POLL: Most Likely To Start WWIII: Cruz, Clinton, Sanders, Trump?...

Which Candidate Do You Feel Would Be Most Likely To Start WWIII

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The poll is flawed.

It does not include Barack Hussein O'Bozo who still has a few months to bring about that kind of change. Not through any action, mind ye, rather through inaction other than groveling apology.
but you still side with those who sent you and your buddies to die over bs??? THAT I can never understand

I side with me shit for brains. its all about me. fuck you and coon you rode in on
thank you mr drumpf supporter...hopefully he sends you back out again to die like the dog you are

is that a threat ?? i think so
the only threat is in your mind ,,,,and the only ones who would ever send you out to die for bs is the repub party .....

you been reported child. its outta my hands now. clearly you're sitting on you're brain as all libtards do.
reported for what?? Is that how you brave soldiers settle your affairs??? you are a punk a repub punk
The poll is flawed.

It does not include Barack Hussein O'Bozo who still has a few months to bring about that kind of change. Not through any action, mind ye, rather through inaction other than groveling apology.

I expect that the "pay off" for Obama's 8 disastrous foreign policy years will be the same as the present Bill Clinton left Bush. Expect something that might happen September 2017.
I side with me shit for brains. its all about me. fuck you and coon you rode in on
thank you mr drumpf supporter...hopefully he sends you back out again to die like the dog you are

is that a threat ?? i think so
the only threat is in your mind ,,,,and the only ones who would ever send you out to die for bs is the repub party .....

you been reported child. its outta my hands now. clearly you're sitting on you're brain as all libtards do.
reported for what?? Is that how you brave soldiers settle your affairs??? you are a punk a repub punk

steady you're glue is melting
thank you mr drumpf supporter...hopefully he sends you back out again to die like the dog you are

is that a threat ?? i think so
the only threat is in your mind ,,,,and the only ones who would ever send you out to die for bs is the repub party .....

you been reported child. its outta my hands now. clearly you're sitting on you're brain as all libtards do.
reported for what?? Is that how you brave soldiers settle your affairs??? you are a punk a repub punk

steady you're glue is melting
lol you wish
is that a threat ?? i think so
the only threat is in your mind ,,,,and the only ones who would ever send you out to die for bs is the repub party .....

you been reported child. its outta my hands now. clearly you're sitting on you're brain as all libtards do.
reported for what?? Is that how you brave soldiers settle your affairs??? you are a punk a repub punk

steady you're glue is melting
lol you wish

we used shit like you for target practice. you are a punk a libtard punk
sorry punk I was Army probably when you were wearing diapers

who's country??? all of a sudden you're a soldiers??? my ass. you don't qualify for the boy scouts. pussy. tell me **** we're you a soldier in the 60's ??? who's wearing the diapers now. fulla a shit i might add. let's see those medals got a DD214?? put it here. comon coward. you can do it . show us :ahole-1:
jan 62 to jan 64 ,,,was at bliss when jfk was shot


that's you soldier. the little brown spot on the bed


Hillary Clinton won't fight until it's too late.

Bernie Sanders won't fight at all.

Trump will cut a deal.

Cruz is spoiling for a renewed Crusade.


All Ted needs now is a new Pope, more like Julius II rather than Saint Francis of Assisi.

Only the Pope can declare a Crusade.

Teddy will be the first King in Christendom to 'take the cross'.
Republicans clearly exhibit the greater propensity for war – one of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

And there’ll never be a ‘WWIII,’ the notion is ridiculous nonsense; rather, a republican president would likely pursue a conventional ground war against ISIS or some other terrorist entity – resulting in another failed, pointless war and more Americans needlessly killed, as we witnessed during the last disaster of a republican administration.
Cruz. Soon as Iran gets to close or he THINKS they are getting to close or anyone else harms a hair on poor wittle Israels head Cruz the zionut will drop a nuke and start ww3. Trump managed to get under his skin in a few months Cruz can't handle the job. Trump has dealt with high powered leaders and businessman and women for decades.

dawn crackin' over here in the islands. you slaves get a good nights rest. tomorrow its time to row that slave ship of you're's. NKDE signing off
Sanders Clinton Trump Cruz in that order
why do you think sanders?
Because he would be more cautious of taking any kind of direct military action than Obama was. The world would slip into chaos under a Sanders administration; He would probably cut back on NATO (as would Trump) just to allocate the money elsewhere. Russia would continue on just as it has felt safe to do under Obama's watch and would grab as much as possible before Sanders was replaced by a hawk.

Sanders would cut back on American Nuclear forces for budgetary savings even though it would actually save less than 5% of the DOD budget. You may say that Sanders has military experience but that was only by dint of his being chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs and if you watched his performance in that capacity on C-SPAN you will recall that he was less than decisive.

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