Poll: Is Haiti a shithole?

Is Haiti a shithole?

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It's funny...with all the left wingers here...they won't even vote to say Haiti is a paradise, then get their panties in a bunch when Trump simply states what everyone already knows....
Trump is not being judged a racist based on any single comment but rather a pattern of remarks that goes back years.

What would you call someone who blasted Haiti as a “shithole,” complained about immigrants from Africa, and wondered why the United States couldn’t accept more immigrants from a European country like Norway?

What about someone who mocked Nigerians as living in “huts?” Or defended white supremacists after they terrorized a city in a “protest” that ended with the killing of a counter-demonstrator? What if he or she described black neighborhoods as essentially fit for animals, portrayed Muslim Americans as fundamentally untrustworthy, and criticized Mexico for sending “rapists”? What if, for nearly five years, that person devoted time and attention to “proving” the first black president of the United States was an illegitimate usurper hiding his true African background from the public?

What would you call this person? At the very least, you would call him or her a “racist,” one with a documented history of bias and contempt toward nonwhites.
How many years has he been making these racist remarks?


As a Con Man? Now, I say always was a pure extreme whitey racist under the hood cover.
Playing Scams on all, who were not same.
Those Democrats have always played the black man. First they told them what to do, now they tell them who to vote for. And the darkies fight to be first.

Good thing Trump dumped those racists.
Keep the hopes.

Opinion | ‘The Lowest White Man’
Your English sucks.
You meant Keep Dreaming.
Weak Doper response as always..
As trying to post in uneducated DOPer lingo.
How many years has he been making these racist remarks?


As a Con Man? Now, I say always was a pure extreme whitey racist under the hood cover.
Playing Scams on all, who were not same.
Those Democrats have always played the black man. First they told them what to do, now they tell them who to vote for. And the darkies fight to be first.

Good thing Trump dumped those racists.
Keep the hopes.

Opinion | ‘The Lowest White Man’
Your English sucks.
You meant Keep Dreaming.
Weak Doper response as always..
As trying to post in uneducated DOPer lingo.
now wait!,,,,Dont dogs dig a hole before they crap in it? Why are Democrats getting on their case?
No, only cats have that much sense.

True story, dogs are too stupid and lazy to finish that job. They'll kick at the dirt and pretend they're burying their shit, but it's just an act, in reality they want the whole world to see their shit and be impressed lol
now wait!,,,,Dont dogs dig a hole before they crap in it? Why are Democrats getting on their case?
No, only cats have that much sense.

True story, dogs are too stupid and lazy to finish that job. They'll kick at the dirt and pretend they're burying their shit, but it's just an act, in reality they want the whole world to see their shit and be impressed lol
yah, but thats typical of a dog that voted for Obama, then Hillary
now wait!,,,,Dont dogs dig a hole before they crap in it? Why are Democrats getting on their case?
No, only cats have that much sense.

True story, dogs are too stupid and lazy to finish that job. They'll kick at the dirt and pretend they're burying their shit, but it's just an act, in reality they want the whole world to see their shit and be impressed lol
yah, but thats typical of a dog that voted for Obama, then Hillary


Now that I think about it, too true. It's all about popularity with the left wing these days...
what about the back alley of all of those all u can eat chinese buffet restaurants? they must be border line chit holes with all of the rats and homeless back there
AMERICANS kill and rape every day too. Just because they come from a poor country, doesn't mean they're going to commit murder or rape.

^^^^ Incoming Leftist Logic there are Americans who also kill and rape so that means America needs to import Third World savages from Third World shit holes :uhoh3:

What makes people from 3rd world countries anymore savage than Americans?

I've been to 3rd world countries and honestly I've felt safer in some of those countries than in America.

You never been to these 3rd world Countries and you know it.

Sweetie, I have no reason to lie to you or any of you other right winger on this forum.

You think you aren't lying because you don't believe it's a lie. when your lie can be proven you just choose to deny the factual truth even when presented by the gift horse's mouth.

I find it hilarious that a Trump supporter is lecturing me about the truth. Comical indeed.
The more I read about Haiti, the more I realize it is one of the biggests shitholes on earth.
^^^^ Incoming Leftist Logic there are Americans who also kill and rape so that means America needs to import Third World savages from Third World shit holes :uhoh3:

What makes people from 3rd world countries anymore savage than Americans?

I've been to 3rd world countries and honestly I've felt safer in some of those countries than in America.

You never been to these 3rd world Countries and you know it.

Sweetie, I have no reason to lie to you or any of you other right winger on this forum.

You think you aren't lying because you don't believe it's a lie. when your lie can be proven you just choose to deny the factual truth even when presented by the gift horse's mouth.

I find it hilarious that a Trump supporter is lecturing me about the truth. Comical indeed.

Somebody needs to, Comrade.
Trump shows that he is an idiot and his brainwashed little followers jump to his defense. They just so damn stupid.

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