Poll: Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’

Not a Democrat thus why I don't support slavery or confederates

You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.
You do support slavery. You want to make us all into slaves.

Only a liberal moron believes in the equation "believes Lincoln's invasion was wrong = supports slavery." That's what people do in the absence of facts or logic to support their beliefs.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.
I think we should send all the LGBT fuckers to a mental institution. They should get shock treatment.
Poor ignorant fool. Confederates were democrats and slavers thus if you support them and we all know you do through ignorance then it is you who is for slavery. it is sad how uneducated you are about the treasonous confederates

So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.
So a defence lawyer who defends a murderer believes murder is acceptable?

You're simply an imbecile. You can't defend the mass murdering tyrant Lincoln with facts or logic, so personal attacks are all you can manage.

To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.
To bad your knuckle dragging slavers started a war and tried to destroy the country because they wanted to own other people. Those are your hero's and that is why you are pathetic

Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.
Lincoln started the war, asshole. Lincoln invaded Virginia, and then went on to kill 850,000 Americans. He sent armies into the confederate states to kill their people, burn their cities and rape the women- that includes slave women.

That's your hero.

The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.

The liberal fetish about "revisionist history" is curious. They have been revising American history for the last 60 years. Yet, they view the term as some kind of magical incantation that can magically banish any inconvenient facts they are confronted with.
The war did not start in Virginia. The war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861.

Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.

The liberal fetish about "revisionist history" is curious. They have been revising American history for the last 60 years. Yet, they view the term as some kind of magical incantation that can magically banish any inconvenient facts they are confronted with.

Nice try at diversion. Sorry, though, you only get one star.
I would expect that the majority of American would side with the homos. I still don't care. I'm going to continue to practice my faith. The rest of you have to deal with it.
Wrong, asshole. Lincoln started the war by invading Virginia.

I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.

The liberal fetish about "revisionist history" is curious. They have been revising American history for the last 60 years. Yet, they view the term as some kind of magical incantation that can magically banish any inconvenient facts they are confronted with.

Nice try at diversion. Sorry, though, you only get one star.

"Nice try at diversion" from what? The magic words "revisionist history" prove nothing. History is the propaganda of the winners. Most of it is bullshit. All you proved is that you're an obedient drone.
I can see that you failed American history. Oh dear.

You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.

The liberal fetish about "revisionist history" is curious. They have been revising American history for the last 60 years. Yet, they view the term as some kind of magical incantation that can magically banish any inconvenient facts they are confronted with.

Nice try at diversion. Sorry, though, you only get one star.

"Nice try at diversion" from what? The magic words "revisionist history" prove nothing. History is the propaganda of the winners. Most of it is bullshit. All you proved is that you're an obedient drone.

What I've proved is that you aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong. Congratulations.
You do support slavery because you support confederates.

Really?! I take it you're not aware that in early 1865 the Confederacy began the process of gradual emancipation, with the full support--indeed, at the urging--of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate leaders. Is this news to you?

I take it you're also not aware that some Southern newspapers began to call for emancipation in 1863, and that the Confederate debate on emancipation became widespread in late 1864 because the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, publicly called for emancipation for all slaves who would volunteer to serve as soldiers.

I take it you are further unaware that Jefferson Davis sent a special envoy to Europe to offer a deal where the Confederacy would abolish slavery in exchange for diplomatic recognition.

I take it's also news to you that when Confederate army units began to vote on emancipation, nearly all of them voted in favor it--and by wide margins.

You weren't aware of any of these facts, were you?

And lest you make the argument that the emancipation effort was merely an act of desperation, keep in mind that private calls for emancipation began in 1862 and that public calls for it began in 1863 (I can send you the Southern newspaper editorials, if you'd like). Also, the North only resorted to using black troops because casualties were mounting, and even then Lincoln--yes, Lincoln--doggedly opposed using black troops until Congress forced him to do so. Go read African-American scholar Lerone Bennett's book Forced Into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream.
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You do support slavery because you support confederates.

Really?! I take it you're not aware that in early 1865 the Confederacy began the process of gradual emancipation, with the full support--indeed, at the urging--of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate leaders. Is this news to you?

I take it you're also not aware that some Southern newspapers began to call for emancipation in 1863, and that the Confederate debate on emancipation became widespread in late 1864 because the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, publicly called for emancipation for all slaves who would volunteer to serve as soldiers.

I take it you are further unaware that Jefferson Davis sent a special envoy to Europe to offer a deal where the Confederacy would abolish slavery in exchange for diplomatic recognition.

I take it's also news to you that when Confederate army units began to vote on emancipation, nearly all of them voted in favor it--and by wide margins.

You weren't aware of any of these facts, were you?

Not sure where this info of yours came from but according to the Brooklyn Historical Society:

The Emancipation Proclamation Jefferson Davis Responds Brooklyn Historical Society Blog

It should not surprise readers that the President of the Confederate States of America did not respond positively to the Emancipation Proclamation.

In a long and florid speech to the Confederate Congress on January 13, 1863, President Jefferson Davis portrayed the proclamation as a crime against humanity that would be decried and reviled throughout history.

“We may well leave it to the instincts of that common humanity which a beneficent Creator has implanted in the breasts of our fellow-men of all countries to pass judgment on a measure by which several millions of human beings of an inferior race, peaceful and contented laborers in their sphere, are doomed to extermination, while at the same time they are encouraged to a general assassination of their masters by the insidious recommendation ‘to abstain from violence unless in necessary self-defense.’ Our own detestation of those who have attempted by the most excrable measure recorded in the history of guilty man is tempered by a profound contempt for the impotent rage which it discloses. …”

Several things are notable about Davis’s speech. First, to Jefferson Davis and other proponents of slavery, the Emancipation Proclamation was a de facto call for slave rebellion. This sentiment was also echoed in the north by Copperheads and other critics of emancipation.

Armed rebellions were actually relatively uncommon in the antebellum American south as compared to other slave societies. But events like Nat Turner’s 1831 rebellion and, of course, John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry lived in infamy among slaveholders and their supporters. The violent Haitian Revolution, which began with a slave revolt and ended the establishment of the black-led Republic of Haiti in 1804, terrified the slaveowning classes, especially in black-majority areas like South Carolina.

To tie emancipation to violent rebellion, Davis quoted one line from Lincoln’s proclamation – “to abstain from violence unless in necessary self defense.” Davis implied that this is tantamount to endorsing black-on-white violence in the Confederacy.

This endorsement of self-protection and personal self-determination was a very radical statement for Lincoln to make considering the centuries during which slaveowners were granted physical control over their chattel. Today, we can look to this clause to reflect how far Lincoln had come from his much more hesitant criticisms of slavery, including his previous endorsement of gradual manumission and of colonization.

Finally, Davis dramatically declared that the Emancipation Proclamation “doom[ed]” black Americans “to extermination.” Davis’ belief in the inferiority of African Americans was so great that he believed that emancipation would only disrupt their “peaceful and contented” lives, leading to their inevitable demise. Whether this would occur over a longer period time, or whether emancipation would prompt this extermination at the hands of white slaveowners defending themselves during a slave insurrection remained unclear.

What is of course most important is just how mistaken Davis was. Enslaved people did leave plantations in large numbers after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. But they rarely acted violently, and instead chose to head towards the United States Army to contribute their labor to something new: the Union cause. That, of course, created new opportunities for inequality. But that is a subject for another post.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Address to the Confederate Congress, January 12, 1863; Journal of Confederate Congress, Volume 3, pages 13-14.

So if old Jeffry was so in favor of it, why did he freak out so when Honest Abe actually signed the declaration?
Not sure where this info of yours came from but according to the Brooklyn Historical Society:

The Emancipation Proclamation Jefferson Davis Responds Brooklyn Historical Society Blog

It should not surprise readers that the President of the Confederate States of America did not respond positively to the Emancipation Proclamation.

In a long and florid speech to the Confederate Congress on January 13, 1863, President Jefferson Davis portrayed the proclamation as a crime against humanity that would be decried and reviled throughout history.

“We may well leave it to the instincts of that common humanity which a beneficent Creator has implanted in the breasts of our fellow-men of all countries to pass judgment on a measure by which several millions of human beings of an inferior race, peaceful and contented laborers in their sphere, are doomed to extermination, while at the same time they are encouraged to a general assassination of their masters by the insidious recommendation ‘to abstain from violence unless in necessary self-defense.’ Our own detestation of those who have attempted by the most excrable measure recorded in the history of guilty man is tempered by a profound contempt for the impotent rage which it discloses. …”

Several things are notable about Davis’s speech. First, to Jefferson Davis and other proponents of slavery, the Emancipation Proclamation was a de facto call for slave rebellion. This sentiment was also echoed in the north by Copperheads and other critics of emancipation.

Armed rebellions were actually relatively uncommon in the antebellum American south as compared to other slave societies. But events like Nat Turner’s 1831 rebellion and, of course, John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry lived in infamy among slaveholders and their supporters. The violent Haitian Revolution, which began with a slave revolt and ended the establishment of the black-led Republic of Haiti in 1804, terrified the slaveowning classes, especially in black-majority areas like South Carolina.

To tie emancipation to violent rebellion, Davis quoted one line from Lincoln’s proclamation – “to abstain from violence unless in necessary self defense.” Davis implied that this is tantamount to endorsing black-on-white violence in the Confederacy.

This endorsement of self-protection and personal self-determination was a very radical statement for Lincoln to make considering the centuries during which slaveowners were granted physical control over their chattel. Today, we can look to this clause to reflect how far Lincoln had come from his much more hesitant criticisms of slavery, including his previous endorsement of gradual manumission and of colonization.

Finally, Davis dramatically declared that the Emancipation Proclamation “doom[ed]” black Americans “to extermination.” Davis’ belief in the inferiority of African Americans was so great that he believed that emancipation would only disrupt their “peaceful and contented” lives, leading to their inevitable demise. Whether this would occur over a longer period time, or whether emancipation would prompt this extermination at the hands of white slaveowners defending themselves during a slave insurrection remained unclear.

What is of course most important is just how mistaken Davis was. Enslaved people did leave plantations in large numbers after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. But they rarely acted violently, and instead chose to head towards the United States Army to contribute their labor to something new: the Union cause. That, of course, created new opportunities for inequality. But that is a subject for another post.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Address to the Confederate Congress, January 12, 1863; Journal of Confederate Congress, Volume 3, pages 13-14.

So if old Jeffry was so in favor of it, why did he freak out so when Honest Abe actually signed the declaration?

Because he recognized Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation as an attempt to incite a slave insurrection in the South and as a cynical PR ploy to keep England and France from recognizing the Confederacy. And, uh, did you happen to miss the fact that the Emancipation Proclamation left all NORTHERN slaves in bondage, that it only applied to slaves in Confederate territory? Gee, what gives with that?

And are you also aware that Lincoln and the Radical-controlled Congress admitted West Virginia into the Union as a slave state after the Emancipation Proclamation was announced?! Gee, what was up with that?

And you might read black scholar Lerone Bennett's book Forced Into Glory, where he details how Lincoln tried to undo certain provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation almost before the ink was dry on the document.

By the way, do you know how the American Patriots reacted when the British issued their own emancipation proclamation? They saw it as an attempt to get American slaves to revolt and they issued stern warnings that slave insurrections would be severely punished. I know this is a part of American history that our history books bury, but it's profusely documented in earlier works and of course in the primary sources.

You "don't know" where I got my information on the Confederate move toward emancipation? I'm not surprised. Try reading, for starters, Robert Durden's book The Black and the Gray: The Confederate Debate on Emancipation. Here are some online links on the subject:

Surprising Facts About the Confederacy

Black Confederates
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You, on the other hand, made a perfect subject for government brainwashing.

You got caught posting revisionist history and can only respond with tripe. Oh dear.

The liberal fetish about "revisionist history" is curious. They have been revising American history for the last 60 years. Yet, they view the term as some kind of magical incantation that can magically banish any inconvenient facts they are confronted with.

Nice try at diversion. Sorry, though, you only get one star.

"Nice try at diversion" from what? The magic words "revisionist history" prove nothing. History is the propaganda of the winners. Most of it is bullshit. All you proved is that you're an obedient drone.

What I've proved is that you aren't man enough to admit when you are wrong. Congratulations.

Why would I "admit" something that isn't true?

You're just a pompous jackass.
It's funny how you never heard liberals citing opinion polls when polls were routinely, consistently showing that 70-80% of the American people opposed gay marriage. When you mentioned those polls to liberals, they would invariably reply that just because most people opposed gay marriage did not mean that gays should not be able to get married. My, how quickly they forget.

Also, note that in most states where gay marriage has been voted on by the people, it has lost. In most cases, gay marriage has been imposed by liberal judges, who have no regard for the Constitution or the rule of law.
It's funny how you never heard liberals citing opinion polls when polls were routinely, consistently showing that 70-80% of the American people opposed gay marriage. When you mentioned those polls to liberals, they would invariably reply that just because most people opposed gay marriage did not mean that gays should not be able to get married. My, how quickly they forget.

Also, note that in most states where gay marriage has been voted on by the people, it has lost. In most cases, gay marriage has been imposed by liberal judges, who have no regard for the Constitution or the rule of law.
Mike, tell the truth, please. The libs said majority in polls had nothing to do with the legality of civil liberties, and they were right.

Now the solid majority of Americans support LGBT marriage and that will only grow.

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