Poll: If you could send, a message back in time telling the people of Germany, not to let Hitler take away their guns, would you?

If you could send a message back in time, saying that would you?

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Uvalde, Buffalo, Santa Fe, TX, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Dallas, Pittsburgh, Sandy Hook, Columbine,

Until someone pisses them off or a woman has the audacity to tell them, "no".
Every one of them was mentally ill, they were normal crazy nuts that shouldn't have been running around free and most of them were well known to local, state and sometimes federal LEOs as dangerously insane people.
Every one of them was mentally ill, they were normal crazy nuts that shouldn't have been running around free and most of them were well known to local, state and sometimes federal LEOs as dangerously insane people.
Strange how the red states are not in a hurry to curtail gun sales to "mentally ill" (your word) buying guns.

Its almost as if they want these weekly blood baths.
Even the ones in the Nazi Party?
^^^ Another leftist with a dig trying to make Jews look bad. And weren’t you the person who mocked me earlier today for voting for Republicans since Democrats (like you) aren‘t hostile to Jews?!

You have NO CLUE the desperation these Jews felt as they were willing to do ANYTHING to save their families from the murderous antisemites.

I couldn’t have done it, and relatively few Jews did, but you’ve got some nerve judging people who were facing extermination.
^^^ Another leftist with a dig trying to make Jews look bad. And weren’t you the person who mocked me earlier today for voting for Republicans since Democrats (like you) aren‘t hostile to Jews?!

You have NO CLUE the desperation these Jews felt as they were willing to do ANYTHING to save their families from the murderous antisemites.

I couldn’t have done it, and relatively few Jews did, but you’ve got some nerve judging people who were facing extermination.
The Association of German National Jews (German: Verband nationaldeutscher Juden) was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler.
The Association of German National Jews (German: Verband nationaldeutscher Juden) was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler.
Still trying to make Jews, victims of the worst atrocity imaginable, look bad, I see. You are a SUCH a hypocrite - condemning me for voting for Republicans since, you claim, they are the antisemites - and the Democrats, like you, are not.

As far as the organization you mention, this was a group of “Jews in name only” who identified as Germans first and foremost - and were secular, assimilated Jews who had no attachment to the religion. They clearly tolerated antisemitism - JUST AS LIBERAL JEWS DO TODAY. They march along with the BDS antisemites. They make excuses for antisemites. They are Democrats first and Jews last.

So all you did is prove that assimilated, non-practicing Jews, who are almost always Democrats these days, put their political beliefs ahead of their Judaism.

Thanks for showing again why I don’t vote for your side.
Still trying to make Jews, victims of the worst atrocity imaginable, look bad, I see. You are a SUCH a hypocrite - condemning me for voting for Republicans since, you claim, they are the antisemites - and the Democrats, like you, are not.

As far as the organization you mention, this was a group of “Jews in name only” who identified as Germans first and foremost - and were secular, assimilated Jews who had no attachment to the religion. They clearly tolerated antisemitism - JUST AS LIBERAL JEWS DO TODAY. They march along with the BDS antisemites. They make excuses for antisemites. They are Democrats first and last.

So all you did is prove that assimilated, non-practicing Jews, who are almost always Democrats, put their political beliefs ahead of their Judaism.

Thanks for showing again why I don’t vote for your side.
You are the one talking shit about me asking a question. You are barking up the wrong tree go hunt someplace else.
You are the one talking shit about me asking a question. You are barking up the wrong tree go hunt someplace else.
I see you couldn’t respond to my pointing out your hypocrisy - and how assimilated, secular Jews - who these days are Democrats - place their political views ahead of concerns for antisemitism.
Strange how the red states are not in a hurry to curtail gun sales to "mentally ill" (your word) buying guns.

Its almost as if they want these weekly blood baths.
It’s already illegal to sell a gun to anyone mentally ill. The problem is that people like you put the “rights” of the mentally ill above the rights of society. So mentally ill people don’t get reported and and put on the banned list.
It’s already illegal to sell a gun to anyone mentally ill.
Yet there doesn't seem to be anything to stop red state "mentally ill" folks from buying complete arsenals. Why is that?
The problem is that people like you put the “rights” of the mentally ill above the rights of society. So mentally ill people don’t get reported and and put on the banned list.
So in Texas, it's the Democrats fault--the same Democratic Party that hasn't won state wide since the 1990's?
Still trying to make Jews, victims of the worst atrocity imaginable, look bad, I see. You are a SUCH a hypocrite - condemning me for voting for Republicans since, you claim, they are the antisemites - and the Democrats, like you, are not.

As far as the organization you mention, this was a group of “Jews in name only” who identified as Germans first and foremost - and were secular, assimilated Jews who had no attachment to the religion. They clearly tolerated antisemitism - JUST AS LIBERAL JEWS DO TODAY. They march along with the BDS antisemites. They make excuses for antisemites. They are Democrats first and Jews last.

So all you did is prove that assimilated, non-practicing Jews, who are almost always Democrats these days, put their political beliefs ahead of their Judaism.

Thanks for showing again why I don’t vote for your side.

The problem here is that Jews who supported Hitler really didn't take his anti-Semitism seriously.

Just like we saw a lot of Hispanics who didn't take Trump's racism seriously.

The problem with anti-Semitism in Germany is that it wasn't limited to the Nazis. The German National People's Party was anti-Semitic, the Central Party was anti-Semitic, even some of the far left parties were. Lutheranism had as a central text a book called "The Jews and their Lies", written by Martin Luther himself.

So probably a lot of those Jews rolled their eyes when heard Hitler's rhetoric, but rubbed their hands together when they saw his economic plan that they could benefit from.
That's the reality.

I know some suggest that being armed is to confront a tyrannic government, but I really don't buy it. I'm not saying it's not a cosideration but it was certainly more viable and accurate at the time it was written into your Constitution, but it's far fetched in 2022.

As I see it, the reason Americans want guns today is for self defense, protection of their loved ones and for those who hunt. That's it. It's as legitimate as any, there is no need to suggest the rising up of people against the government, though in more desperate times anything is possible.

You'd be far better off with the support of your military in the event of tyranny. This is why military and their leaders must remain a reflection of a nations most patriotic and those loyal to your Constitution.
The military can be politicized and will follow orders even if those orders violate the Constitution.
Hitler took guns from Socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats. Don't assume he took guns away from ordinary Germans and Nazis.
Democrats want to take guns away from law abiding Americans, not violent criminals.

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