Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

If there had been any willingness to work together the government could have made real improvements in how we deliver health care. as party over country , them against us mentality grows stronger we all lose.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Thanks! His/her/its whining was wearing me down. I can't stand to her little children cry.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

You said it didn't exist! Now, who is the lying sack of shit?

That would be you!
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Thanks! His/her/its whining was wearing me down. I can't stand to her little children cry.
So Trump was lying. His "plan" dropped 23+ million people.

Trump Promises ‘Insurance for Everybody’ as Health Law Replacement

Yes, thanks.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

Nothing like moving the goalposts, eh???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If there had been any willingness to work together the government could have made real improvements in how we deliver health care. as party over country , them against us mentality grows stronger we all lose.

You will never get Democrats to take politics out of healthcare. Just look at what Commie Care did. Every decision made by Democrats has to do with politics. Only if you're lucky you might strike one that is actually pragmatic.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

Nothing like moving the goalposts, eh???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just pointing out the facts.

Trump lied. The GOP lied.

Same point as always, because it's obvious. And the McCain deflection is also a lie, because the plan he voted against dropped 23+ million.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Thanks! His/her/its whining was wearing me down. I can't stand to her little children cry.

I should have posted it earlier, but I forgot I had it in my Healthcare folder.
Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

Nothing like moving the goalposts, eh???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just pointing out the facts.

Trump lied. The GOP lied.

Same point as always, because it's obvious. And the McCain deflection is also a lie, because the plan he voted against dropped 23+ million.

No, there was no lie. You said the Republicans didn't have a plan and I proved you wrong.
Spending more saves money.

Yup, that's the leftist economics I know. By the way, those countries are also bankrupt just like us, already without your crazy utopian plans.

um, actually, they aren't. Most of them have less debt to GDP ratios.

But to the point, we wouldn't spend more, we'd spend smarter.

No Nine Figure Salaries for CEO's who deny care to people after they bought policies. That would be a big change.

Right problem, wrong solution. Government is not smart enough to run government, let alone run a huge health care system on the cheap.

One theme I keep seeing is government is not smart enough to run government or anything else for that matter but there are many of you out there that want to change SS and let them invest your money instead of the present system. How do you think that would turn out?

Couldn't possibly be worse than just spending your money. However, the proposal to invest your SS funds would be handled the same way that 401K's are handled. Little to no government involvement in the investing.
You should ask him. He promised it.

So did the GOP. For eight years.

They were lying, obviously.

Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

Nothing like moving the goalposts, eh???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just pointing out the facts.

Trump lied. The GOP lied.

Same point as always, because it's obvious. And the McCain deflection is also a lie, because the plan he voted against dropped 23+ million.

No, there was no lie. You said the Republicans didn't have a plan and I proved you wrong.
They didn't have the plan that Trump promised.

I know partisans have to spin, but the GOP opened the door to Single Payer with this lie.
I'm sorry you don't understand the simple concept that nobody can sell a product at a loss. Even as a liberal, you should be able to understand that.

Health care shouldn't be a product. It should be a service.

I'm sorry as a battered housewife conservative, you don't understand this. The rest of the world has already figured this out. They pay less and get better service.
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
The question is are ewe willing to pay into it thirty years before you draw a nickel? Cause that’s what Medicare recipients do. Or are ewe just after freebies?
Now look at those countries that have healthcare paid by the government. How much is the individual income tax? The lowest is 45% the highest is 62%. Now compare that to the U.S.

Meaningless. If I paid what I paid in insurance as taxes, my tax would be up in the 50% range, too.

Next look at things like health costs. Medication cost are higher in the U.S. Because of strenuous testing standards. Look at Talcum powder and its link to ovarian cancer. What was the eventual settlement? What is a wrongful death lawsuit worth in the U.S. compared to those other countries which limit the amount?

Those other countries can limit the amount because lifetime healthcare is already guaranteed. As opposed to the US, where you have to get a seven figure settlement to cover lifetime medical needs.

Compare the cost of education. Compare the cost of running a hospital, ambulance service etc. compared to other countries.

Consider that a doctor often orders more tests just to cya because if they make a wrong diagnosis and are sued their cost of malpractice insurance goes up.

Um, guy, first, I want my doctor doing all the tests to make sure he doesn't miss anything.

When you compare the actual number of bankruptcies due solely to healthcare versus other reasons it is lower. The numbers show that you are more likely to declare bankruptcy due to purchasing too many toys or to large of a house then due solely to healthcare.

In 2008, I had a series of surgeries for MINOR medical issues, (nothing life threatening) and my bills totalled close to $50,000. Insurance covered about 2/3rds of that, but what I was left with was a lot more than I have ever spent on "toys".
I'm sorry you don't understand the simple concept that nobody can sell a product at a loss. Even as a liberal, you should be able to understand that.

Health care shouldn't be a product. It should be a service.

I'm sorry as a battered housewife conservative, you don't understand this. The rest of the world has already figured this out. They pay less and get better service.

The article was about vaccines which are a product that needs to be manufactured. However the same results would happen with doctors, nurses, just about anybody in the medical field being underpaid or even taking a loss.
Well......you know how those Republicans always lie.......

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
And we have a winner!

The plan that cut Medicaid and would have reduced covered Americans by 23 million.

Nothing like moving the goalposts, eh???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just pointing out the facts.

Trump lied. The GOP lied.

Same point as always, because it's obvious. And the McCain deflection is also a lie, because the plan he voted against dropped 23+ million.

No, there was no lie. You said the Republicans didn't have a plan and I proved you wrong.
They didn't have the plan that Trump promised.

I know partisans have to spin, but the GOP opened the door to Single Payer with this lie.

From the article that you probably didn't even read:

The American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) often shortened to the AHCA, or nicknamed Trumpcare, is a United States Congress bill to partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Union's have zero to do with why young people aren't going into nursing. My son is in the medical field. He laughed at that insane notion. Someone posted this earlier.
exactly, what they also forget is that the huge new government agency to administer it would have to be funded.

That agency is already in place

We already HAVE Medicare

So those same people can run a system 20 times larger than they currently do at no increased costs? How old are you, 12? 13? You suck at math and have no concept of logic.
A. The claim was that an entirely new agency would need to be created. Obviously and stupidly false

B. No one said it wouldn't need expanding. Obviously it would. That would however be a cost shift from the private administrative costs already being paid...at much higher rates

But hey...throw some more epithets and insults.

It makes your argument seem SO much more reasonable Capn

no, probably not a NEW agency, I already said I used the wrong word. Grow the fuck up.

But the medicare "agency" would have to be expanded tremendously and that would be very expensive and would take money away from medical care, can you name one efficient government agency?
From the article that you probably didn't even read: The American Health Care Act of 2017 (H.R. 1628) often shortened to the AHCA, or nicknamed Trumpcare, is a United States Congress bill to partially repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),
Yes, I know.

"Partially repeal"

"Persons with healthcare insurance coverage would be reduced by 14 million in 2018, 21 million in 2020, and 24 million in 2026 relative to current law."

Trump's promise: "“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.”

Again, thanks.

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