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Poll: Let's Grade Trump Year 1

Trump First Year Grade

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  • Poll closed .
70% of USMB is rightwing nut jobs
That is why he put up a "scientific" poll
Nothing scientific about this. Btw, is it 70% "rwnj" and the other 30% gay (although many you haven't come out of the closet)?

At least you'd be 30% right.

Please don't use this forum to troll for dates. It's creepy.
I don't do gays or fat women, so you, rw and Jillly needn''t worry. Nothing personal.
The better question is why did the o/p start this troll thread if he expected everyone to give the orange nutcase high grades. A normal person would understand that 70% of us think he’s a disaster.
Jilly, Trump get's good grades because he's effective. Your butthurt is not just from your lifestyle or obesity, although they certainly could be contributing factors.

Btw, please show me where 70% of "us" think Trump is a failure. I'll even allow for a fake news source on this.

The fake news sources would be anything trump loons rely on.

Does it hurt being as stipud as you are?

Donald’s approval rating is solidly in the 30’s. That means the rest of us disapprove.

Or do you want to argue that nutter! Now please address the question and tell us the purpose of your troll thread when you know that he isn’t going to get high marks except from his insane trumptard “base” of 30 percenters.

We’ll wait. Although in fairness in any battle of wits uneducated trumptards are going to lose.
The better question is why did the o/p start this troll thread if he expected everyone to give the orange nutcase high grades. A normal person would understand that 70% of us think he’s a disaster.
Jilly, Trump get's good grades because he's effective. Your butthurt is not just from your lifestyle or obesity, although they certainly could be contributing factors.

Btw, please show me where 70% of "us" think Trump is a failure. I'll even allow for a fake news source on this.

The fake news sources would be anything trump loons rely on.

Does it hurt being as stipud as you are?

Donald’s approval rating is solidly in the 30’s. That means the rest of us disapprove.

Or do you want to argue that nutter! Now please address the question and tell us the purpose of your troll thread when you know that he isn’t going to get high marks except from his insane trumptard “base” of 30 percenters.

We’ll wait. Although in fairness in any battle of wits uneducated trumptards are going to lose.
Put up or shut up.

Still waiting for a link that states 70% of "us" are against Trump. Once again, even fake news sources are OK so you might even find something in the dregs of the internet.

An ounce of integrity in 200lbs+ should not be that difficult to find. Just do it.

My 401K never looked better. I received my first bonus from my current company last month after years of stagnation. Attention is finally be brought to the border as illegal crossings are down. Sanctuary Cities are being called out. ISIS is getting their a$$es kicked. Someone is finally standing up to North Korea. Excellent SCOTUS pick. Called out the lying MSM. Great tax plan letting Americans keep more of their money so Congress can't waste it. I could go on but time to each lunch...

btw... The Swamp also known as the US Government is crooked beyond belief. So a few tweets and language like "shithole" don't bother me in the least . I don't need or want Trump to act like every other lying politician. Just keep delivering.
A for economics, SCOTUS, deregulation, tax reform

B for immigration

C for the tweeting

A+++++++ for causing extreme butthurt to left loons

How was his constant lying performance - A+++++?

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief. Nothing new to see here.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief.

Seriously? Can you not distinguish between (a) an expression of intent for what others, in that case Congress, will produce as a provision in a piece of legislation and how one expects third parties, insurance companies, to respond to the noted legislation and (b) a statement of what action one will take on one's own and that oneself is the only person who controls/determines whether indeed the stated outcome happens.?
  • Former: Obama's "doctor" remark is an example of the former.
  • Latter: Here's an example of the latter:
    • "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it."
      -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"
In the space of just a few days, Congress created a bipartisan deal and Trump rejected it.​

That is the difference between being wrong or not adequately anticipating outcomes, which is what happened re: "doctors," and outright lying, which is what happened with the deal Trump just the other day refused to sign.

You've conveniently ignored that many, many politicians, pundits and experts were calling BS on Obama's healthcare lies he was spreading to lull the populace into a false sense of security so he could get his signature plan enacted. He knew the opposition was correct. Hell, common sense told you as much. He knowingly and willingly lied to get what he wanted at the expense of the American people. He let the ends justify the means. But a lie is a lie no matter how you try to couch it. Trump does it. Obama did it. It's in the politician's nature to do so. Sad that you can only see it from a single side.
The better question is why did the o/p start this troll thread if he expected everyone to give the orange nutcase high grades. A normal person would understand that 70% of us think he’s a disaster.

70% of USMB is rightwing nut jobs
That is why he put up a "scientific" poll

Do you think they understand that the world is laughing at them?

Like it did for the last 8 years when they knew they could roll over a weak kneed president?
A for economics, SCOTUS, deregulation, tax reform

B for immigration

C for the tweeting

A+++++++ for causing extreme butthurt to left loons

How was his constant lying performance - A+++++?

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief. Nothing new to see here.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief.

Seriously? Can you not distinguish between (a) an expression of intent for what others, in that case Congress, will produce as a provision in a piece of legislation and how one expects third parties, insurance companies, to respond to the noted legislation and (b) a statement of what action one will take on one's own and that oneself is the only person who controls/determines whether indeed the stated outcome happens.?
  • Former: Obama's "doctor" remark is an example of the former.
  • Latter: Here's an example of the latter:
    • "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it."
      -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"
In the space of just a few days, Congress created a bipartisan deal and Trump rejected it.​

That is the difference between being wrong or not adequately anticipating outcomes, which is what happened re: "doctors," and outright lying, which is what happened with the deal Trump just the other day refused to sign.

You've conveniently ignored that many, many politicians, pundits and experts were calling BS on Obama's healthcare lies he was spreading to lull the populace into a false sense of security so he could get his signature plan enacted. He knew the opposition was correct. Hell, common sense told you as much. He knowingly and willingly lied to get what he wanted at the expense of the American people. He let the ends justify the means. But a lie is a lie no matter how you try to couch it. Trump does it. Obama did it. It's in the politician's nature to do so. Sad that you can only see it from a single side.

It was Republicans who lied about Obamacare

Government Takeover, death panels, Obama is going to kill my baby, Everyone will be forced into Obamacare

Obama was just responding to the lies (over 95% of people kept their healthcare plan)
A for economics, SCOTUS, deregulation, tax reform

B for immigration

C for the tweeting

A+++++++ for causing extreme butthurt to left loons

How was his constant lying performance - A+++++?

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief. Nothing new to see here.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief.

Seriously? Can you not distinguish between (a) an expression of intent for what others, in that case Congress, will produce as a provision in a piece of legislation and how one expects third parties, insurance companies, to respond to the noted legislation and (b) a statement of what action one will take on one's own and that oneself is the only person who controls/determines whether indeed the stated outcome happens.?
  • Former: Obama's "doctor" remark is an example of the former.
  • Latter: Here's an example of the latter:
    • "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it."
      -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"
In the space of just a few days, Congress created a bipartisan deal and Trump rejected it.​

That is the difference between being wrong or not adequately anticipating outcomes, which is what happened re: "doctors," and outright lying, which is what happened with the deal Trump just the other day refused to sign.

You've conveniently ignored that many, many politicians, pundits and experts were calling BS on Obama's healthcare lies he was spreading to lull the populace into a false sense of security so he could get his signature plan enacted. He knew the opposition was correct. Hell, common sense told you as much. He knowingly and willingly lied to get what he wanted at the expense of the American people. He let the ends justify the means. But a lie is a lie no matter how you try to couch it. Trump does it. Obama did it. It's in the politician's nature to do so. Sad that you can only see it from a single side.
He knew the opposition was correct.
I don't know what he knew in that regard. He didn't tell me and I'm lousy at reading minds.

Hell, common sense told you as much.
I knew enough to think his expectations about what Congress and insurance companies would do in the wake of O-care's passage were beamish. But hen I'm a management consultant who a long-term client in the insurance industry, so that industry's business models and operations were/are well enough known to me that I could credibly think that.

He knowingly and willingly lied to get what he wanted at the expense of the American people.

What he did was articulate a set of expectation he held regarding the nature of economic behavior insurers were perform, all the while having zero ability to control their behavior and, once the bill passed, being bereft of the means to incorporate into it any provisions that would have catalyzed insurers to behave differently. Moreover, he allowed Congress to pass healthcare legislation that empowered Congress with the ability to, via the risk corridor payment authorization process, in effect, sabotage the legislation's efficacy. The instant Democrats lost control of Congress, that's exactly what Republicans did.
Now, that the GOP Congress did what it did to the risk corridor model is what it is, but that they did it and that a consequence of their having done it is that insurers pulled out of various markets that weren't profitable without the corridor payments is just as undeniable as is the GOP Congress' refusal to authorize the payments that everyone knew were needed to prevent insurers from existing those markets/exchanges and/or increasing prices to make up for their having not exited them.

Are risk corridors simple to understand fully, not really. However, the behavior insurers exhibited in the absence of the expected risk corridor revenue streams was easily predictable by any undergraduate who'd taken Marketing 101 and Principles of Microeconomics. How so? Because of the four strategic growth strategies that companies may pursue, the denial of the risk corridor payments removed all four of them from being viable/profitable options at the pricing levels and market penetration level required for O-care to function as designed. That left two options: exit inadequately profitable markets or increase prices so as the premiums collected yield adequate profit (in the minds of an insurer's prospective investors, shareholders and management).

Now the role of "adequate profit" wouldn't have come into play were insurance treated as a natural monopoly good/industry rather than as a differentiable good/monopolistically competitive industry. Everyone involved knows that, but what everyone involved didn't know is what firms would exist were such a transformation effected, and one can be sure that no insurer was going to advocate for such a sweeping philosophical change without knowing what would be its own status in the wake of such a change. Plain and simple: firms do not like uncertainty, least of all externally wrought uncertainty about their own going-concern assertion.

a lie is a lie no matter how you try to couch it.

A lie is a lie, and though there are different types of lies -- palters, fibs, equivocations, fabrications, exaggerations, prevarications, etc. -- a lie of no sort is not the same thing as being mistaken, naive, or ill-advised is that one knows 100% that what one was saying isn't so, cannot be so, will never be so, and was never before so. How can one tell the difference between a lie and a mistake? For the most part, context is the only way to cogently/soundly distinguish between the two.


I would like to have given Trump an F
But he hasn't done anything yet that can't be fixed. I believe he will eventually get there, but I'd have to give him a C- for now and send a note to his parents
A for economics, SCOTUS, deregulation, tax reform

B for immigration

C for the tweeting

A+++++++ for causing extreme butthurt to left loons

How was his constant lying performance - A+++++?

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief. Nothing new to see here.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Just a reminder of the previous liar in chief.

Seriously? Can you not distinguish between (a) an expression of intent for what others, in that case Congress, will produce as a provision in a piece of legislation and how one expects third parties, insurance companies, to respond to the noted legislation and (b) a statement of what action one will take on one's own and that oneself is the only person who controls/determines whether indeed the stated outcome happens.?
  • Former: Obama's "doctor" remark is an example of the former.
  • Latter: Here's an example of the latter:
    • "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it."
      -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"
In the space of just a few days, Congress created a bipartisan deal and Trump rejected it.​

That is the difference between being wrong or not adequately anticipating outcomes, which is what happened re: "doctors," and outright lying, which is what happened with the deal Trump just the other day refused to sign.

You've conveniently ignored that many, many politicians, pundits and experts were calling BS on Obama's healthcare lies he was spreading to lull the populace into a false sense of security so he could get his signature plan enacted. He knew the opposition was correct. Hell, common sense told you as much. He knowingly and willingly lied to get what he wanted at the expense of the American people. He let the ends justify the means. But a lie is a lie no matter how you try to couch it. Trump does it. Obama did it. It's in the politician's nature to do so. Sad that you can only see it from a single side.

It was Republicans who lied about Obamacare

Government Takeover, death panels, Obama is going to kill my baby, Everyone will be forced into Obamacare

Obama was just responding to the lies (over 95% of people kept their healthcare plan)

You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth.
I would like to have given Trump an F
But he hasn't done anything yet that can't be fixed. I believe he will eventually get there, but I'd have to give him a C- for now and send a note to his parents

You do realize HE's fixing things, correct? How is your 401K? Let me know if you like getting to keep more of your paycheck next month.
I give him a C-

The President gets props for a strong economy and the war on ISIS. Beyond that, he is sabotaging healthcare, the environment, worker protection and the Iran nuclear deal

His immature behavior is destroying our global image
You identified seven major elements that apparently you consider as germane to the question of Trump's overall performance:
  1. economy
  2. war on ISIS
  3. healthcare
  4. environment
  5. worker protection
  6. Iran nuclear deal
  7. our global image
Of them, you rated him positively on two. 2/7 = .28 or 28%. By what calculus does 28% out of a possible 100% translate to a C-? It's not as though one can grade him on a curve, for there is nobody else but him being graded, as it were.

I would like to have given Trump an F
But he hasn't done anything yet that can't be fixed. I believe he will eventually get there, but I'd have to give him a C- for now and send a note to his parents

Well, you and I must come from different worlds. In mine, one receives the grade that one earned, and if one later improves one's performance, one receives a grade that reflects that improvement.
The better question is why did the o/p start this troll thread if he expected everyone to give the orange nutcase high grades. A normal person would understand that 70% of us think he’s a disaster.

70% of USMB is rightwing nut jobs
That is why he put up a "scientific" poll

Do you think they understand that the world is laughing at them?

Like it did for the last 8 years when they knew they could roll over a weak kneed president?

What a sad fuckfart little world, where you think life consists of "rolling over" people. :itsok:

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