here.

But are we saying despicable behavior is only limited to leftists? Isn't that a bit... narrow minded?
When a Biden rally or Bernie rally needs the Riot police to show up to stop the riots let me know........

When people see a Bernie hat and start throwing a drink in their face for it let me know...

How about the IRS targeting conservative groups...........has this occurred under Trump.......no it hasn't.

The Extreme is on the left.............PERIOD........Conservatives aren't trying to shut down their Free Speech........paying protesters to show up ...........calling for people to go to their homes and get in their faces..........harassing them as they go to the movies with their kids........

To say it is equal on the extremist is BS.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

I already did. You were too busy blaming.
People who blame do not accept responsibility. ERGO: You!
Where are these REASONABLE PEOPLE............LOL...........Of course you will not draw me a map to it.....because it really doesn't exist anymore.

No, you are just unwilling to put forth an effort to look for them.

I am quite confident there are people like that out there. I know there are. My mother in law is a democrat who married my overtly conservative father. They disagree with each other. And when they agree on something her family disagrees with, they both see how unreasonable people can be. But they? They are willing to love each other in spite of their political differences.
I'm playing devil's advocate here.

But are we saying despicable behavior is only limited to leftists? Isn't that a bit... narrow minded?
When a Biden rally or Bernie rally needs the Riot police to show up to stop the riots let me know........

When people see a Bernie hat and start throwing a drink in their face for it let me know...

How about the IRS targeting conservative groups...........has this occurred under Trump.......no it hasn't.

The Extreme is on the left.............PERIOD........Conservatives aren't trying to shut down their Free Speech........paying protesters to show up ...........calling for people to go to their homes and get in their faces..........harassing them as they go to the movies with their kids........

To say it is equal on the extremist is BS.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

I already did. You were too busy blaming.
People who blame do not accept responsibility. ERGO: You!

Blaming who? What responsibility am I disregarding? Hmm? Can you be specific?
Pretty straightforward question here. As our political rhetoric becomes more binary and divided, I wonder how many of us believe that the other side of issues AT LEAST make SOME reasonable, understandable points when they argue their side. At least on the major issues confronting us.

Absolutely. Whether or not the loudest people on any given side of an issue are actually using them is a different story.

Example: student loan forgiveness.

Reasonable points: how do we account for this expense? Are we incentivizing people to waste federal tuition aid?

Unreasonable points: Everyone who paid any of their own money for tuition should get reimbursed, then! This is Marxist! This is like Venezuela!

Now ask yourself: which counterpoints are you hearing the most, from voters and politicians? Easy answer.
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When a Biden rally or Bernie rally needs the Riot police to show up to stop the riots let me know........

When people see a Bernie hat and start throwing a drink in their face for it let me know...

How about the IRS targeting conservative groups...........has this occurred under Trump.......no it hasn't.

The Extreme is on the left.............PERIOD........Conservatives aren't trying to shut down their Free Speech........paying protesters to show up ...........calling for people to go to their homes and get in their faces..........harassing them as they go to the movies with their kids........

To say it is equal on the extremist is BS.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

I already did. You were too busy blaming.
People who blame do not accept responsibility. ERGO: You!

Blaming who? What responsibility am I disregarding? Hmm? Can you be specific?

I won't waste my time.

Your sophistry is akin to a dog chasing it's tail.
You win.....when you catch your tail.
Where are these REASONABLE PEOPLE............LOL...........Of course you will not draw me a map to it.....because it really doesn't exist anymore.

No, you are just unwilling to put forth an effort to look for them.

I am quite confident there are people like that out there. I know there are. My mother in law is a democrat who married my overtly conservative father. They disagree with each other. And when they agree on something her family disagrees with, they both see how unreasonable people can be. But they? They are willing to love each other in spite of their political differences.
When is your mother N law running for office..............so we can have the discussion of COMPROMISE.........

Where is HER BILL to help fix America.....................When did she get elected...............hmmmm
There is a reason there is Gridlock in Washington, and has been for a long time, it is because there isn't any compromise anymore, both are entrenched because both are against each other.

And anyone who dares espouse reason is swiftly purged. It's not for unwillingness to be reasonable, but out of fear. Is it possible to eliminate the fear? Sure it is.
Don't blame the people for their opinion, blame where they acquired that opinion from. Blame the source too. Someone spreads a harmful opinion for their own personal gain. Blame them. You can however, blame someone for being dumb enough to fall for such an opinion.

Nothing you can do about them having it except counter it with reason.

All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

I already did. You were too busy blaming.
People who blame do not accept responsibility. ERGO: You!

Blaming who? What responsibility am I disregarding? Hmm? Can you be specific?

I won't waste my time.

Your sophistry is akin to a dog chasing it's tail.
You win.....when you catch your tail.

And since I have no tail to catch, I have no reason to chase it.

My efforts are better spent. On chasing reasonable goals.
All you do is blame, dude!

That alone shows that you're irresponsible.

Nah, when you throw objectivity to the wind like apparently you do, that is irresponsible.

The unwillingness to compromise, to make a deal, to listen without trying to silence, that's irresponsible.

And where am I blaming anyone? Can you point that out to me?

I already did. You were too busy blaming.
People who blame do not accept responsibility. ERGO: You!

Blaming who? What responsibility am I disregarding? Hmm? Can you be specific?

I won't waste my time.

Your sophistry is akin to a dog chasing it's tail.
You win.....when you catch your tail.

And since I have no tail to catch, I have no reason to chase it.

My efforts are better spent. On chasing reasonable goals.

Show me the glaring examples of OUR SO CALLED RIGHTWING FRINGE.......Where is it...

Are you serious? It is because of the fringe of both sides that I reside on neither.
How do we REASON WITH THAT........You can't..............and that lunacy has taken over a good part of the Dem party

Then why not speak to the part that it hasn't?
Again..............WHERE IS THAT PART AT.........

Do you have a MAP TO IT............:dunno:

Sarcasm aside..

I don't have a map, nor will I lead you by the hand.

You need to be reasonable enough to seek out reasonable people. Unless you yourself are as unreasonable as you say some are.

A total 'blamer' accusing others of being unreasonable.
As Blago would say, "This is golden.".

Curious... who am I blaming? What am I blaming them for? Hmm?

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