Poll: More Americans believe Cohen than Trump

I'd bet lots of people never heard of Cohen much less know anything about him.
As Trump becomes more and more desperate he becomes a bigger and bigger buffoon and the fool of America on display.
As Trump becomes more and more desperate he becomes a bigger and bigger buffoon and the fool of America on display.
Considering that every Democrat today has a double digit IQ, Trump has too much competition to be a buffoon or the “fool of America”.
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
None of the Democrats who participated in the poll have a clue who Cohen is.
Which has nothing to do with 66% of Americans believing Trump committed criminal acts before he became President,
Democrats aren’t Americans any more than the illegals.
Dueling sacks of lying sh*t w/in our vile political sodom and gomorrah are a poor metric of character

Trumproids are being repeatedly shown with clear evidence their leader is a Hillary Clinton obsessed lying fool with uneducated views whose world is collapsing on him and causes them to randomly throw out emotional comments about abortion and other unrelated topics in the middle of discussions.
trump is a serial liar....everyone knows that.
By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy

There's that 35% Trumper base again.

He really COULD shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and keep that support
Trumproids are being repeatedly shown with clear evidence their leader is a Hillary Clinton obsessed lying fool with uneducated views whose world is collapsing on him and causes them to randomly throw out emotional comments about abortion and other unrelated topics in the middle of discussions.
If the Democrats didn’t exist nobody would think Trump is anything special, that is what you retards can’t seem to understand.

The fact is that you troglodytes blocked traffic to stop people from even listening to Trump, attacked people who were simply at a Trump event despite the presence of children, attacked people who weren’t even at a political rally because they were wearing Trump gear, and attacked people who voted for Trump.

You media slaves don’t get to call anyone cultists or sycophants or crazies. And you will pay for what you have done.
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....

And I bet if you ask them without telling them who is the President they would say Ronald McDonald...

My point?

Polls like that can be slanted to support your political view but you already knew this.

Oh, I have no trust in any politician and only a fool would believe Trump never lied...
Sad that more people believe a felon over the so called president...who IS. a unindicted Felon.
Sad that more people believe a felon over the so called president...who IS. a unindicted Felon.

Well get something on him because your side has failed so far...

Trump will never be confused for an honest man that is why he might be a good politician...
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....
/——/ No you troll, they found 570 voters who thought that. And how many were democrats vs Republicans. Your link doesn’t say. “Americans are siding with Cohen, according to the poll of 1,120 voters surveyed between last Friday and Monday. By a margin of 50% to 35%, respondents thought Cohen was more trustworthy.”
Americans Trust President Trump Less Than Admitted Liar Michael Cohen, Survey Says

Yes....Americans believe we have a Criminal in the White House. The tide is turning and the Mafia Boss is being exposed....

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