Poll: How will presidential historians rate Trump's 1st term?

How will presidential historians rate Trump's 1st term?

  • Great

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • Good

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Average

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Bad

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Very Bad

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Worst in American History

    Votes: 7 15.6%

  • Total voters
I expect Trump will be ranked very low among past presidents. What do you think?

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Here ya go,Chief.
The administration had to waste time defending itself against charges relating to an actual attempted political coup. A democrat party operative assassin tried to take out every republican congressman practicing for a baseball game. Trump's second term and the judicial system will better explain Trump's first term.
What is a national embarrassment is the people who fell for the bullshit from the butthurt democrats and ended up making themselves and the rest of the country look like fools.

It didnt take a rocket scientist to know the whole Russian collusion thing was complete bullshit... or the pissing Russian hookers, or the Charlottesville comments, or the mocking a disabled guy, or the Trump University shit... All that was just a distraction from the planks jutting from the eyes of his political opponents who were secretly colluding to undermine him from day one. About the most un-American shit I can think of.

Trump will go down as a great President who helped open the eyes of everyday Americans to how corrupt the government really is.
I would go "very bad".

Remember Harding was a bit more corrupt than Trump and like Trump Andrew Johnson was impeached but Johnson really set the seeds for segregation after a Northern victory in the Civil War.
I would go "very bad".

Remember Harding was a bit more corrupt than Trump and like Trump Andrew Johnson was impeached but Johnson really set the seeds for segregation after a Northern victory in the Civil War.

Warren Gamaliel Harding wasn't corrupt at all, although there were a few corrupt people in his administration, mainly Interior Secretary Albert Fall.
The people who buy ink by the barrel (figuratively speaking) HATE President Trump. That will not change when he is out of office. Books will be written by the score, bad-mouthing him personally, politically, and as President.

The worst of it is, when it comes to international relations and trade, they just don't get it, and he does. So he will not be appreciated for at least a couple generations, if then.

And I have no doubt that he is personally a scoundrel, egomaniac, and has the attention span of a housefly. But judged by what he is doing and what he is trying to do, he is a superior President...best in my lifetime (since 1949).
I expect Trump will be ranked very low among past presidents. What do you think?

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
They said the same thing about Ronaldus Magnus back in the 1980s and he was ranked way up there. Obammy, the 1/2 white fag who took it up the ass by Putin, became the worst, because he beat out Malaise Jimmy (the peanut) Carter, who allowed Iran to overthrow our embassy and caused the world to be in fear of Radical Islam...
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The people who buy ink by the barrel (figuratively speaking) HATE President Trump. That will not change when he is out of office. Books will be written by the score, bad-mouthing him personally, politically, and as President.

The worst of it is, when it comes to international relations and trade, they just don't get it, and he does. So he will not be appreciated for at least a couple generations, if then.

And I have no doubt that he is personally a scoundrel, egomaniac, and has the attention span of a housefly. But judged by what he is doing and what he is trying to do, he is a superior President...best in my lifetime (since 1949).
Our trade deficit with China went up under Trump. Even pre covid it was up, and covid made it even worse.

Same with Mexico.

You've been sold a bill of goods.

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