Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

While I agree with your thoughts there is no way that Medicare for all and especially single payer could be payed for by someone else. A conservative estimate was 3.2 Trillion a year for Medicare for all. Single payer would be even higher. That is equal to every penny taken in by taxes last year.

Some have been the mistaken idea that they should get things for free but they do not realize that nothing is free.

I agree. It has to be paid for.

We already spend 19% of our GDP on health care while the rest of the industrialized world with single payer pays anywhere from 8-11%.

Except they cover everyone, they have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates, and bankruptcy due to medical crisis isn't a thing. (As opposed to the US, where 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis.)
First let me congratulate you on talking points which are given no context to show how wrong those points are.

Now look at those countries that have healthcare paid by the government. How much is the individual income tax? The lowest is 45% the highest is 62%. Now compare that to the U.S.

Next look at things like health costs. Medication cost are higher in the U.S. Because of strenuous testing standards. Look at Talcum powder and its link to ovarian cancer. What was the eventual settlement? What is a wrongful death lawsuit worth in the U.S. compared to those other countries which limit the amount? Compare the cost of education. Compare the cost of running a hospital, ambulance service etc. compared to other countries. Consider that a doctor often orders more tests just to cya because if they make a wrong diagnosis and are sued their cost of malpractice insurance goes up.

When you compare the actual number of bankruptcies due solely to healthcare versus other reasons it is lower. The numbers show that you are more likely to declare bankruptcy due to purchasing too many toys or to large of a house then due solely to healthcare.

Not only that, but giving government total control can lead to terrible things. Once they control healthcare, they control every citizen in the country; how we eat, how we drink, how we exercise, how much we weigh........

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions
Spending more saves money.

Yup, that's the leftist economics I know. By the way, those countries are also bankrupt just like us, already without your crazy utopian plans.

um, actually, they aren't. Most of them have less debt to GDP ratios.

But to the point, we wouldn't spend more, we'd spend smarter.

No Nine Figure Salaries for CEO's who deny care to people after they bought policies. That would be a big change.

Right problem, wrong solution. Government is not smart enough to run government, let alone run a huge health care system on the cheap.

One theme I keep seeing is government is not smart enough to run government or anything else for that matter but there are many of you out there that want to change SS and let them invest your money instead of the present system. How do you think that would turn out?
Spending more saves money.

Yup, that's the leftist economics I know. By the way, those countries are also bankrupt just like us, already without your crazy utopian plans.

um, actually, they aren't. Most of them have less debt to GDP ratios.

But to the point, we wouldn't spend more, we'd spend smarter.

No Nine Figure Salaries for CEO's who deny care to people after they bought policies. That would be a big change.

Right problem, wrong solution. Government is not smart enough to run government, let alone run a huge health care system on the cheap.

One theme I keep seeing is government is not smart enough to run government or anything else for that matter but there are many of you out there that want to change SS and let them invest your money instead of the present system. How do you think that would turn out?

No, we wanted that money for US to invest--not government. And if we did that many years ago, a lot of us older people not quite retirement age yet could have retired early.

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

Just about everyone who think for themselves know that government, and especially the federal government is never the correct answer to any internal problem. Medicare was great for the old people, but it was poorly set up, poorly administered, and wound up corrupting the entire system of private health care.
Yes, that's the standard right wing line.

I don't want Single Payer. This would be a much better alternative. But talk radio says no, so...
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.



What secret? With the help of John McCain, the Democrats stopped the repeal of Commie Care.
Trump promised us a replacement plan.

Was he lying?
They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.



What secret? With the help of John McCain, the Democrats stopped the repeal of Commie Care.
Trump promised us a replacement plan.

Was he lying?

As Jules would say "The truth is not the truth".

He was lying.
They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.



What secret? With the help of John McCain, the Democrats stopped the repeal of Commie Care.
Trump promised us a replacement plan.

Was he lying?

Can I ask: why should he have come up with a replacement plan if there is nothing to replace? He said Repeal and Replace, not Replace and Repeal.
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.

Either medicare for all or have every man and woman enlist in the military that way they get free health insurance for the rest of their life. I been seriously thinking about it :) Loose a limb but get free healthcare for rest of your life not a bad deal.
Because fucking John McCain killed the bill in the Senate, the only obstacle to passing a new healthcare law.

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.

Either medicare for all or have every man and woman enlist in the military that way they get free health insurance for the rest of their life. I been seriously thinking about it :) Loose a limb but get free healthcare for rest of your life not a bad deal.

Why can't they just tighten the limb back up?

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.
exactly, what they also forget is that the huge new government agency to administer it would have to be funded.

That agency is already in place

We already HAVE Medicare

So those same people can run a system 20 times larger than they currently do at no increased costs? How old are you, 12? 13? You suck at math and have no concept of logic.
A. The claim was that an entirely new agency would need to be created. Obviously and stupidly false

B. No one said it wouldn't need expanding. Obviously it would. That would however be a cost shift from the private administrative costs already being paid...at much higher rates

But hey...throw some more epithets and insults.

It makes your argument seem SO much more reasonable Capn

The ignorance you are displaying is akin to Bernie Sanders. Everyone knows he is an idiot who never held a job. Did you ever work?
Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.

You don't have the balls to admit you are a libtard and thus incapable of doing your own research.
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.

You don't have the balls to admit you are a libtard and thus incapable of doing your own research.

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.

their big plan was to make obama a one term president ..

scratching their ass and sniffing their finger was plan b ...
You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.

You don't have the balls to admit you are a libtard and thus incapable of doing your own research.

Two words: John McCain
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

No. You are simply a lazy dumbass who was asleep for the first year of the Trump administration. That is the source of your ignorance.

I don't work for you. You might as well be asking me to prove the moon exists, despite it being right before your eyes.

Stop wasting your time and Google.
You guys never had a plan. You and Trump lied.

You're just not man enough to admit it.

You don't have the balls to admit you are a libtard and thus incapable of doing your own research.

Two words: John McCain

Oh, so McCain killed Trump's great plan?

What was his great plan? Link, please.

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