POLL: Is it the country, or me?

Has the country completely lost its fucking mind, or is it just Mac?

  • Yes, the country has completely lost its fucking mind.

    Votes: 20 74.1%
  • No, Mac, it's just you. You're just a _________________.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Mango. Mango everywhere.

    Votes: 5 18.5%

  • Total voters
I agree

Clinton was PINO, Bush was PINO, Obama was a PINO, and now Trump is a PINO.

Had Hillary been elected, she would have been a PINO.

We should stop electing presidents, UNO?
I've seen this PINO thing in about a thousand posts today.

its funny how someone comes up with a new word or expression and then all the mindless followers take it and fall right in and use it every chance they get.....
Herd mentality...
yep....but if you despise both parties and dont vote for their lousy candidates you get bitched at by both "herds" for having the gall and audacity for telling them to stick it.. we have had some of the worst people on both sides running this country for the last 20 years or so,but you are supposed to pick one and vote,just because.....
I had a winger tell me today to "get some balls and pick a side".

Holy crap. Talk about ironic. I take incoming from both ends every day, while he has a nice, big, warm, comfy Safe Space on his "side" to defend him.

I don't see any principle in being an obedient sheep.
yea i believe i saw that ......
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Yup, that Obamaphone must have been loads of help.
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Yup, that Obamaphone must have been loads of help.
wouldnt know i had a dresden phone......
I've seen this PINO thing in about a thousand posts today.

its funny how someone comes up with a new word or expression and then all the mindless followers take it and fall right in and use it every chance they get.....
Herd mentality...
yep....but if you despise both parties and dont vote for their lousy candidates you get bitched at by both "herds" for having the gall and audacity for telling them to stick it.. we have had some of the worst people on both sides running this country for the last 20 years or so,but you are supposed to pick one and vote,just because.....
I had a winger tell me today to "get some balls and pick a side".

Holy crap. Talk about ironic. I take incoming from both ends every day, while he has a nice, big, warm, comfy Safe Space on his "side" to defend him.

I don't see any principle in being an obedient sheep.
yea i believe i saw that ......
Nice to know I wasn't imagining it!
This is the age of the American PINO.

All things, systems, agencies, parties feeling the Nihilistic impulse of destruction and Anarchy.
This is the age of the American PINO.
I agree

Clinton was PINO, Bush was PINO, Obama was a PINO, and now Trump is a PINO.

Had Hillary been elected, she would have been a PINO.

We should stop electing presidents, UNO?
I've seen this PINO thing in about a thousand posts today.

If you really want to get to the heart of what is going on? The hash tag you should look into is a coalition from the left and the right, it's #UNRIG. This is unpackaging the Deep State.

It is sponsored by the right, from Nobel prize nominee, Robert David Steel. And from the left, by former presidential candidate, Dr. Cynthia McKinney. They have come together to form an open source intelligence community on how the shadow government is dividing the nation, brainwashing the masses, and corrupting our nation.

Robert David Steele

Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Is it that you didn't read what I posted or you can't read?
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

It is just you if you believe for a NY second that a message board, especially this MB, is representative of real life.

I have honest, reasonable, conversations with Republicans practically every day. We like each other. Despite ours being a "business" relationship, I would hug many of them should we chance to meet in public.

The way people behave here is not the way they behave IRL.

I agree.

Irl people are violent

Do you leave your house?

Yes. Are you somehow under the impression that people in real life aren't violent?
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?
Yep, the right stopped playing by the Queensbury rules. Now you see what it looks like when the right fights by the same rules as the left. However, the left has gotten far worse. The fake news is waging a jihad against Trump.
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...
You mean they didn't lie down and take it like you think they should? Actually, yes they did. That stopped with this election.
Last edited:
the answer is yes. we all are living in hyperbollyville.
Just getting worse, too.
it will get worse before it gets better. but it's healthy, all but the democrats inciting riot, which is of course a crime.
if a cop was killed in charlottesville, the democrat antifa would be culpable.
Yes, and the fake media would let out a big yawn if that happened.
everything is on video from now on. it's the only way to end this madness of the incite riot/violence group antifa.
the answer is yes. we all are living in hyperbollyville.
Just getting worse, too.
it will get worse before it gets better. but it's healthy, all but the democrats inciting riot, which is of course a crime.
if a cop was killed in charlottesville, the democrat antifa would be culpable.
Yes, and the fake media would let out a big yawn if that happened.
everything is on video from now on. it's the only way to end this madness of the incite riot/violence group antifa.
Youtube is trying to neuter that. They are censoring anything that exposes the left for what it is.
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Is it that you didn't read what I posted or you can't read?
are you not saying its all the lefties fault or not?...
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...
You mean they didn't lie down and take it like you think they should? Actually, yes they did. That stopped with this election.
learn to read bri.....pred is saying everything is the lefts fault....im saying its both sides fault,so how you got what you said is beyond me...your side sucks just as much as the other side does.......
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Is it that you didn't read what I posted or you can't read?
are you not saying its all the lefties fault or not?...
Of course it's all their fault.
Last edited:
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...
You mean they didn't lie down and take it like you think they should? Actually, yes they did. That stopped with this election.
learn to read bri.....pred is saying everything is the lefts fault....im saying its both sides fault,so how you got what you said is beyond me...your side sucks just as much as the other side does.......
Pred is right. You're wrong. It's all the left's fault. You fail to appreciate what shameless douche bags they all are.
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...

Is it that you didn't read what I posted or you can't read?
are you not saying its all the lefties fault or not?...
Of course it's all heir fault.
are you preds spokeshole now?.....
the answer is yes. we all are living in hyperbollyville.
Just getting worse, too.
it will get worse before it gets better. but it's healthy, all but the democrats inciting riot, which is of course a crime.
if a cop was killed in charlottesville, the democrat antifa would be culpable.
Yes, and the fake media would let out a big yawn if that happened.
everything is on video from now on. it's the only way to end this madness of the incite riot/violence group antifa.
Youtube is trying to neuter that. They are censoring anything that exposes the left for what it is.
it's not possible anymore. the cat's out of the bag. the internet is the American wild west, and there is no reason today to believe it can ever be controlled.
Okay, here's your chance to really let me have it.

I'm quickly losing patience with partisan rhetoric in this country. The conversation is so loaded with hyperbolic bullshit that it seems to me our political conversation is irredeemable.

Disagree with a lefty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a KKK member and stupid. Disagree with a righty, and you're Hitler, a Nazi, a commie and stupid.

There's just no in-between any more. A vast majority of posts here are now so completely over the top that they're all kind of running together into a big nasty blur of noise. There really is no reason to believe anyone at this point, at a time in our history in which honest communication is badly needed.

Amirite? Nor not?

You are right.

Where you will next go off the rails, is that you will wrongly try to blame both sides.

There is only one side to blame for this mess, the left. Started in the sixties, simmered below the surface for a bit, raised it's ugly ugly head when Reagan was POTUS, then BUSH, and when Clinton lied to Congress it went ballistic. During the Bush years it grew and grew. The right kept trying to turn the other cheek, make friends, engage in civil debate but the left was too far gone. When 0bama was POTUS, the right had grown up to learn those tricks used them. When Trump beat Hillary, the left has turned the violent hateful rhetoric up to previously unimaginable levels.
yea just one side is at fault.....gee you must be one of them party people.....the right hasnt done much to help things over the years...
You mean they didn't lie down and take it like you think they should? Actually, yes they did. That stopped with this election.
learn to read bri.....pred is saying everything is the lefts fault....im saying its both sides fault,so how you got what you said is beyond me...your side sucks just as much as the other side does.......
Pred is right. You're wrong. It's all the left's fault. You fail to appreciate what shameless douche bags they all are.
spoken like a true party person....now are you preds spokes person now?....

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