Poll: Only 49% Think Joe Biden Is Mentally Stable Enough to Be President

We seem to have forgotten the fact that this meatball has put us in a precarious position influence wise around the world.
The Cry Baby Loser's demonstrated inability to engage in international relations is not evidence of his senility.

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Outside the glare of the media, one can turn to the groves of academe for careful study of Biden's personality. Anne Marie Griebie and psychologist Aubrey Immelman of the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University have recently conducted an empirical study of Biden’s public personality. Their Biden profile is the latest in a long and systematic series of at-a-distance evaluations of presidential candidates conducted by Immelman’s group since the 1990s.
Griebie and Immelman assembled open-source material on Biden, then conducted empirical ratings of his personality using the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC). The MIDC’s personality typology is related to, although not identical to, the DSM system.
The results? Biden’s personality, the researchers found, is predominantly outgoing/gregarious, with lesser features of accommodating/cooperative and ambitious. The leadership of individuals who have this profile has an interpersonal focus that involves “flexibility, compromise, and an emphasis on teamwork.”
The Loser's habitually being hostile towards foreign heads of state had glaring exceptions:

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Trump Says He and Kim Jong-Un 'Fell in Love'​

Neither Trump or Biden have what it takes to be president. 323M people and these 2 were the choices? Pathetic.
We have collectively lowered our standards to this. Our decay is a team effort, a choice.
The Cry Baby Loser's demonstrated inability to engage in international relations is not evidence of his senility.

Outside the glare of the media, one can turn to the groves of academe for careful study of Biden's personality. Anne Marie Griebie and psychologist Aubrey Immelman of the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University have recently conducted an empirical study of Biden’s public personality. Their Biden profile is the latest in a long and systematic series of at-a-distance evaluations of presidential candidates conducted by Immelman’s group since the 1990s.
Griebie and Immelman assembled open-source material on Biden, then conducted empirical ratings of his personality using the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC). The MIDC’s personality typology is related to, although not identical to, the DSM system.
The results? Biden’s personality, the researchers found, is predominantly outgoing/gregarious, with lesser features of accommodating/cooperative and ambitious. The leadership of individuals who have this profile has an interpersonal focus that involves “flexibility, compromise, and an emphasis on teamwork.”
The Loser's habitually being hostile towards foreign heads of state had glaring exceptions:

Trump Says He and Kim Jong-Un 'Fell in Love'​

Those two pictures. Talk about a microcosm. Good gawd.
The Cry Baby Loser's demonstrated inability to engage in international relations is not evidence of his senility.

Outside the glare of the media, one can turn to the groves of academe for careful study of Biden's personality. Anne Marie Griebie and psychologist Aubrey Immelman of the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University have recently conducted an empirical study of Biden’s public personality. Their Biden profile is the latest in a long and systematic series of at-a-distance evaluations of presidential candidates conducted by Immelman’s group since the 1990s.
Griebie and Immelman assembled open-source material on Biden, then conducted empirical ratings of his personality using the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC). The MIDC’s personality typology is related to, although not identical to, the DSM system.
The results? Biden’s personality, the researchers found, is predominantly outgoing/gregarious, with lesser features of accommodating/cooperative and ambitious. The leadership of individuals who have this profile has an interpersonal focus that involves “flexibility, compromise, and an emphasis on teamwork.”
The Loser's habitually being hostile towards foreign heads of state had glaring exceptions:

Trump Says He and Kim Jong-Un 'Fell in Love'​

Without pure traitors promoting Prog Socialist Globalists ways 24 hours a day, Biden's numbers would be lower then 25%.
You obviously don't understand what that term means and how it applies to people....but you're a lefty with the cognizant ability of a 10 year old, so I shouldn't expect you to.
Wow, did you really not get that?

You do know that bowling balls are just about as far from sharp as you can get, right?

Sigh... There's no fun in this when you have to explain these things.
Wow, did you really not get that?

You do know that bowling balls are just about as far from sharp as you can get, right?

Sigh... There's no fun in this when you have to explain these things.
Wow you're a genius......you really don't get what sharp to a person means............you must have never seen a sharp person......just hang around criminals and dirtbags?
Without pure traitors promoting Prog Socialist Globalists ways 24 hours a day, Biden's numbers would be lower then 25%.
You may as well make up polls. The cults screeches that they're all "Fake!" until they come across one such as Fox's that the propaganda machine hypes - as in this thread.

Without 51.3% of American voters electing the President, we would not have had Trump goons attacking Congress.
Trying to talk to you guys... Oy.

View attachment 542104
Oh please.....Trump was not an idiot....and no where near as retarded as Biden....Biden can barely make a sentence.........so yes Trump is a sharp guy, he knows how to run a room and get people to do shit........which is why his Presidency was so productive......but if you watch the leftwing media....they ignored or denigrated it.......sorry man.....He's sharp as a tac.
you must have never seen a sharp person......
Highly subjective concept of "sharp person":

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... Big gains in well-educated inner suburbs ringing the nation's major cities keyed all the Democratic victories throughout the Trump years, from their recapture of the House of Representatives in 2018 to President Joe Biden's win in 2020.​
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's decisive victory in the California recall election ... significantly improving over his already strong 2018 showing with college-educated White voters, according to exit polls.​
... Ed Gillespie... was overwhelmed by a decisive move toward Northam in the state's affluent, well-educated and racially diversifying suburban communities (along with solid African American turnout in cities such as Richmond and Norfolk).​
... In 2018, Democrats recaptured the majority in the House of Representatives by routing Republicans in more affluent and better-educated districts, literally from coast to coast​
... The issue was especially cutting with the college-educated voters key to the Democrats' suburban gains under Trump. In the California exit poll... about two-thirds of non-Whites with at least four-year college degrees and an astounding 70% of college-plus Whites opposed the recall, the exit poll found; in the 2018 race, Newsom had won 59% of those college-plus White voters.​
"This upscale vs. downscale, college educated vs. non-college educated divide really correlates to vaccination too," says Clegg, noting that vaccination rates are much higher for Americans with college degrees than those without them...​
Highly subjective concept of "sharp person":

... Big gains in well-educated inner suburbs ringing the nation's major cities keyed all the Democratic victories throughout the Trump years, from their recapture of the House of Representatives in 2018 to President Joe Biden's win in 2020.​
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's decisive victory in the California recall election ... significantly improving over his already strong 2018 showing with college-educated White voters, according to exit polls.​
... Ed Gillespie... was overwhelmed by a decisive move toward Northam in the state's affluent, well-educated and racially diversifying suburban communities (along with solid African American turnout in cities such as Richmond and Norfolk).​
... In 2018, Democrats recaptured the majority in the House of Representatives by routing Republicans in more affluent and better-educated districts, literally from coast to coast​
... The issue was especially cutting with the college-educated voters key to the Democrats' suburban gains under Trump. In the California exit poll... about two-thirds of non-Whites with at least four-year college degrees and an astounding 70% of college-plus Whites opposed the recall, the exit poll found; in the 2018 race, Newsom had won 59% of those college-plus White voters.​
"This upscale vs. downscale, college educated vs. non-college educated divide really correlates to vaccination too," says Clegg, noting that vaccination rates are much higher for Americans with college degrees than those without them...​
None of that has to do with Trump being a sharp person.......educated people even rich ones can be stupid........AOC is one of those, she's a fucking moron...and democrats elected a congressman that thinks and island can tip over.........that's YOU Guys.............
Is is ironic that the mentally-impaired Trump and his lickspittles should project in this way, but all too typical.
... Trump’s persona—outlandish, brash, and belligerent—compels attention and analysis, especially since he occupied tremendous power. For psychologists, his persona also invites interpretation because it maps so well onto many well-known psychological constructs. Some mental health professionals have publicly stated their view that Trump’s behavior aligns with the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and paranoid personality disorder, according to the DSM-5...

The desperate "Biden's senile!" meme was one of the fake aspersions contrived and promoted by the cult of the geezer who lost since before Americans elected Biden President - among other failed gambits such as his Ukrainian smear campaign, etc.

That Breitbart would hype a Fox News poll for Trump bum kissers to parrot is hardly surprising.

In his mental decline, Trump is so deluded he actually imagines that he won the 2020 election. That's clearly out-of-touch with reality.

Biden Fails Initial Cognitive Intelligence Test for Presidency
Since the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, the Dunning-Kruger institute has been tasked with vetting the cognitive intelligence of every president-elect or incumbent to be the President of the United States. For the first time in history, the president-elect has failed that test.
The Dunning-Kruger institute was founded by Christopher Blair in 1849. Its purpose has always been to seek out truth and justice in American politics. Today, it has confirmed a truth most of America has known for a very long time: Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be President of the United States.
The test consists of 100 multiple choice and true or false questions. Biden is reported as having come in at a mere 61 percent. That’s a D- in layman’s terms. Is that truly the amount of intelligence you want running our country?
This item was not a factual recounting of real-life events. The [URL='https://archive.vn/28tkS']article originated with a website that describes its output as being humorous or satirical in nature[/url]

Whether it should be a routine requirement, no president in U.S. history has ever taken whatever sort of "simple cognitive test" you suddenly wish to conjure up for your hyper-partisan purposes.

Trump's persistent braying that he had "aced" such a test remains laughable: Trump keeps bragging about acing simple test used to detect mental impairment

View attachment 542084
"I'm a very stable genius!"
The fact remains biden refuses to take the test even though the majority of Americans believe he has mental problems.
The Cry Baby Loser's demonstrated inability to engage in international relations is not evidence of his senility.

Outside the glare of the media, one can turn to the groves of academe for careful study of Biden's personality. Anne Marie Griebie and psychologist Aubrey Immelman of the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University have recently conducted an empirical study of Biden’s public personality. Their Biden profile is the latest in a long and systematic series of at-a-distance evaluations of presidential candidates conducted by Immelman’s group since the 1990s.
Griebie and Immelman assembled open-source material on Biden, then conducted empirical ratings of his personality using the Millon Inventory of Diagnostic Criteria (MIDC). The MIDC’s personality typology is related to, although not identical to, the DSM system.
The results? Biden’s personality, the researchers found, is predominantly outgoing/gregarious, with lesser features of accommodating/cooperative and ambitious. The leadership of individuals who have this profile has an interpersonal focus that involves “flexibility, compromise, and an emphasis on teamwork.”
The Loser's habitually being hostile towards foreign heads of state had glaring exceptions:

Trump Says He and Kim Jong-Un 'Fell in Love'​

Partisan b.s.

Simply that and nothing more.

Everyone and especially congress should demand biden take the same test as Trump took.

The democrats obviously fear biden would flunk the test...so obvious.
Oh please.....Trump was not an idiot....and no where near as retarded as Biden....Biden can barely make a sentence.........so yes Trump is a sharp guy, he knows how to run a room and get people to do shit........which is why his Presidency was so productive......but if you watch the leftwing media....they ignored or denigrated it.......sorry man.....He's sharp as a tac.
Exactly......and compared to biden Trump is on the level of Einstein.

Biden is the emperor with no clothes but the MSM with its propaganda has blinded many to that fact.
Highly subjective concept of "sharp person":

... Big gains in well-educated inner suburbs ringing the nation's major cities keyed all the Democratic victories throughout the Trump years, from their recapture of the House of Representatives in 2018 to President Joe Biden's win in 2020.​
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's decisive victory in the California recall election ... significantly improving over his already strong 2018 showing with college-educated White voters, according to exit polls.​
... Ed Gillespie... was overwhelmed by a decisive move toward Northam in the state's affluent, well-educated and racially diversifying suburban communities (along with solid African American turnout in cities such as Richmond and Norfolk).​
... In 2018, Democrats recaptured the majority in the House of Representatives by routing Republicans in more affluent and better-educated districts, literally from coast to coast​
... The issue was especially cutting with the college-educated voters key to the Democrats' suburban gains under Trump. In the California exit poll... about two-thirds of non-Whites with at least four-year college degrees and an astounding 70% of college-plus Whites opposed the recall, the exit poll found; in the 2018 race, Newsom had won 59% of those college-plus White voters.​
"This upscale vs. downscale, college educated vs. non-college educated divide really correlates to vaccination too," says Clegg, noting that vaccination rates are much higher for Americans with college degrees than those without them...​
A college degree today does not mean much in a general sense as in what do you have if you educate a fool?......a educated fool which these liberal dominated universities turn out in droves.
You may as well make up polls. The cults screeches that they're all "Fake!" until they come across one such as Fox's that the propaganda machine hypes - as in this thread.

Without 51.3% of American voters electing the President, we would not have had Trump goons attacking Congress.
Nonsense.....the evidence absolutely indicates voter fraud but the Supreme Ct. was too cowardly to take the case fearing violent black mobs burning down cities.

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