Poll: If you could send, a message back in time telling the people of Germany, not to let Hitler take away their guns, would you?

If you could send a message back in time, saying that would you?

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And this worries me and other Jews excessively. As socialism takes more and more of a hold in America, and we head toward a recession, the antisemitism will ramp up even more - and as it is, there hasn‘t been this much antisemitism in over 100 years.

Yes, recessions happen, they usually go after the people taking advantage... hmmmm... maybe you could try not taking advantage.

In my Uber-liberal county, the antisemitism in the county schools has gotten bad - property destroyed, kids beaten - and we have written to the School Board to take action. Unfortunately, they 1) have a far-left Muslim member - an Omar type - who is pushing anti-Israel curriculums, and 2) the rest of the Board are leftists, focusing on teaching how bad blacks have it. The LAST thing they are worried about is rising antisemitism in the schools.

Um, yeah, which county is this, because I'm calling BS.
Why Jews in America support the democrat party is just insane.......did they learn nothing from the 1930s?

Um, yes, they learned that a populist demagogue who demonize a minority is a bad thing. At least the decent ones did.

No...the loyalty of current Generals is to the democrat party and the ideology of leftism.......that is the problem......not Trump. The leftists in senior military positions are destroying our military.....as is the plan of the democrat party.

Uh, the Generals wouldn't shoot protesters... and a good thing, too.

If the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and CIA all think Trump is bad news, he was probably bad news.
Um, I think I understand perfectly fine, you are the one who is confused.

You admitted that bitterness over the treaty of Versailles and economic deprivation and underlying anti-Semitism is what motivated Germans to support Hitler. Okay.

So take Hitler out of that equation, you still have bitterness over Versailles, economic deprivation, and anti-Semitism.

No Hitler, Germany still would have devolved into Fascism. It still would have started another war. It would have still tried to exterminate the Jews.

I realize that you don't trust journalism, but, um, yeah. But I know you can't stand any criticism of Cheeto Jesus.

Um, yeah. You admitted that you need to invent history as a means to create a scenario to defend your position of 100% certainty with 0% facts.

The 20th century displays several sociopaths who seized power and did enormous harm to humanity. The fact remains that countless nations have suffered from marginalization but managed to overcome that. I would cite Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea and Israel to name a few. It is possible to overcome adversity and some societies can take control of their future, Some, not all.

A great many don't need your excuses.
Yes, recessions happen, they usually go after the people taking advantage... hmmmm... maybe you could try not taking advantage.

Um, yeah, which county is this, because I'm calling BS.
What’s BS about it? That antisemitism is pronounced in a liberal country? You yourself are an example of how antisemitic liberals can be.

Or is it that there’s a horrible anti-Israel Muslim woman on the liberal School Board? The anti-Israel libs always put Muslims in influential positions to show how enlightened they are.
And this worries me and other Jews excessively. As socialism takes more and more of a hold in America, and we head toward a recession, the antisemitism will ramp up even more - and as it is, there hasn‘t been this much antisemitism in over 100 years.

In my Uber-liberal county, the antisemitism in the county schools has gotten bad - property destroyed, kids beaten - and we have written to the School Board to take action. Unfortunately, they 1) have a far-left Muslim member - an Omar type - who is pushing anti-Israel curriculums, and 2) the rest of the Board are leftists, focusing on teaching how bad blacks have it. The LAST thing they are worried about is rising antisemitism in the schools.
With the left embracing social misfits and anti-Semites, I believe things will get worse. We have had scandals with congresswoman Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, both with tweets drenched in anti-Semitic tropes. The leftist leadership won't condemn Omar or remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Commitee. Speaker Pelosi excused Omar.

It's clear that the left does whatever it can to coddle the worst of the leftist ideologues; antifa, BLM and funding Islamic terrorists with millions of dollars showered on UNRWA.
With the left embracing social misfits and anti-Semites, I believe things will get worse. We have had scandals with congresswoman Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, both with tweets drenched in anti-Semitic tropes. The leftist leadership won't condemn Omar or remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Commitee. Speaker Pelosi excused Omar.

It's clear that the left does whatever it can to coddle the worst of the leftist ideologues; antifa, BLM and funding Islamic terrorists with millions of dollars showered on UNRWA.
Yes, it’s quite chilling. There is a direct correlation between the left’s embrace of anti-Israel, antisemitic Muslims and the growing tolerance for Jew-hate. it is especially obvious in the liberal college campuses, such as Berkeley with their “no Jew zones” and active BDS chapters.

Trump tried to ramp down on this by issuing an EO withholding federal funds from universities that allowed antisemitism to flourish, and the Republicans were ready to make it permanent legislation. It was blocked by the Democrats, who of course aide with the Muslims and were afraid they would be offended.

And all the while liberal Jews, brainwashed and unaware, keep insisting that the risk of increased antisemitism is on the Republican side.
Um, yeah. You admitted that you need to invent history as a means to create a scenario to defend your position of 100% certainty with 0% facts.

Um, no, I didn't, but I don't think you'll understand the point after I've explained it for the third time... you really are that dense. And a Trump supporter. But I repeat myself.

The 20th century displays several sociopaths who seized power and did enormous harm to humanity. The fact remains that countless nations have suffered from marginalization but managed to overcome that. I would cite Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea and Israel to name a few. It is possible to overcome adversity and some societies can take control of their future, Some, not all.

You see, this is where you are confused. Leaders only reflect the character of their nations. Germany put forth Hitler because of all the things that happened up to that point left them in a pretty sour mood. And yes, I say this as someone of German ancestry. The militarism and anti-Semitism were already baked into the pie before Hitler cut into it.

What’s BS about it? That antisemitism is pronounced in a liberal country? You yourself are an example of how antisemitic liberals can be.

Or is it that there’s a horrible anti-Israel Muslim woman on the liberal School Board? The anti-Israel libs always put Muslims in influential positions to show how enlightened they are.

I thought you had me on ignore... Anti-Semitism happens because no matter where you people go, you manage to piss people off. Not all of you, mind you, but enough of you. When you go through life claiming you are God's chosen people, that kind of ticks people off. Either because they realize that there probably isn't a God, or because they want to be God's chosen people.

Muslims didn't become anti-Jewish (not anti-Semitic, because Arabs are Semites, too) until the Zionists stole their land. Before that, the Islamic world was more welcoming to Jews than Christians were. And then you screwed them and wonder why they want to kill you now.
You are lying.....yes, he did.....he took guns away from the people he planned on murdering in the millions...you dumb ass....he allowed loyal party members and their goons to have guns.....so they could round up and load the innocent men, women and children into the box cars......

Private individuals shooting the blm/antifa......I mean the national socialists brown shirts when they tried dragging people out of their homes in the beginning....that would have kept the national socialists from intimidating their enemies into compliance....

When blm/antifa......I mean the national socialist brown shirts....... show up with the local police having to set up a perimeter to allow them to beat you and loot and burn you business.....not having a gun allows that to happen....
Hitler did not ‘confiscate’ guns; to claim otherwise is a ridiculous lie.

And the notion that armed Jewish German citizens could have ‘prevented’ the Holocaust is as false as it is idiotic.

Um, no, I didn't, but I don't think you'll understand the point after I've explained it for the third time... you really are that dense. And a Trump supporter. But I repeat myself.

You see, this is where you are confused. Leaders only reflect the character of their nations. Germany put forth Hitler because of all the things that happened up to that point left them in a pretty sour mood. And yes, I say this as someone of German ancestry. The militarism and anti-Semitism were already baked into the pie before Hitler cut into it.

I thought you had me on ignore... Anti-Semitism happens because no matter where you people go, you manage to piss people off. Not all of you, mind you, but enough of you. When you go through life claiming you are God's chosen people, that kind of ticks people off. Either because they realize that there probably isn't a God, or because they want to be God's chosen people.

Muslims didn't become anti-Jewish (not anti-Semitic, because Arabs are Semites, too) until the Zionists stole their land. Before that, the Islamic world was more welcoming to Jews than Christians were. And then you screwed them and wonder why they want to kill you now.

The difficulty you have is not understanding the subject matter and getting frustrated when you can't fumble through an explanation.

Leaders clearly do not always reflect the character of the nation. That's assinine. The Soviet population under the collectivization were not cheering on the leadership as they were starving and being led away to gulags.
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Um, no, I didn't, but I don't think you'll understand the point after I've explained it for the third time... you really are that dense. And a Trump supporter. But I repeat myself.

You see, this is where you are confused. Leaders only reflect the character of their nations. Germany put forth Hitler because of all the things that happened up to that point left them in a pretty sour mood. And yes, I say this as someone of German ancestry. The militarism and anti-Semitism were already baked into the pie before Hitler cut into it.

I thought you had me on ignore... Anti-Semitism happens because no matter where you people go, you manage to piss people off. Not all of you, mind you, but enough of you. When you go through life claiming you are God's chosen people, that kind of ticks people off. Either because they realize that there probably isn't a God, or because they want to be God's chosen people.

Muslims didn't become anti-Jewish (not anti-Semitic, because Arabs are Semites, too) until the Zionists stole their land. Before that, the Islamic world was more welcoming to Jews than Christians were. And then you screwed them and wonder why they want to kill you now.
NOW I remember why I had put you on ignore - you’re one of the most despicable antisemitic Democrats here. Bye, bye. You’ll have to find another Jew girl to try to upset.
NOW I remember why I had put you on ignore - you’re one of the most despicable antisemitic Democrats here. Bye, bye. You’ll have to find another Jew girl to try to upset.

Refresh my memory, is this the seventh time you've put me on ignore because I call you on your bullshit or the eighth? In all this excitement, I kind of lost track myself.
The difficulty you have is not understanding the subject matter and getting frustrated when you can't fumble through an explanation.

Not getting frustrated, just laughing at the limits of your intellect.

Men don't make history as much as history makes men.

Leaders clearly do not always reflect the character of the nation. That's assinine. The Soviet population under the collectivization were not cheering on the leadership as they were starving and being led away to gulags.

And yet, today, a recent poll listed Stalin as the third most admired figure from Russian History... and he wasn't even Russian. (The first two were the Prime Minister who ended slavery and a Saint who defeated the Teutonic Knights.)

Yes, after he was gone, there was a lot of of self-reflecting and blaming, like children with tummy aches after they ate too much candy. But at the time, the Germans were all in on Hitler, and fought for him to the last man. The Russians were all in on Stalin. The Italians were all in on Mussolini, at least until Italy was clearly losing the war and being bombed.
Not getting frustrated, just laughing at the limits of your intellect.

Men don't make history as much as history makes men.

And yet, today, a recent poll listed Stalin as the third most admired figure from Russian History... and he wasn't even Russian. (The first two were the Prime Minister who ended slavery and a Saint who defeated the Teutonic Knights.)

Yes, after he was gone, there was a lot of of self-reflecting and blaming, like children with tummy aches after they ate too much candy. But at the time, the Germans were all in on Hitler, and fought for him to the last man. The Russians were all in on Stalin. The Italians were all in on Mussolini, at least until Italy was clearly losing the war and being bombed.
Yes. The far left is in thrall to far left dictators. They are the heroes of the left.

Leftists don’t make silly slogans as much as silly slogans make leftists.

Just laughing at your lack of intellect. Being hobbled by the Cult of the left, it leaves you at a disadvantage.
Hitler did not ‘confiscate’ guns; to claim otherwise is a ridiculous lie.

And the notion that armed Jewish German citizens could have ‘prevented’ the Holocaust is as false as it is idiotic.

Moron....you idiots keep using that source, and you don't read it......

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general.

Yes...he took guns away from the very people he intended to murder.......

You are a doofus....
Moron....you idiots keep using that source, and you don't read it......

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general.

Yes...he took guns away from the very people he intended to murder.......

You are a doofus....

Except ridding the world of Jews didn't become a German Goal until 1942.

None hitler and mussolini were leftists......

Nope. In fact, Hitler exterminated the Jews because he associated them with Bolshevism.
If we give the government the power to take away our guns, there will be another holocaust.
The more relevant question is. Would they listen?
Answer: like today's sheeple hell no.

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