Poll: Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’


Darwin was a pastafarian
Jul 24, 2013
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.
Progressive idea's are so stoopid.............:coffee:........its all good as long as it degrades society!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Not so fast, I see your Roooooters poll and raise you one Marist poll where it shows the majority favor religious freedom rights.

3 13 Tolerance for Religious Rights Home of the Marist Poll Pebbles and Pundits
The Marist Poll is over a month old and taken for the Catholic News Agency. The link has further links available to show how the poll was obviously skewed. One need only to check out the demographic and methodology links.

Yeah yeah yeah, for every poll there is another poll. The entire point is any poll can be manipulated to achieve in desired result. That's Political Science 101 and one of the first things they teach
Erm, let's see, a Catholic Marist Poll shows results in opposition to an independent poll conducted by a secular newspaper. Wow, big surprise. Or not.
Erm, let's see, a Catholic Marist Poll shows results in opposition to an independent poll conducted by a secular newspaper. Wow, big surprise. Or not.

Again, ANY poll can be manipulated. What part are you not grasping? Left loons...easily duped and led astray
Not so fast, I see your Roooooters poll and raise you one Marist poll where it shows the majority favor religious freedom rights.

3 13 Tolerance for Religious Rights Home of the Marist Poll Pebbles and Pundits
The Marist Poll is over a month old and taken for the Catholic News Agency. The link has further links available to show how the poll was obviously skewed. One need only to check out the demographic and methodology links.

Yeah yeah yeah, for every poll there is another poll. The entire point is any poll can be manipulated to achieve in desired result. That's Political Science 101 and one of the first things they teach
Ya, but old polls are even more as just as useless than ones that are manipulated. The Marist Poll was taken in the last week of February. This has been a running news story and as facts were revealed and debated people formed opinions and viewpoints. So a poll taken at the early stages becomes inaccurate as time passes and the people being polled form those opinions. What is needed is a more recent poll, one taken at the time of the Reuters poll. At least one could argue about methodology and demographics and have some debatable issue's. There is nothing to debate or argue about when comparing an outdated poll to a recent one. The older poll is technically obsolete.
Not so fast, I see your Roooooters poll and raise you one Marist poll where it shows the majority favor religious freedom rights.

3 13 Tolerance for Religious Rights Home of the Marist Poll Pebbles and Pundits
The Marist Poll is over a month old and taken for the Catholic News Agency. The link has further links available to show how the poll was obviously skewed. One need only to check out the demographic and methodology links.

Yeah yeah yeah, for every poll there is another poll. The entire point is any poll can be manipulated to achieve in desired result. That's Political Science 101 and one of the first things they teach
Ya, but old polls are even more as just as useless than ones that are manipulated. The Marist Poll was taken in the last week of February. This has been a running news story and as facts were revealed and debated people formed opinions and viewpoints. So a poll taken at the early stages becomes inaccurate as time passes and the people being polled form those opinions. What is needed is a more recent poll, one taken at the time of the Reuters poll. At least one could argue about methodology and demographics and have some debatable issue's. There is nothing to debate or argue about when comparing an outdated poll to a recent one. The older poll is technically obsolete.

Manipulated is manipulated. Polls are worthless...much like this thread, have a good one
Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’

The reason is simple: marriage equality does not touch my life, does not threaten my marriage, does not cause me, my family or my country any harm and is none of my business.

For the survey, 892 people aged 18 years old and over were interviewed online.

Interesting that when the random phone calls to households was made, the pollster requested to speak to the youngest male member of the household. They chose the family member that would be most likely to present pro hetrosexual, self protective and self concious answers. Not all polls are this obviously skewed. If you examine the demographics and methodology you can figure out which ones are honest and which ones are bull crap.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.
Let me get this right.....God is suppose to approve of homosexuality even though he destroyed cities for practicing it??????????
The two polls posted this week are good in construction, administration, and evaluation.

The far right socons will still boo hoo it.

Of course they will: they are losing this part of the culture war.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.
Thanks, but the Old Testament does not represent the teachings of Christ, this is not a religious issue and the pro discrimination fundamentalist do not have a right to interfere with constitutional rights. Someones interpretation of the Bible has no business being imposed on the public. America does not want institutionalized Christian style Sharia law. That is what the poll used in the OP shows. You can at the pulpit all you want, people don't have to respect your sermon or pay attention to what you say.

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