Poll finds Americans believe Republicans are sabotaging economy



49 percent of respondents to the poll say that Republicans are intentionally stalling the economy, compared to 40 percent who say they are not. 11 percent replied “not sure.”

Among independents, 50 percent said that Republicans are stalling the recovery compared to 40 percent who said they are not, and 61 percent of self-described moderates said they are compared to just 40 percent who said they are not.

Former Florida Governor, son of George H.W. Bush, and brother of President George W. Bush is calling for a more moderate Republican Party. Bush said President Ronald Reagan "would be criticised today for the things he did. He added "My Dad and Reagan sacrificed political poinbts for good public policy." He said today's party has an "orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement.”

If Republicans continue to block every jobs bill put forth by the President, voters will begin to see that they are more interested in power than helping the economy. When the House of Representatives refuses to pass a highway bill even after it passed the Senate by a 74% majority, it will give voters pause.

Poll finds Americans believe Republicans are sabotaging economy - National economic policy | Examiner.com

As time goes by, it will become clearer to the American people that Republicans are putting power over the good of the American people. Americans want jobs, Republicans want to police women's bodies and add discrimination to the constitution.
In addition to blaming Republicans for sabotaging the economy, only 34 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, compared to 55 percent who view the party unfavorably. In comparison, 44 percent view the Democratic Party favorably while 45 percent have an unfavorable opinion. Democrats may not have an overwhelming endorsement, but their favorability beats the GOP. That could spell trouble for the GOP keeping the House

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the 49 % of Americans that believe the Rs are putting the country in danger for the sake of their party
Yes. You can always count on the Daily Kos to survey its readers and call it a poll. :rolleyes:
Hey Dean............knock yourself out trying to change the course of the electorate from this little corner of political irrelevancy. Im interested to see how many posts between now and November you will rack up......but dont worry, I'll keep and eye on it. Im sure you will be falling all over yourself with the efforts.

Do me a favor though.........on election night, dont be crying in your beer and going home to spend the night doing the gorgan poke of the cat. Have the balls to show up here and get the salt rubbed in the wound for a few hours!!
Congressional republicans are also sneaking into liberals houses and hiding their car keys too!!!!

Yes. You can always count on the Daily Kos to survey its readers and call it a poll. :rolleyes:

All the poll means is that 40% of liberals don't believe Repubs are sabotaging the economy and 11% of them aren't sure. I would have thought more Dems blamed Repubs, but guess not.

Did the OP think we'd take a Daily KO/SEIU poll seriously?
Shit Truth........do you ever even leave the damn house? 54,000 posts..............HOLY MOTHER OF GOD:50:. Im getting a bit worried you might be one of those people that needs to be taken out of the house with a crane.
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Hey Dean............knock yourself out trying to change the course of the electorate from this little corner of political irrelevancy. Im interested to see how many posts between now and November you will rack up......but dont worry, I'll keep and eye on it. Im sure you will be falling all over yourself with the efforts.

Do me a favor though.........on election night, dont be crying in your beer and going home to spend the night doing the gorgan poke of the cat. Have the balls to show up here and get the salt rubbed in the wound for a few hours!!

If Romney wins, it's America that will suffer. The reason Romney doesn't tell us his positions is because he knows if people know what he will do, they won't vote for him.

Mitt: I Won’t Detail Plans, Because Then I’d Lose

We all know that Mitt can't possibly go through an entire election and not detail any of his plans.

We already know one of his policies, "Less Policemen, less Firemen, and less Teachers". Yea, he needs to stick with that plan. I bet Americans will love it. What do you think? Is it a "winner"?
Hey Dean............knock yourself out trying to change the course of the electorate from this little corner of political irrelevancy. Im interested to see how many posts between now and November you will rack up......but dont worry, I'll keep and eye on it. Im sure you will be falling all over yourself with the efforts.

Do me a favor though.........on election night, dont be crying in your beer and going home to spend the night doing the gorgan poke of the cat. Have the balls to show up here and get the salt rubbed in the wound for a few hours!!

If Romney wins, it's America that will suffer. The reason Romney doesn't tell us his positions is because he knows if people know what he will do, they won't vote for him.

Mitt: I Won’t Detail Plans, Because Then I’d Lose

We all know that Mitt can't possibly go through an entire election and not detail any of his plans.

We already know one of his policies, "Less Policemen, less Firemen, and less Teachers". Yea, he needs to stick with that plan. I bet Americans will love it. What do you think? Is it a "winner"?

Dean bro.......go out and purchase a chinstrap come the fall. Your guy aint winning unless we have a war, that of course, will be staged. Might still happen.......it is my only fear politically. Otherwise, its gonna be your turn to take the lumps like we did in 2008. Incumbents in a bad economy dont win the past 60 years...........and if its not a landslide, its gonna be damn close to one electorally.

Get the chinstrap s0n............gonna need buckling in about 18 weeks.
Apparatchik's playbook: sabotage the economy and blame the opponent for sabotaging the economy. Then, get more votes, move into office, pass laws to benefit yourself and your family, and see to it they get 1.3 billion dollars worth of totally taxpayer backed money back if the business fails. Leave the failed business in bankruptcy with $1.3 billion in your relative's bank account that the taxpayers put there.

Nobody will say anything about this larceny, Nancy Pelosi!
So you polled Democrats and almost half think Republicans are sabatoging the country? Then you try to pretend this applies to all Americans.

You lefties are sadly so predictable in your attempts to decieve others.
As time goes by, it will become clearer to the American people that Republicans are putting power over the good of the American people. Americans want jobs, Republicans want to police women's bodies and add discrimination to the constitution.

i agree Dean.....why dont you tell that to your buddies out here in California.....biggest Economy in the Country, 11% unemployment....:eusa_eh:
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In addition to blaming Republicans for sabotaging the economy, only 34 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, compared to 55 percent who view the party unfavorably. In comparison, 44 percent view the Democratic Party favorably while 45 percent have an unfavorable opinion. Democrats may not have an overwhelming endorsement, but their favorability beats the GOP. That could spell trouble for the GOP keeping the House

Poll finds Americans believe Republicans are sabotaging economy - National economic policy | Examiner.com

what happened to your theory in Wisconsin?...
So you guys don't think it's happening? How many now believe Obana had no reason to invade Iraq?

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