Poll: Gingrich strongest republican candidate to defeat obama

This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

Please elect Newt. I have no fear of Newt; none at all. I am begging you...vote for Newt.

Huntsman scares the dickens out of me in terms of my being an Obama supporter. In terms of being an American, Huntsman is likely the best of the GOP lot in terms of being a President.

But PLEASE elect Newt. Bring it on!
hehehehe... we will, and you won't be liking the result as much as you think... LOL.
This makes me very happy :) Liberals are running around completely unhinged scared to DEATH of Newt.. can you imagine that debate??!!

Please elect Newt. I have no fear of Newt; none at all. I am begging you...vote for Newt.

Huntsman scares the dickens out of me in terms of my being an Obama supporter. In terms of being an American, Huntsman is likely the best of the GOP lot in terms of being a President.

But PLEASE elect Newt. Bring it on!
hehehehe... we will, and you won't be liking the result as much as you think... LOL.

I give the GOP electorate more credit than that but hell, every dog has his day I guess; maybe Obama will get his dream opponent.
A lot can happen in a year.

The economy could improve.

Jobs could go to 4.5%.

The nation could boom.

Barry could get reelected.

Whoops one to many pipe dreams for the left.

I would pay money to see Newt debate Barry.

Newt would hand Barry his ass.

No dobut Newt would consolidate his base. Unfortunately the elections are decided from the middle. He has no appeal outside of the base.

Well hate to tell ya but I'm and Indi and I like Newt just fine.

How do you know that only the base likes Newt?? Wishful thinking or what??

His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.
No dobut Newt would consolidate his base. Unfortunately the elections are decided from the middle. He has no appeal outside of the base.

Well hate to tell ya but I'm and Indi and I like Newt just fine.

How do you know that only the base likes Newt?? Wishful thinking or what??

His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.

Yeah, ok.

There is nothing to bring up about Newt that hasn't been common knowledge for years... to bring it up again will be a big whatever moment. Obama will have nothing... he'll be stuck out there, naked, all by himself with 15%+ real unemployment, inflation, $15,000,000,000,000 debt, worthless $, etc. hanging squarely around his neck.

He's toast. Deal with it.
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Anyhoo, last I checked, a known sexual harasser and accused rapist was elected to the White House... twice.
Well hate to tell ya but I'm and Indi and I like Newt just fine.

How do you know that only the base likes Newt?? Wishful thinking or what??

His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.

Yeah, ok.

There is nothing to bring up about Newt that hasn't been common knowledge for years... to bring it up again will be a big whatever moment. Obama will have nothing... he'll be stuck out there, naked, all by himself with 15^%+ real unemployment, inflation, $15,000,000,000,000 debt, worthless $, etc. hanging squarely around his neck.

He's toast. Deal with it.

Well, we will see if Newt gets the nod. Why would you want to put a guy up there with all of those negatives though? PS: the multiple flip flops are not "years" old. Look at Newt on Libya...flipping and flopping all over the place; supporting one policy right up until Obama did it then saying something else.

You're better than that GOP; I hope to hell you don't realize it though.

Anyway we'll see come election time.

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll released today shows Newt is in a virtual tie (47% to 45%) with President Obama in a head to head matchup, the strongest of any of the Republican candidates. Gingrich is also beating Obama 47% to 41% among independent voters.

Poll: Gingrich Strongest Republican Candidate to Defeat Obama | Newt Gingrich 2012

Independents choose Newt over Obama despite the cries of the left leaning USMB posters. LOL

Go Newt go.......

If Newt ever became president, conservatives would likely rue that day even sooner than liberals would.
His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.

Yeah, ok.

There is nothing to bring up about Newt that hasn't been common knowledge for years... to bring it up again will be a big whatever moment. Obama will have nothing... he'll be stuck out there, naked, all by himself with 15^%+ real unemployment, inflation, $15,000,000,000,000 debt, worthless $, etc. hanging squarely around his neck.

He's toast. Deal with it.

Well, we will see if Newt gets the nod. Why would you want to put a guy up there with all of those negatives though? PS: the multiple flip flops are not "years" old. Look at Newt on Libya...flipping and flopping all over the place; supporting one policy right up until Obama did it then saying something else.

You're better than that GOP; I hope to hell you don't realize it though.

Anyway we'll see come election time.

I'm not sure who I support just yet... just saying that I love this vetting process for the reasons stated. There will be no surprises and to dredge up this shit again will not matter. Obama has nothing but his own, very dismal record. I really think, barring the entry of a third party spoiler, any Republican can beat Obama.
Liberals are all clamoring and hoping for Romney.. that should tell everyone something. Newt will be our nominee at the end of this thing much to the chagrin of liberals and the liberal media. You don't get to choose our candidate.
His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.

You've said the same crap about every candidate save Romney.

What this boils down to is you pouting because the dims may not get to pick the GOP candidate this time.

You know full well that Obama is going to lose, so who the GOP nominates is vital, since they will be the next president.
Liberals are all clamoring and hoping for Romney.. that should tell everyone something. Newt will be our nominee at the end of this thing much to the chagrin of liberals and the liberal media. You don't get to choose our candidate.

Yeah, remember the left calling McCain the Maverick?

Then what hapenned? Whoever the left goes after the worst, that's probably our guy.
Yeah, ok.

There is nothing to bring up about Newt that hasn't been common knowledge for years... to bring it up again will be a big whatever moment. Obama will have nothing... he'll be stuck out there, naked, all by himself with 15^%+ real unemployment, inflation, $15,000,000,000,000 debt, worthless $, etc. hanging squarely around his neck.

He's toast. Deal with it.

Well, we will see if Newt gets the nod. Why would you want to put a guy up there with all of those negatives though? PS: the multiple flip flops are not "years" old. Look at Newt on Libya...flipping and flopping all over the place; supporting one policy right up until Obama did it then saying something else.

You're better than that GOP; I hope to hell you don't realize it though.

Anyway we'll see come election time.

I'm not sure who I support just yet... just saying that I love this vetting process for the reasons stated. There will be no surprises and to dredge up this shit again will not matter. Obama has nothing but his own, very dismal record. I really think, barring the entry of a third party spoiler, any Republican can beat Obama.

It will probably be a close election if Romney or Huntsman get the nod. The more you come at Obama from the hard right, the further your guy has to go to the middle. If we know anything about the hard right, they are not happy to see any weakness at all from their candidates; hence the Tea Party and that insane pledge to not take one dollar in tax revenue for every ten dollars in spending cuts.
Liberals are all clamoring and hoping for Romney.. that should tell everyone something. Newt will be our nominee at the end of this thing much to the chagrin of liberals and the liberal media. You don't get to choose our candidate.

As Yoda might say, "Think, you must, before speaking, you do!"

One of the unspoken truths of any presidential election is that each candidate has to be personally likable. While Romney doesn't connect well at all with people in a one-to-one setting, he's likable enough.

Newt isn't. People don't like him on a personal level, for good reason. He has a history of treating people very poorly, including people in his own party. His current habit of praising the other GOP candidates is a calculated gambit that masks his true personality. Personally, I don't think Newt can keep his 'true self' bottled up forever.
Liberals are all clamoring and hoping for Romney.. that should tell everyone something. Newt will be our nominee at the end of this thing much to the chagrin of liberals and the liberal media. You don't get to choose our candidate.

Romney is near the top of every GOP poll. It isn't the liberals clammoring for him.
Well, we will see if Newt gets the nod. Why would you want to put a guy up there with all of those negatives though? PS: the multiple flip flops are not "years" old. Look at Newt on Libya...flipping and flopping all over the place; supporting one policy right up until Obama did it then saying something else.

You're better than that GOP; I hope to hell you don't realize it though.

Anyway we'll see come election time.

I'm not sure who I support just yet... just saying that I love this vetting process for the reasons stated. There will be no surprises and to dredge up this shit again will not matter. Obama has nothing but his own, very dismal record. I really think, barring the entry of a third party spoiler, any Republican can beat Obama.

It will probably be a close election if Romney or Huntsman get the nod. The more you come at Obama from the hard right, the further your guy has to go to the middle. If we know anything about the hard right, they are not happy to see any weakness at all from their candidates; hence the Tea Party and that insane pledge to not take one dollar in tax revenue for every ten dollars in spending cuts.

STFU.. We don't need liberals giving us advice on how to decide our party's candidacy. Go worry about your messiah who will go down as one of the top 5 all time worst Presidents in American history.
Yeah, remember the left calling McCain the Maverick?

Then what hapenned? Whoever the left goes after the worst, that's probably our guy.

Cain it is, then.

I think the reason the dims want Romney so bad is that they have something on him, something they think they can really smear him with.
A lot can happen in a year.

The economy could improve.

Jobs could go to 4.5%.

The nation could boom.

Barry could get reelected.

Whoops one to many pipe dreams for the left.

I would pay money to see Newt debate Barry.

Newt would hand Barry his ass.

No dobut Newt would consolidate his base. Unfortunately the elections are decided from the middle. He has no appeal outside of the base.

Did you not read the OP? Newt is taking the support of independents (the middle) from Obama.
No dobut Newt would consolidate his base. Unfortunately the elections are decided from the middle. He has no appeal outside of the base.

Well hate to tell ya but I'm and Indi and I like Newt just fine.

How do you know that only the base likes Newt?? Wishful thinking or what??

His hard right ideas for one reason among many. The Contract On America was pretty much the clincher. His "say one thing, do another" family values, the storied flip flops he has offered from the Fox Noise perch...etc...

Put him on the ballot and see what happens. I think the election is over by Labor Day if the GOP does. It would save the country a lot of trouble if Newt gets the nominee; we won't have to change the White House stationery, etc...

It would be a dream for Obama to face Newt.

Newt doesnt' strike me as hard right at all.

I dont' think he'll have one bit of problem governing from the middle. Something Barry just couldn't do.

We've had our little experiment with a left wing progressive in the WH and what a dismal failure it has been.

I think you'll find that folks are heartily sick of Barry and his possee and will vote for anyone the GOP runs.

Here's hoping its Newt and he and Barry can face off in that dream of yours.

Boy Howdy it sure is mine. I'd pay money to see it.
Newt doesnt' strike me as hard right at all.

When you think Obama is the center, then Newt looks awfully far to the right.

I dont' think he'll have one bit of problem governing from the middle. Something Barry just couldn't do.

We've had our little experiment with a left wing progressive in the WH and what a dismal failure it has been.

To left wing ideologues, the only issue with Obama is he is too moderate.

I think you'll find that folks are heartily sick of Barry and his possee and will vote for anyone the GOP runs.

Everyone knows this, including candycorn. But actually saying it is blasphemy.

Here's hoping its Newt and he and Barry can face off in that dream of yours.

Boy Howdy it sure is mine. I'd pay money to see it.

I prefer Cain, but agree that Newt will trounce Obama.

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