Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

While I agree with your thoughts there is no way that Medicare for all and especially single payer could be payed for by someone else. A conservative estimate was 3.2 Trillion a year for Medicare for all. Single payer would be even higher. That is equal to every penny taken in by taxes last year.

Some have been the mistaken idea that they should get things for free but they do not realize that nothing is free.

I agree. It has to be paid for.

We already spend 19% of our GDP on health care while the rest of the industrialized world with single payer pays anywhere from 8-11%.

Except they cover everyone, they have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates, and bankruptcy due to medical crisis isn't a thing. (As opposed to the US, where 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis.)
First let me congratulate you on talking points which are given no context to show how wrong those points are.

Now look at those countries that have healthcare paid by the government. How much is the individual income tax? The lowest is 45% the highest is 62%. Now compare that to the U.S.

Next look at things like health costs. Medication cost are higher in the U.S. Because of strenuous testing standards. Look at Talcum powder and its link to ovarian cancer. What was the eventual settlement? What is a wrongful death lawsuit worth in the U.S. compared to those other countries which limit the amount? Compare the cost of education. Compare the cost of running a hospital, ambulance service etc. compared to other countries. Consider that a doctor often orders more tests just to cya because if they make a wrong diagnosis and are sued their cost of malpractice insurance goes up.

When you compare the actual number of bankruptcies due solely to healthcare versus other reasons it is lower. The numbers show that you are more likely to declare bankruptcy due to purchasing too many toys or to large of a house then due solely to healthcare.
Under Medicare the Doc did routine blood test on Dad & discovered his red blood-cells were extremely low. They called saying take him to ER right away for blood transfusion. So we did & they looked him over, admitted him & gave him 4 pints over 2 days. Took him to a specialist who found colon cancer causing blood loss. Scheduled surgery for a few days later. 2 days later he was out farming, riding 4 wheeler when he got hit by a car traveling 60/mph. That scalped his head, broke his neck in 2 places, broke his back, pelvis, knee, arm & lots of road rash,

Medicare has been covering all this just fine. He has had great care & getting excellent rehab. We are all amazed he survived all this at 79-80 yrs old. Even more amazing, is they cured his cancer, sowed his scalp back on, mended bones, have him up & walking in rehab 6 hours a day. He will be out in a couple weeks & back to normal in a few months. Medicare is great coverage! Cheapo insurance would be flying their executives by helicopters to their jets, yachts & paradise islands to hide money while Dad died!
Medicare gives patients between 5/9 short term bed days and 5/9 long term bed days per year...usually 5 because the ACA cut the days allowed. After that you must sign over your life time reserve days...and when they are gone they are gone for good. The suplemental plans you pay for give you a few more. Medicare does not reimburse many tests or drugs because they deem them with an over diagnosis or not medically nescessary. They also don't pay for walkers,wheelchairs or other supplies.
He was in 4 times for hip & knee replacements over the last several years prior to this. They are still paying. Then he has therapy and 100 more days of skilled nursing they pay for.

I had knee surgery with private healthcare & they charged $50,000 & I had to pay $10,000. Under Medicare they only charged $2,000
You are talking rehab now. Medicare typically pays for the first 20 days then you kick in a co payment for the remaining 21/100 days. That is IF your doctors sign off on them. If not ..you pay those charges out of pocket.

Or most people buy secondary insurance to pick up the balance. Still whatever the secondary or tertiary dont cover..the hospital eats. If Medicare is primary.

When you're in a SNF the facility reports your progress avery week to Medicare, thus no progress no since in keeping you there.
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.
exactly, what they also forget is that the huge new government agency to administer it would have to be funded.

That agency is already in place

We already HAVE Medicare

So those same people can run a system 20 times larger than they currently do at no increased costs? How old are you, 12? 13? You suck at math and have no concept of logic.
A. The claim was that an entirely new agency would need to be created. Obviously and stupidly false

B. No one said it wouldn't need expanding. Obviously it would. That would however be a cost shift from the private administrative costs already being paid...at much higher rates

But hey...throw some more epithets and insults.

It makes your argument seem SO much more reasonable Capn
Absolutely. My father is 87 now, and he's had his share of ailments and surgeries. He is pretty much in the middle politically. He used to lean right until the Democrats scared the hell out of him saying what the Republicans wanted to take away from him. In any case, he tells me how much Medicare pays on his behalf, and it's less than 2/3. Some of his surgeries were six figures as well.

you think Cigna is going to pay for an 87 year old with chronic health problems?


Majority of democrats and republicans don't understand how this will destroy healthcare in this country...

Much like Gun control, every other country has single payer... every other country is doing far better in the important metrics.
You have heard of Cigna AARP? Yes?

No but I have heard of UHC and AARP.
Correct. Cigna's senior plan is Aetna. I typed AARP in error. Point being. Yes Cigna pays for seniors. They have a senior plan.
Under Medicare the Doc did routine blood test on Dad & discovered his red blood-cells were extremely low. They called saying take him to ER right away for blood transfusion. So we did & they looked him over, admitted him & gave him 4 pints over 2 days. Took him to a specialist who found colon cancer causing blood loss. Scheduled surgery for a few days later. 2 days later he was out farming, riding 4 wheeler when he got hit by a car traveling 60/mph. That scalped his head, broke his neck in 2 places, broke his back, pelvis, knee, arm & lots of road rash,

Medicare has been covering all this just fine. He has had great care & getting excellent rehab. We are all amazed he survived all this at 79-80 yrs old. Even more amazing, is they cured his cancer, sowed his scalp back on, mended bones, have him up & walking in rehab 6 hours a day. He will be out in a couple weeks & back to normal in a few months. Medicare is great coverage! Cheapo insurance would be flying their executives by helicopters to their jets, yachts & paradise islands to hide money while Dad died!
Medicare gives patients between 5/9 short term bed days and 5/9 long term bed days per year...usually 5 because the ACA cut the days allowed. After that you must sign over your life time reserve days...and when they are gone they are gone for good. The suplemental plans you pay for give you a few more. Medicare does not reimburse many tests or drugs because they deem them as an over diagnosis or not medically nescessary. They also don't pay for walkers,wheelchairs or other supplies.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Then you know nothing about Medicare.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.


'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
Maybe this thing won't take as long as everyone was predicting!
It's way past time. The next thing to do is start going after the corps and people who are soaking the system for all its worth and making it outrageously expensive to stay healthy/alive.

The federal government screwed up health care with medicare and medicaid, and now you humbly believe that more government is the answer to the problem it created.

Obviously, we haven't learned much from history. Can you think of a single program that government does well?
A conservative estimate was 3.2 Trillion a year for Medicare for all

Ummm...it's a "conservative" estimate ONLY in that it was an estimate made by a conservative.

a true conservative estimate is 1/3 of that

How expensive would a single-payer system be?
Um a conservative estimate means there maybe a higher cost then expected. Use a dictionary. Next as already pointed out there is a big difference between single payer and Medicare. Acting like the two are comparable is like saying a moped and race car are similar.

There have been people for many years with degrees like Ph.D. and others, some with no doubt higher I.Q. s then those on this board trying to fiqure out how to bring down government spending and at the least the same amount trying to fiqure out how to implement universal healthcare.

Politifact when doing there usual half assed job of fact finding failed to take into account such things as Medicare is paid into by employees and employers before the person becomes eligible. They failed to take into the cost paid by those using Medicare each month. They failed to take into account the so called "dead weight" those that can not pay for healthcare or unable to pay the full cost. They also failed to take into account the usual inefficiency of government.

But just for a fun little laugh let's use Saunders idea of cost. Where is that money coming from? Considering that right now we operate with a deficit? Also consider that a large amount of people are complaining that they did not get a large enough tax break and the break was not permanent. I will not even go into the fact we were running a deficit before the tax cuts.
We can even leave out everything but when Clinton was in office and had a small budget overflow. Let us then look at what happens if Saunders is very wrong and the cost is 2.8 or 3.2 what then? Do we scramble to try and backpedal to where we are now?

I will ask you to look at all the countries that have some form of universal healthcare and compare their individual income tax rate to ours. Then look at how thier healthcare compares to ours. Some countries you wait to see a specialist for almost a month or more. Some hospitals patients are moved into hallways because there are not enough rooms.
Spending more saves money.

Yup, that's the leftist economics I know. By the way, those countries are also bankrupt just like us, already without your crazy utopian plans.

um, actually, they aren't. Most of them have less debt to GDP ratios.

But to the point, we wouldn't spend more, we'd spend smarter.

No Nine Figure Salaries for CEO's who deny care to people after they bought policies. That would be a big change.

Right problem, wrong solution. Government is not smart enough to run government, let alone run a huge health care system on the cheap.
Under Medicare the Doc did routine blood test on Dad & discovered his red blood-cells were extremely low. They called saying take him to ER right away for blood transfusion. So we did & they looked him over, admitted him & gave him 4 pints over 2 days. Took him to a specialist who found colon cancer causing blood loss. Scheduled surgery for a few days later. 2 days later he was out farming, riding 4 wheeler when he got hit by a car traveling 60/mph. That scalped his head, broke his neck in 2 places, broke his back, pelvis, knee, arm & lots of road rash,

Medicare has been covering all this just fine. He has had great care & getting excellent rehab. We are all amazed he survived all this at 79-80 yrs old. Even more amazing, is they cured his cancer, sowed his scalp back on, mended bones, have him up & walking in rehab 6 hours a day. He will be out in a couple weeks & back to normal in a few months. Medicare is great coverage! Cheapo insurance would be flying their executives by helicopters to their jets, yachts & paradise islands to hide money while Dad died!
Medicare gives patients between 5/9 short term bed days and 5/9 long term bed days per year...usually 5 because the ACA cut the days allowed. After that you must sign over your life time reserve days...and when they are gone they are gone for good. The suplemental plans you pay for give you a few more. Medicare does not reimburse many tests or drugs because they deem them with an over diagnosis or not medically nescessary. They also don't pay for walkers,wheelchairs or other supplies.
He was in 4 times for hip & knee replacements over the last several years prior to this. They are still paying. Then he has therapy and 100 more days of skilled nursing they pay for.

I had knee surgery with private healthcare & they charged $50,000 & I had to pay $10,000. Under Medicare they only charged $2,000
You are talking rehab now. Medicare typically pays for the first 20 days then you kick in a co payment for the remaining 21/100 days. That is IF your doctors sign off on them. If not ..you pay those charges out of pocket.

Or most people buy secondary insurance to pick up the balance. Still whatever the secondary or tertiary dont cover..the hospital eats. If Medicare is primary.

When you're in a SNF the facility reports your progress avery week to Medicare, thus no progress no since in keeping you there.
Unless the patient feels they are being rushed and released too soon and need more therapy. At which point it's completely out of pocket. Like I said.
Blech. There's greed in the private sector, there's greed in the public sector. It all just takes different forms.

Just as I tell the right wingers, we need to get past the shallow platitudes, find what is already working, and improve on it. The Medicare - Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplement system is excellent, it has excellent regulatory controls (that, sure, could be tweaked), and it could be scaled up tomorrow.

We don't always have to run to one end, we don't have to always totally mock & dismiss what the other guys want, we don't always have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is a perfectly viable middle ground here, and it already works.

That viable middle ground is only in your head. Without a healthy private medical insurance market, medicare would cost double what it costs today. Hospitals, clinics and doctors overcharge private care to help cover the costs that medicare and medicaid do not reimburse adequately.

Today, many doctors will not even take medicaid patients.
Blech. There's greed in the private sector, there's greed in the public sector. It all just takes different forms.

Just as I tell the right wingers, we need to get past the shallow platitudes, find what is already working, and improve on it. The Medicare - Medicare Advantage - Medicare Supplement system is excellent, it has excellent regulatory controls (that, sure, could be tweaked), and it could be scaled up tomorrow.

We don't always have to run to one end, we don't have to always totally mock & dismiss what the other guys want, we don't always have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is a perfectly viable middle ground here, and it already works.

That viable middle ground is only in your head. Without a healthy private medical insurance market, medicare would cost double what it costs today. Hospitals, clinics and doctors overcharge private care to help cover the costs that medicare and medicaid do not reimburse adequately.

Today, many doctors will not even take medicaid patients.
There's no doubt that reimbursement contracts would have to be increased.

However, there is already a very healthy private medical insurance market complimenting the Medicare system. All I want to do is expand it to all, opening up huge new markets for private competition and innovation, and taking massive cost monkey off the backs of American Business.

'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
Is this true? Because I think the majority of Republicans say "let them die" or "die quickly". Unless I have the base confused with the GOP elected leadership.

You have a whole range of things confused. I have never heard any Republican say "let them die" or "die quickly". However, once you get your single payer system, you will begin hearing that from politicians and doctors.
There will never be a perfect system, with a lot of working together,& leave political party advantage out of it, look for solutions that benefit the many. a good health care solution is possible. no one seems willing to go there.

Government can contribute to a health care insurance system by offering catastrophic health coverage, once private insurance payouts reach a designed level. Government can also contribute to medical price leveling through price research nationally. Government is not good at running anything. Politics is government, and government is politics.
Because fucking John McCain killed the bill in the Senate, the only obstacle to passing a new healthcare law.

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Can't you answer the question?

You are apparently too stupid or were asleep during that time period. Look for yourself. I retired from teaching because of morons like you that are too lazy to learn.
You keep calling me "stupid", yet you can't point to the Republican health care plan.

You're lying, just like the Republicans did for eight years when they promised us they had a better plan.

Maybe back away from the radio for a few months. Learn to think for yourself for a change. You can do it.

Just about everyone who think for themselves know that government, and especially the federal government is never the correct answer to any internal problem. Medicare was great for the old people, but it was poorly set up, poorly administered, and wound up corrupting the entire system of private health care.
Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
What where the plans? Where are they?

Selling across state lines. Grouping small employers. What else?

Where were the plans? Were they secret?

Yea, buddy they're coming Oct 1 lol.



What secret? With the help of John McCain, the Democrats stopped the repeal of Commie Care.

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