Poll: If you could send, a message back in time telling the people of Germany, not to let Hitler take away their guns, would you?

If you could send a message back in time, saying that would you?

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Um, yeah, they were... The Nazis didn't practice anything NEAR socialism, it was the NATIONALISM that was the problem with the Nazis. The same kind of crazy nationalism that motivates the MAGA movement.

Nationalism isn't the problem...the socialism is the problem.....nationalism gives control of a country to the people of that country, not some far away, group of bureaucrats across the world.....
I wasn't aware that someone's claim to have a history degree applied the credentials to retroactively invent history.

Except no one did that, dummy. I pointed out that the historical forces that created Hitler would have probably created a similar leader had Hitler not existed or caught a bullet in WWI. Most of Europe devolved into Fascism after WWI, not just Germany.

I would think you might want to invent a version of history where Hitler was inspired by Trump. In the upside down world of the far leftist, just make it up as you go.

Well, no, Trump was inspired by Hitler, obviously.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.
Except no one did that, dummy. I pointed out that the historical forces that created Hitler would have probably created a similar leader had Hitler not existed or caught a bullet in WWI. Most of Europe devolved into Fascism after WWI, not just Germany.

Well, no, Trump was inspired by Hitler, obviously.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.

And while the democrats use blm and antifa as their brownshirts, use the FBI, DOJ, and the CIA as their gestapo....and get the left wing, democrat supporting tech companies as their SS.........lock up people for petty crimes.......you think Trump is the problem?

The democrats practiced socialism completely.........the government controlled every aspect of the economy....

Yeah, guy, you spooged a bunch of stuff I didn't bother reading.

The reality- the big corporations did FINE under Nazism. They were completely on board all the way up until the Allies were storming Berlin.

Hell, IBM helped the Nazis develop the punch card to organize the Holocaust.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Twenty years ago last week, IBM and the Holocaust, exposed—backed up by a tower of documentation— that IBM knowingly organized all six phases of the Holocaust: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. All of this occurred under the micromanagement of IBM’s celebrated CEO, Thomas Watson, Sr., operating from his New York office on Madison Avenue, and later through European subsidiaries. In view of what IBM was able to accomplish on behalf of the Nazis prior to the era of the computer, the thought of what big tech can now do to surveil, censor, and control human lives is sobering indeed.

Without IBM, there would still have been a Holocaust killing hundreds of thousands. Einsatzgruppen murder squads and their militia cohorts would still have murdered East European Jews bullet by bullet in pits, ravines, and isolated clearings in the woods. But it was IBM that helped the Third Reich create the industrial, high-speed, six million-victims Holocaust—metering ghetto residents out to trains, then carefully scheduling the moving of those trains to concentration camps for mass murder and cremation within hours, clearing the way for the next shipment of victims, day and night.
And while the democrats use blm and antifa as their brownshirts, use the FBI, DOJ, and the CIA as their gestapo....and get the left wing, democrat supporting tech companies as their SS.........lock up people for petty crimes.......you think Trump is the problem?

You do realize that "Antifa" stands for "Anti-Fascist", right?

And you now hate the FBI? Who is the anarchist now?

Go back to polishing your guns...
Except no one did that, dummy. I pointed out that the historical forces that created Hitler would have probably created a similar leader had Hitler not existed or caught a bullet in WWI. Most of Europe devolved into Fascism after WWI, not just Germany.

Well, no, Trump was inspired by Hitler, obviously.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.

Historical (or, in your case, hysterical), forces didn't create Hitler. He was no different than other sociopaths of the 20th century.

First, we need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler's rise to power. Following Germany's humiliation at the end of WWI, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and its humiliating concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It's not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "verming Juden" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised for having lost a war of imperialism. We're basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of both Democracy and religion. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.
You do realize that "Antifa" stands for "Anti-Fascist", right?

And you now hate the FBI? Who is the anarchist now?

Go back to polishing your guns...

Do you have an entire wardrobe of that fashionable antifa hockey gear?
Historical (or, in your case, hysterical), forces didn't create Hitler. He was no different than other sociopaths of the 20th century.

First, we need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler's rise to power. Following Germany's humiliation at the end of WWI, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and its humiliating concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It's not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "verming Juden" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised for having lost a war of imperialism. We're basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of both Democracy and religion. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.

So you kind of repeated what I just said... that there were historical forces that created Hitler.

So logically, if Hitler didn't exist, some other Charismatic Guy could have accomplished the same thing.
Do you have an entire wardrobe of that fashionable antifa hockey gear?

No, I'm just wondering why in 2022, we have to remind ourselves that Fascism is a bad thing, and why you support a guy who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand and wished his Generals were as loyal as Hitler's.

Former President Donald Trump complained to then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that American generals were not as loyal to him as he believed German generals had been to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, according to a new book about Trump’s tenure in office.

“You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump asked Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, according to an excerpt published online Monday in the New Yorker of the book, “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021.”

“Which generals?” Kelly replied.

“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded, according to the excerpt of the book, which was co-authored by New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker and New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser. Doubleday is publishing the book in September

“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said, according to the book excerpt.

Trump then said, “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the excerpt said.

Glasser and Baker described how Trump soured on Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, after Milley, then-Attorney General William Barr and Defense Secretary Mark Esper resisted his demands to have the military respond to protests outside the White House in response to the murder by police officers of George Floyd.
So you kind of repeated what I just said... that there were historical forces that created Hitler.

So logically, if Hitler didn't exist, some other Charismatic Guy could have accomplished the same thing.
So, you kind of don't understand.

So illogically, make up any if / then scenario you wish and apply it where you want.

So, you kind of repeated what I wrote about your retroactive invention of history.
No, I'm just wondering why in 2022, we have to remind ourselves that Fascism is a bad thing, and why you support a guy who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand and wished his Generals were as loyal as Hitler's.

Former President Donald Trump complained to then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that American generals were not as loyal to him as he believed German generals had been to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, according to a new book about Trump’s tenure in office.

“You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump asked Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, according to an excerpt published online Monday in the New Yorker of the book, “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021.”

“Which generals?” Kelly replied.

“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded, according to the excerpt of the book, which was co-authored by New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker and New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser. Doubleday is publishing the book in September

“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said, according to the book excerpt.

Trump then said, “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the excerpt said.

Glasser and Baker described how Trump soured on Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, after Milley, then-Attorney General William Barr and Defense Secretary Mark Esper resisted his demands to have the military respond to protests outside the White House in response to the murder by police officers of George Floyd.

The New Yorker?

So, you kind of don't understand.

So illogically, make up any if / then scenario you wish and apply it where you want.

Um, I think I understand perfectly fine, you are the one who is confused.

You admitted that bitterness over the treaty of Versailles and economic deprivation and underlying anti-Semitism is what motivated Germans to support Hitler. Okay.

So take Hitler out of that equation, you still have bitterness over Versailles, economic deprivation, and anti-Semitism.

No Hitler, Germany still would have devolved into Fascism. It still would have started another war. It would have still tried to exterminate the Jews.

The New Yorker?


I realize that you don't trust journalism, but, um, yeah. But I know you can't stand any criticism of Cheeto Jesus.
Historical (or, in your case, hysterical), forces didn't create Hitler. He was no different than other sociopaths of the 20th century.

First, we need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler's rise to power. Following Germany's humiliation at the end of WWI, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and its humiliating concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It's not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "verming Juden" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised for having lost a war of imperialism. We're basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of both Democracy and religion. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.
And this worries me and other Jews excessively. As socialism takes more and more of a hold in America, and we head toward a recession, the antisemitism will ramp up even more - and as it is, there hasn‘t been this much antisemitism in over 100 years.

In my Uber-liberal county, the antisemitism in the county schools has gotten bad - property destroyed, kids beaten - and we have written to the School Board to take action. Unfortunately, they 1) have a far-left Muslim member - an Omar type - who is pushing anti-Israel curriculums, and 2) the rest of the Board are leftists, focusing on teaching how bad blacks have it. The LAST thing they are worried about is rising antisemitism in the schools.
You do realize that "Antifa" stands for "Anti-Fascist", right?

And you now hate the FBI? Who is the anarchist now?

Go back to polishing your guns...

Yeah.....right. Sell that to biden voters....antifa burns, loots and kills, to intimidate their political rivals, and then calls themselves "anti-fascists."

You really are fucking stupid.

The FBI is now used as the gestapo of the democrat party....

You support actual fascists, and smear the innocent in order to justify the crack down you really, really want to happen........
And this worries me and other Jews excessively. As socialism takes more and more of a hold in America, and we head toward a recession, the antisemitism will ramp up even more - and as it is, there hasn‘t been this much antisemitism in over 100 years.

In my Uber-liberal county, the antisemitism in the county schools has gotten bad - property destroyed, kids beaten - and we have written to the School Board to take action. Unfortunately, they 1) have a far-left Muslim member - an Omar type - who is pushing anti-Israel curriculums, and 2) the rest of the Board are leftists, focusing on teaching how bad blacks have it. The LAST thing they are worried about is rising antisemitism in the schools.

Why Jews in America support the democrat party is just insane.......did they learn nothing from the 1930s?
No, I'm just wondering why in 2022, we have to remind ourselves that Fascism is a bad thing, and why you support a guy who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches on his nightstand and wished his Generals were as loyal as Hitler's.

Former President Donald Trump complained to then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that American generals were not as loyal to him as he believed German generals had been to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, according to a new book about Trump’s tenure in office.

“You f---ing generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump asked Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, according to an excerpt published online Monday in the New Yorker of the book, “The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021.”

“Which generals?” Kelly replied.

“The German generals in World War II,” Trump responded, according to the excerpt of the book, which was co-authored by New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker and New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser. Doubleday is publishing the book in September

“You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” Kelly said, according to the book excerpt.

Trump then said, “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the excerpt said.

Glasser and Baker described how Trump soured on Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, after Milley, then-Attorney General William Barr and Defense Secretary Mark Esper resisted his demands to have the military respond to protests outside the White House in response to the murder by police officers of George Floyd.

No...the loyalty of current Generals is to the democrat party and the ideology of leftism.......that is the problem......not Trump. The leftists in senior military positions are destroying our military.....as is the plan of the democrat party.
If we give the government the power to take away our guns, there will be another holocaust.
This is a lie.

Hitler didn't 'take away' guns.

The notion that armed private individuals could have prevented the Holocaust is ignorant nonsense.
This is a lie.

Hitler didn't 'take away' guns.

The notion that armed private individuals could have prevented the Holocaust is ignorant nonsense.

You are lying.....yes, he did.....he took guns away from the people he planned on murdering in the millions...you dumb ass....he allowed loyal party members and their goons to have guns.....so they could round up and load the innocent men, women and children into the box cars......

Private individuals shooting the blm/antifa......I mean the national socialists brown shirts when they tried dragging people out of their homes in the beginning....that would have kept the national socialists from intimidating their enemies into compliance....

When blm/antifa......I mean the national socialist brown shirts....... show up with the local police having to set up a perimeter to allow them to beat you and loot and burn you business.....not having a gun allows that to happen....
The assumption must be that the Germans were too dumb to realize that they were being disarmed by a totalitarian regime and willingly surrendered their firearms.. Pretty insulting to the German people.
The nazis aren't Right wing, you idiot.....they are just one of the two socialist groups in Germany that brought that country down.
Wrong and ignorant.

Fascism and Nazism are both on the right side of the political spectrum; Nazis were in fact rightwing.

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