Poll: Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’

Poll... the majority of Americans take sides with sexual deviants and perverts, over religious folk?

You are delusional. Seriously. ...

Said the guy famous for telling us "not enough people talk about the *good* aspects of slavery..."

That's dishonest distortion, and you know it. Here is the passage from which you have inaccurately quoted me:

So what are the facts about slavery in the South? Did any good come from slavery? Did slavery have any good aspects? Did all slaveowners mistreat their slaves? The subject of slavery in the antebellum (i.e., pre-Civil War) South is a delicate, highly charged issue because history books and documentaries have usually only told one side of the story. The recent PBS documentary Slavery and the Making of America is a prime example of the one-sided, misleading, and incomplete portrayals of Southern slavery that are usually presented to the public. I'm not trying to justify slavery. All I'm saying is that if we're going to talk about slavery, let's be factual about it.​

Most history books and documentaries that discuss slavery are full of tragic stories about the bad aspects of slavery, but they rarely mention the good aspects of the institution. Historians typically cite the worst cases of mistreatment and abuse but ignore or minimize the far more numerous cases of humane treatment, mutual respect, and genuine friendship. True, the good aspects of slavery don't outweigh the fact that slavery was wrong, but they should be noted in the interest of fairness and historical truth.​

Defending how slavery was usually administered is not the same thing as defending slavery itself. If my daughter were abducted, I would never condone her abduction; however, I would be willing to admit that her abductors did not abuse her, if that were indeed the case. To put it another way, I would never excuse her abductors for their crime, but I would acknowledge that they did not abuse her while they held her captive. Similarly, slavery was wrong no matter how humanely it was usually administered, but let us be willing to admit that most slaves were not brutalized, if that was in fact the case. ( SLAVERY AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE )​

Humm, now that's very different from the smear you were trying to get away with.

Paperview is a lying scumbag. He accused me of supporting slavery because I said Lincoln had no justification for invading Virginia.

That's the kind of lying weasel he is.
You do support slavery because you support confederates.

That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates
Poll: Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’

That's because it's not about religious "freedom". It's about discrimination. When I went to Catholic school as a kid, the Jesus they tried to teach is not the Jesus of today's right wing. The right wing of today seems to worship Satan more than Jesus.
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.
Said the guy famous for telling us "not enough people talk about the *good* aspects of slavery..."

That's dishonest distortion, and you know it. Here is the passage from which you have inaccurately quoted me:

So what are the facts about slavery in the South? Did any good come from slavery? Did slavery have any good aspects? Did all slaveowners mistreat their slaves? The subject of slavery in the antebellum (i.e., pre-Civil War) South is a delicate, highly charged issue because history books and documentaries have usually only told one side of the story. The recent PBS documentary Slavery and the Making of America is a prime example of the one-sided, misleading, and incomplete portrayals of Southern slavery that are usually presented to the public. I'm not trying to justify slavery. All I'm saying is that if we're going to talk about slavery, let's be factual about it.​

Most history books and documentaries that discuss slavery are full of tragic stories about the bad aspects of slavery, but they rarely mention the good aspects of the institution. Historians typically cite the worst cases of mistreatment and abuse but ignore or minimize the far more numerous cases of humane treatment, mutual respect, and genuine friendship. True, the good aspects of slavery don't outweigh the fact that slavery was wrong, but they should be noted in the interest of fairness and historical truth.​

Defending how slavery was usually administered is not the same thing as defending slavery itself. If my daughter were abducted, I would never condone her abduction; however, I would be willing to admit that her abductors did not abuse her, if that were indeed the case. To put it another way, I would never excuse her abductors for their crime, but I would acknowledge that they did not abuse her while they held her captive. Similarly, slavery was wrong no matter how humanely it was usually administered, but let us be willing to admit that most slaves were not brutalized, if that was in fact the case. ( SLAVERY AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE )​

Humm, now that's very different from the smear you were trying to get away with.

Paperview is a lying scumbag. He accused me of supporting slavery because I said Lincoln had no justification for invading Virginia.

That's the kind of lying weasel he is.
You do support slavery because you support confederates.

That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.

The "source" was the Reuters poll itself: Most Americans side with gays in religious freedom disputes Reuters Ipsos poll Reuters

Get over yourself, shit stain.
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.

The "source" was the Reuters poll itself: Most Americans side with gays in religious freedom disputes Reuters Ipsos poll Reuters

Get over yourself, shit stain.

Nope, and the poll is shit.
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.

The "source" was the Reuters poll itself: Most Americans side with gays in religious freedom disputes Reuters Ipsos poll Reuters

Get over yourself, shit stain.

Nope, and the poll is shit.

Oh well, you said so, so it must be the truth. Or not.
Gays average out to about 2 percent of the American population, look it up. Petty and insignificant, that is what I would call them. People with snoring issues or hangnails outrank them in significance. Are we are going to change society to suit them too? Don't be silly. But we give homosexuals plenty of gravitas...
Last edited:
Poll... the majority of Americans take sides with sexual deviants and perverts, over religious folk?

You're not religious folk. Unless Satanism is your religion.

We're not discussing me... we're discussing a majority of Americans supposedly taking sides with sexual deviants and perverts (LGBT) over religious folk.
That's dishonest distortion, and you know it. Here is the passage from which you have inaccurately quoted me:

So what are the facts about slavery in the South? Did any good come from slavery? Did slavery have any good aspects? Did all slaveowners mistreat their slaves? The subject of slavery in the antebellum (i.e., pre-Civil War) South is a delicate, highly charged issue because history books and documentaries have usually only told one side of the story. The recent PBS documentary Slavery and the Making of America is a prime example of the one-sided, misleading, and incomplete portrayals of Southern slavery that are usually presented to the public. I'm not trying to justify slavery. All I'm saying is that if we're going to talk about slavery, let's be factual about it.​

Most history books and documentaries that discuss slavery are full of tragic stories about the bad aspects of slavery, but they rarely mention the good aspects of the institution. Historians typically cite the worst cases of mistreatment and abuse but ignore or minimize the far more numerous cases of humane treatment, mutual respect, and genuine friendship. True, the good aspects of slavery don't outweigh the fact that slavery was wrong, but they should be noted in the interest of fairness and historical truth.​

Defending how slavery was usually administered is not the same thing as defending slavery itself. If my daughter were abducted, I would never condone her abduction; however, I would be willing to admit that her abductors did not abuse her, if that were indeed the case. To put it another way, I would never excuse her abductors for their crime, but I would acknowledge that they did not abuse her while they held her captive. Similarly, slavery was wrong no matter how humanely it was usually administered, but let us be willing to admit that most slaves were not brutalized, if that was in fact the case. ( SLAVERY AND SOUTHERN INDEPENDENCE )​

Humm, now that's very different from the smear you were trying to get away with.

Paperview is a lying scumbag. He accused me of supporting slavery because I said Lincoln had no justification for invading Virginia.

That's the kind of lying weasel he is.
You do support slavery because you support confederates.

That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates
Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.
Thanks, but the Old Testament does not represent the teachings of Christ, this is not a religious issue and the pro discrimination fundamentalist do not have a right to interfere with constitutional rights. Someones interpretation of the Bible has no business being imposed on the public. America does not want institutionalized Christian style Sharia law. That is what the poll used in the OP shows. You can at the pulpit all you want, people don't have to respect your sermon or pay attention to what you say.
Where is the the amendment that says government must allow you to suck dick?????
You show what kind of a person you are when you become foul and vulgar. That is not the sign of a mature man. It is the sign of an immature boy, and a rather weak one at that. Most teens show more class and maturity than you. Plus you need to get that dick sucking thing off your mind. You are broadcasting your latent homosexual tendencies.
Waiting for your answer .......
You are the one that seems to be in need of a dick sucking amendment. Go find it yourself. I have no need or use for it. Probably you don't really need it and can continue to suck all the dicks you want. No one really cares.
Let's see if I understand this. you support gay rights and think it's normal behavior, yet you call someone a cocksucker, like it's an insult. Liberal logic in action. Lol
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.

The "source" was the Reuters poll itself: Most Americans side with gays in religious freedom disputes Reuters Ipsos poll Reuters

Get over yourself, shit stain.
The "poll" asked fewer than 900 people. Pretty small sample size to determine what the 'majority' supports.
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

LGBT Nation?

Go fuck yourself old man......shit source.

The "source" was the Reuters poll itself: Most Americans side with gays in religious freedom disputes Reuters Ipsos poll Reuters

Get over yourself, shit stain.
The "poll" asked fewer than 900 people. Pretty small sample size to determine what the 'majority' supports.

Erm, it was a rolling poll that had different respondents each day, up to 2,390 on the last day. And in that time, the difference between those who agreed that businesses should not be allowed to discriminate (by refusing services or a job) because of their religious beliefs compared to those who disagreed was never less than 34% nor more than 41.6%. Which means that the average difference was 37.8%. That is quite a wide margin, and indicates that that the results were consistent through out the timespan of the poll.

Reuters Polling
Paperview is a lying scumbag. He accused me of supporting slavery because I said Lincoln had no justification for invading Virginia.

That's the kind of lying weasel he is.
You do support slavery because you support confederates.

That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

You do support slavery because you support confederates.

That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic
That's the kind of idiocy we have come to expect from brainwashed Obama drones like you.
Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

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