Poll: People Stopped Watching the NFL Because of Colin Kaepernick

Well, I can't speak to people who stopped watching football entirely over one guy. I still watched my team and other games as well. But I did not watch the 49ers anymore. I turned one of the Monday Night games off when the 49ers were playing and did something else. Colin did his little protest and I did mine. The 49ers sucked anyway so it wasn't much of a protest on my part admittedly.

Anyone who thinks this is just about one guy... Anyone who didn't at least reduce NFL viewing is a worthless excuse for a human being.

This is about the heart and soul of the NFL and about whether the NFL will move further to the Left. E.g. if the NFL didn't suffer a loss of viewers because of them letting CK use their stage for BLM protests, things like the NFL refusing to have Super Bowls in Red states would follow.

You're just as extreme as Kaepernick but on the other end.

"worthless excuse for a human being"
"NFL refusing to have Super Bowls in Red states would follow"

Oh please, the Super Bowl locations are already set throughout 2022 with 3/5 games being played in red states. And this is about one guy, not an entire league. After Kap start doing his protests last year my team came running out of the tunnel holding US flags. It most certainly was one guy.
To 3%?


The NFL will survive. Meanwhile, dumbasses across the nation will miss out on a sport they love.

That's like 6million people yea? [200million viewers of the NFL in... 2011 it looks like (near photo memory no source off hand sorry)]
Who knows where you get your numbers from?

The NFL TV Ratings Page — Sports Media Watch

Regardless, Kaepernick still affected only about 2%, mostly idiots who would cut off their nose to spite their face. I'm certain the NFL will survive without their support.
To 3%?


The NFL will survive. Meanwhile, dumbasses across the nation will miss out on a sport they love.

That's like 6million people yea? [200million viewers of the NFL in... 2011 it looks like (near photo memory no source off hand sorry)]
Who knows where you get your numbers from?

The NFL TV Ratings Page — Sports Media Watch

Regardless, Kaepernick still affected only about 2%, mostly idiots who would cut off their nose to spite their face. I'm certain the NFL will survive without their support.

NFL Ratings: Did 200 Million People Really Watch Games in 2011? and No Surprise: 64% Of Americans Watch NFL Football; 73% of Men, 55% of Women ~shrug~

More recent (2015): The NFL is insanely popular on TV, in 17 highly-rated facts
On a single evening:

Fox (late afternoon) — 26.8 million

CBS (late afternoon) — 24.1 million

Sunday Night Football (NBC)– 23.7 million

Thursday Night Football (CBS/NFLN) — 17.6 million

1 p.m. games on Fox and CBS — 16.3 million

Monday Night Football (ESPN) — 13.0 million


So basically 400k to 900k viewers on a single night /lost/ because of offensive, anti-American political antics? Poo-poo that 3% figure all you want, but that's a shit ton of advertising money considering the average cost of a 30-second NFL ad across all networks is just north of $593,000, which makes the total take for one game window somewhere in the neighborhood of $59 million. Figure that's an advertising value drop of $1.8M per game; just so a single jackass can protest police officers, the nation, or frankly any damn thing? Nope. I'd have canned the guy on the spot personally, at a minimum I would have come out straight up and told the entire league that everyone would leave their politics at home and "protest" on their own time or they'd be out.

I'd say that kind of political activism would get you fired from 99% of businesses, why should the NFL be any different?
The CK stuff aside, I remember reading somewhere the NFL was concerned about overall viewership and was either considering or had decided to end Thursday night games because they felt they were oversaturating the market and institute fewer commercial breaks per game.

The commercials are my biggest bitch about trying to watch a game. Score a TD, commercial break, ensuing kickoff and another commercial break just seconds after the previous one. I set the DVR for a game I want to watch and find something else to do the first hour+ so I can watch the recording and zap the redundant beer, car, insurance, etc. ads.
Looks like Baltimore is really giving him serious consideration.
Reports are that the owner doesn't want him, but the general manager and head coach do.

This just proves that the Ravens organization does not care about their fans. If they did, they would never even consider bringing in someone who is this polarizing.
Looks like Baltimore is really giving him serious consideration.
Reports are that the owner doesn't want him, but the general manager and head coach do.

This just proves that the Ravens organization does not care about their fans. If they did, they would never even consider bringing in someone who is this polarizing.

Or they know their fans.
Here's my beef with the whole CK flap. I suppose doing what he did was technically exercising his right to free speech and all that, so he thus was entitled to express himself as he chose to do. And I gave him the benefit of the doubt that his decision was sincere and very heartfelt. But what happened immediately as a result was the TV camera(s) drew a bead on him and for the next several seconds he filled the screens of everyone tuned into that broadcast.

After that in subsequent games teammates and players on other teams not playing the 49ers began to mimic CK's actions and, if there was a way to prove it, I'd bet dollars to donuts many of them were more motivated by the prospect of the cameras honing in on them for the entire regional or national audiences watching than anything else. IMO if the TV cameras had just stuck with the normal crowd shots or whatever during the playing of the National Anthem the whole thing would have blown over very quickly.

So football players are attention whores? Who could have guessed that?
NFL Owners are "White Corporate-Billionaire RACIST".
I'm sure some stopped watching because of him but I would also say the fact the NFL now only has two or three teams that stand out and a whole lot of mediocre ones that don't played a role as well.
Kap took a social stance and didn't hurt anyone or caused any violince. There is nothing wrong with pissing off and giving the middle finger to Conservative Football fans. FUCK-EM.
I still watch but with much less devotion and enthusiasm. Kaeperneck's stunt wasn't when I began to lose interest. That started years ago with stupid rule changes too many flags and playing games in European soccer stadiums. But Kaep's disrespect of my country sure hasn't helped.
Conservatives make the NFL un-watchable.

I'm not inbred, I'm right on that you hate this country.
at 81 years old I'm too smart to let one person effect me. Too bad over the top so called patriotic people aren't all that bright. I don't give him what he wants....attention. Grow up those of you snowflake buttercups who are offended.
I'm sure some stopped watching because of him but I would also say the fact the NFL now only has two or three teams that stand out and a whole lot of mediocre ones that don't played a role as well.
Kap took a social stance and didn't hurt anyone or caused any violince. There is nothing wrong with pissing off and giving the middle finger to Conservative Football fans. FUCK-EM.
And in that spirit fuck you.
I'm sure some stopped watching because of him but I would also say the fact the NFL now only has two or three teams that stand out and a whole lot of mediocre ones that don't played a role as well.
Kap took a social stance and didn't hurt anyone or caused any violince. There is nothing wrong with pissing off and giving the middle finger to Conservative Football fans. FUCK-EM.
And in that spirit fuck you.
View attachment 141900
Fuck conservative America....and they're Inbreed Children.
I'm sure some stopped watching because of him but I would also say the fact the NFL now only has two or three teams that stand out and a whole lot of mediocre ones that don't played a role as well.
...and giving the middle finger to Conservative Football fans. FUCK-EM.

Ok, how many more times are you going to post this exact same thing before you get it out of your system? You've knocked your bowl of baby food on the floor, you've screamed and soiled your diaper; everyone has seen your little tantrum by now. It's ok to move on.
I'm sure some stopped watching because of him but I would also say the fact the NFL now only has two or three teams that stand out and a whole lot of mediocre ones that don't played a role as well.
Kap took a social stance and didn't hurt anyone or caused any violince. There is nothing wrong with pissing off and giving the middle finger to Conservative Football fans. FUCK-EM.
And in that spirit fuck you.
View attachment 141900
Fuck conservative America....and they're Inbreed Children.

Fake Rasta....

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