POLL: Most Likely To Start WWIII: Cruz, Clinton, Sanders, Trump?...

Which Candidate Do You Feel Would Be Most Likely To Start WWIII

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The zionists want Hillary to do the passive-aggressive thing by bombing Iran. The Donald is not going to let the zionists get away with it.
I voted Cruz. It's becoming more & more clear that he's a religious fanatic nutter. I could see him starting WWIII because 'God told him to.' Those are the kind of folks you really have to worry about. You don't want them anywhere near the button.


Hillary Clinton won't fight until it's too late.

Bernie Sanders won't fight at all.

Trump will cut a deal.

Cruz is spoiling for a renewed Crusade.


All Ted needs now is a new Pope, more like Julius II rather than Saint Francis of Assisi.

Only the Pope can declare a Crusade.

Teddy will be the first King in Christendom to 'take the cross'.

Yeah, the religious nutballs are scary folks. 'God' tells them to do all sorts of awful things. I saw a video of him and Glen Beck the other day. And man, they really are some weird dudes. I could definitely see a WWIII Nuclear Holocaust with Cruz.
Republicans clearly exhibit the greater propensity for war – one of many, many good reasons to keep a republican out of the WH come 2017.

And there’ll never be a ‘WWIII,’ the notion is ridiculous nonsense; rather, a republican president would likely pursue a conventional ground war against ISIS or some other terrorist entity – resulting in another failed, pointless war and more Americans needlessly killed, as we witnessed during the last disaster of a republican administration.

I don't know, Hillary's on the Bush Team. I don't see any real differences between the two dynasties. They have a very close relationship. I could see more wars with Clinton. It wouldn't surprise me. After all, her and her husband were big supporters of the Iraq Wars.
Cruz. Soon as Iran gets to close or he THINKS they are getting to close or anyone else harms a hair on poor wittle Israels head Cruz the zionut will drop a nuke and start ww3. Trump managed to get under his skin in a few months Cruz can't handle the job. Trump has dealt with high powered leaders and businessman and women for decades.

I agree. Trump's an astute businessman. He doesn't want WWIII. He knows it's very bad for business. Cruz on the other hand, is a religious fanatic nutter. He'll push the button because 'God told him to.' You can't allow those kind of people access to WMD. You just can't.
Cruz is intelligent enough to deal with our adversaries without going to war. Trump is more shoot first and let God sort them out. Sanders would surrender at the first hint of trouble and Clinton will do whatever the BIG BANKERS, Saudi Arabia and the Muslim brotherhood wants her to do. Sooooo giving that; I give the most chance of starting WW3 to Clinton.

Cruz is a religious nutter. I could see him pushing the button because 'God told him to.' Can't allow those kinds of people access to the trigger.
Radical Muslims with nukes might try to start it. They are emboldened after 7 years of Obama. Real question is which candidate is most likely to fight back.

Neither ISIS or Al qaeda are serious threats to the U.S. Yes, they can pull off attacks here & there, but they're no threat to ever take over the U.S. It's not a Japan/Nazi WWII scenario. In fact, ISIS is now in retreat in Syria and Iraq. And Al qaeda has been significantly weakened. But there's always gonna be sporadic attacks in countries. That can't be stopped completely.

We don't need to invade more countries to defeat radical Islam and be safe. That's not the answer. Let's just secure our border, reform our Immigration System, and adopt a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy. We don't belong in all these countries. We're meddling too much. Let's come home and concentrate on our country.
Sanders Clinton Trump Cruz in that order
why do you think sanders?

My opinion, weakness is not respected. Same with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.

Seeking peace isn't 'weakness.'

Seeking peace requires real strength and bravery. Its much easier for man to resort to its violent base instinct. It's easy to kill & maim while claiming you're doing it for some 'Grand Cause.' It's so much harder to show restraint and reason. Those seeking peace are truly brave souls.
Sanders Clinton Trump Cruz in that order
why do you think sanders?

My opinion, weakness is not respected. Same with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.

Seeking peace isn't 'weakness.'

Seeking peace requires real strength and bravery. Its much easier for man to resort to its violent base instinct. It's easy to kill & maim while claiming you're doing it for some 'Grand Cause.' It's so much harder to show restraint and reason. Those seeking peace are truly brave souls.

Strength and bravery, none of which we saw with Chamberlain nor Obama.

1. We are already in the start of WWIII. We are just not yet really fighting.

2. Starting WWIII and causing WWIII is 2 different scenarios. The one most likely to cause it is Hillary. Why? Because radical Muslims see women as weak, so they will certainly figure they can get away with almost anything under a HRC Presidency.

3. The basis of WWIII is simple, Sharia law. (telling you why HRC is the most likely to cause it) The fight will continue between Israel, and the radical Muslim countries. The United States will be forced to the sidelines by internal, terrorist, attacks. I doubt it will be a nuclear attack on Israel though, because Israel has enough warheads to turn the Middle East to glass. I believe it will be a conventional war, with most of Israel being gobbled up. The United States and the UN will force Israel not to do a nuclear response, because it was not attacked by nuclear devices.

4. How do we know this is plausible? Because peace at all costs is the mantra of the world. Once the jihadists have a chunk of Israel, they will hold it for many, many, years while they play a delaying tactic on giving anything back. The world will separate between the 2 camps, and as we see today, that area will be ground zero.
why do you think sanders?

My opinion, weakness is not respected. Same with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.

Seeking peace isn't 'weakness.'

Seeking peace requires real strength and bravery. Its much easier for man to resort to its violent base instinct. It's easy to kill & maim while claiming you're doing it for some 'Grand Cause.' It's so much harder to show restraint and reason. Those seeking peace are truly brave souls.

Strength and bravery, none of which we saw with Chamberlain nor Obama.

So what do you want? Endless war, WWIII? I don't get you Warmongers. Why are you always pushing for more war? We need to stop all the meddling around the world. Enough is enough.
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A major war is on the cards unless Trump wins big time. Not because of anything Trump might say or do. Only because the assholes or the world worry that he might just be crazy enough to retaliate.

Elect any other and America is in for a time of testing........
Where's John Kasich on the poll?

Oh, that's right... not there...because everyone knows he is sane and thinks things through and is familiar for years with the nuances of foreign policy...

I don't know about that. He is a Neocon. He's real cozy with that crowd. And Neocons are always pushing for more war. I could see him doing a whole lot of invading and killing.
The zionists want Hillary to do the passive-aggressive thing by bombing Iran. The Donald is not going to let the zionists get away with it.
I was wondering how long it would take for the Jew Haters to come ooozing out from under their rocks...

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