Poll: majority now believe that Joe Biden is kind of an idiot

Why because a right winger might try to stop the suicide attempt of a left-winger, otherwise so he or she can face the carnage that they instigated while in power ?? Dying is to easy, the leftist need to see the bright eyed error's of their ways. Maybe there's hope after all in their reform, but it sure won't be coming from their own leftist that's for sure.
The right is all talk. They are the do nothing party. Brag and bluster Is their MO. No vaccines, no infrastructure, no immigration policy, no shit. We did get the typical recession followed by whining and complaining because the left hasn’t rebuilt the house they burned down fast enough.
Did you just try to say something of any consequence. You’re off the reservation. Math is not your thing, we know that. Don’t keep trying to cover up.
Nothing to do with math per-sae, but everything to do with district's, their make ups, and who has control of them.
The right is all talk. They are the do nothing party. Brag and bluster Is their MO. No vaccines, no infrastructure, no immigration policy, no shit. We did get the typical recession followed by whining and complaining because the left hasn’t rebuilt the house they burned down fast enough.
I will say that I have been disappointed in the Republicans that had control here and there, and didn't do a whole lot for the people or economy, but then Trump came along and tried to set them on fire. Did it work ? To early to tell, but hopefully it did.
Kind of an idiot? Well then that settles it, he is Trump's brother.
*Douche chills*

You put no efforts into these "jokes", yet you still expect people to laugh at them. Its fucking lazy. Either be funny or stop trying.
I will say that I have been disappointed in the Republicans that had control here and there, and didn't do a whole lot for the people or economy, but then Trump came along and tried to set them on fire. Did it work ? To early to tell, but hopefully it did.
I hear you…but. Exactly what did Trump do other then take over an economy that was growing steadily for several years already ? He did manage to shut down the pandemic task force and create a recession.
He promised to improve infrastructure and “ great healthcare” for everyone. If everyone had the healthcare he promised, many who died would still be alive. We didn’t need anyone set on fire. We needed someone to put out the fire after the most incompetent person to ever hold office, left.
Idiot Biden FAILS to secure border, 18,000 pounds of Meth and Fentanyl seized from a single truck trying to cross into America to KILL Americans. :oops:
Nothing to do with math per-sae, but everything to do with district's, their make ups, and who has control of them.
Well, if you want to go there, the 3 most dangerous metro areas ARE red controlled and do have higher instances of covid deaths. I don’t see what the point is. urban Metro areas have to do with population density. They aren’t all blue. Aamof here are metro areas that are republican control or about equal for second group and could go either way.
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Arlington, Texas.
These cities are nearly equally balanced:

  • Anaheim, California
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Aurora, Colorado
  • Anchorage, Alaska
  • Ft. Worth, Texas
Idiot Biden FAILS to secure border, 18,000 pounds of Meth and Fentanyl seized from a single truck trying to cross into America to KILL Americans. :oops:
Huh ? You’re using an example of where the Biden admin successfully stopped the flow of drugs to show they didn’t ?
By that reasoning, if an admin does nothing, it’s better.
Well, if you want to go there, the 3 most dangerous metro areas ARE red controlled and do have higher instances of covid deaths. I don’t see what the point is. urban Metro areas have to do with population density. They aren’t all blue. Aamof here are metro areas that are republican control or about equal for second group and could go either way.
  • Mesa, Arizona
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Arlington, Texas.
These cities are nearly equally balanced:

  • Anaheim, California
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Aurora, Colorado
  • Anchorage, Alaska
  • Ft. Worth, Texas
And what does this have to do with Biden being an idiot?
Huh ? You’re using an example of where the Biden admin successfully stopped the flow of drugs to show they didn’t ?
By that reasoning, if an admin does nothing, it’s better.
You are a bit slow aren't you.
"Kind" of an Idiot???? LOL

He is a full blown idiot.

Just "kind of " an idiot?

LOL I was thinking exactly the same thing. XD

‘Time for Grandpa’s nap’:​

Anger over Biden avoiding media questions​

He's only doing (or in this case not doing) what he's told to do. (Or not do.)

Biden is senile

He probably thinks we're cheering on some guy named Brandon.
That is hilarious.....Republicans claim Biden is an idiot who is too smart to catch at hiding evidence ? .

What does that make Trump and his lemmings ? Little whining SNOWFLAKES.
You don't think Joe Depends engineered the theft of the presidency....do you?

I thought your were rude and contentious. But I didn't realize you were very stupid too.
You don't think Joe Depends engineered the theft of the presidency....do you?
You can’t have it both ways. Either Joe is senile or he engineered the greatest election fraud in the history of mankind by stealing seven million votes. So which is it ? Joe is one smart son of a bitch ? Is that what the claim is ?

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