Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
My mom and dad were legally married in a church so I am not a bastard.
Except, of course, that two men can get married. As can two women.

No, they cannot. That is not what marriage is.

Marriage is only between a man and a woman. Having the law declare that two men can be married to each other, or that two women can be married to each other, is simply nonsense, and makes a mockery of the rule of law, as well as a mockery of marriage.

It is no more valid than having a law that declares that two plus two equals a hundred.
Except, of course, that two men can get married. As can two women.

No, they cannot. That is not what marriage is.

Except that it is. You're stuck, bob. Your only argument is to insist that your personal opinion defines objective reality.

And it doesn't.

Marriage is only between a man and a woman.

Or a man and a man. Or a woman and a woman. See how this works?

Having the law declare that two men can be married to each other, or that two women can be married to each other, is simply nonsense, and makes a mockery of the rule of law, as well as a mockery of marriage.

Except that it isn't.

So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Oh, and you never did answer my question: Are you proposing that the children of same sex parents be taken from them?
So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Objective fact is that marriage is what is is, defined by divine design, biological purpose, and thousands of years of human history; not by passing fads driven by sexual immorality and perversion.

No matter how many times you repeat the ridiculous lie that there can be any such thing as marriage between two men or between two women, and no matter what you get a corrupt and degraded government to do to support this lie, it will remain a lie.

Oh, and you never did answer my question: Are you proposing that the children of same sex parents be taken from them?

I didn't say that. Of course, since you cannot refute what I am saying, you're apparently left with trying to falsely attribute something else to me that you think you can refute.
So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Objective fact is that marriage is what is is, defined by divine design, biological purpose, and thousands of years of human history; not by passing fads driven by sexual immorality and perversion.

No matter how many times you repeat the ridiculous lie that there can be any such thing as marriage between two men or between two women, and no matter what you get a corrupt and degraded government to do to support this lie, it will remain a lie.

Bob, look into this thread and study the OP carefully: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.
So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Objective fact is that marriage is what is is, defined by divine design, biological purpose, and thousands of years of human history; not by passing fads driven by sexual immorality and perversion.

No matter how many times you repeat the ridiculous lie that there can be any such thing as marriage between two men or between two women, and no matter what you get a corrupt and degraded government to do to support this lie, it will remain a lie.

Bob, look into this thread and study the OP carefully: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Study it carefully, Bob. It offers an amazing glimpse into the mind of the mentally ill. :thup:
So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Objective fact is that marriage is what is is, defined by divine design, biological purpose, and thousands of years of human history; not by passing fads driven by sexual immorality and perversion.
Marriage is whatever we say it is. And has changed many, many times over the years.

Your insistence that *your* favorite version of marriage is the only version of marriage possible is, of course, blithering nonsense. There's nothing intrinsic about marriage. Its whatever we say it is.

And we've decided that it includes same sex couples.

You disagree. So what? Your subjective opinion doesn't define anything objectively.

No matter how many times you repeat the ridiculous lie that there can be any such thing as marriage between two men or between two women, and no matter what you get a corrupt and degraded government to do to support this lie, it will remain a lie.

Your subjective opinion no more defines 'truth' and 'lies' anymore than it does reality.

You're stuck, Bob. As your only argument is desperately trying to convince us that YOU and only you get to define what marriage is. And you're nobody.
So, do you have anything other than you insisting your subjective opinion defines objective fact?

Objective fact is that marriage is what is is, defined by divine design, biological purpose, and thousands of years of human history; not by passing fads driven by sexual immorality and perversion.

No matter how many times you repeat the ridiculous lie that there can be any such thing as marriage between two men or between two women, and no matter what you get a corrupt and degraded government to do to support this lie, it will remain a lie.

Bob, look into this thread and study the OP carefully: Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

And count how many times Ferber mentions marriage.

It won't take long. You don't even need to use your fingers.
Study it carefully, Bob. It offers an amazing glimpse into the mind of the mentally ill. :thup:

I really am mot interested in a mental health diagnosis from someone who denies the differences between male and female, along with the significance of these differences. Certainly, this denial is solid proof of delusional mental illness on the part of those who cling thereto.
Study it carefully, Bob. It offers an amazing glimpse into the mind of the mentally ill. :thup:

I really am mot interested in a mental health diagnosis from someone who denies the differences between male and female, along with the significance of these differences. Certainly, this denial is solid proof of delusional mental illness on the part of those who cling thereto.

Oh well. I suppose gays will just have to live with the fact that some internet random doesn't approve of their lifestyle. I hope one day they'll get over this sharp rebuke.
Study it carefully, Bob. It offers an amazing glimpse into the mind of the mentally ill. :thup:

I really am mot interested in a mental health diagnosis from someone who denies the differences between male and female, along with the significance of these differences. Certainly, this denial is solid proof of delusional mental illness on the part of those who cling thereto.

Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.

So is that it? Just you insisting that your subjective opinion defines reality?

If so, you're done.
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.


It's relevant to children. Take a second look at the poll at the top of this page...

How, pray tell, does marriage magically define the gender of one's parents?

Is there some law that prevents same sex couples from having kids unless they are married? Nope.

Are same sex parents magically transformed into opposite sex parents if they are denied marriage? Nope.

Marriage is quite simply irrelevant to every 'problem' you've cited. Allow gays to marry or deny them marriage.....same sex parents are still same sex parents. And denying same sex parents marriage only hurts their children while benefiting none.

As you already know.
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.


It's relevant to children. Take a second look at the poll at the top of this page...

How, pray tell, does marriage magically define the gender of one's parents?

By the state defined terms "man and woman". Next stupid question. No child is ever born of the sexual activity of two people of the same gender.
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.


It's relevant to children. Take a second look at the poll at the top of this page...

How, pray tell, does marriage magically define the gender of one's parents?

By the state defined terms "man and woman". Next stupid question. No child is ever born of the sexual activity of two people of the same gender.

You didn't answer my question.

How does marriage define the gender of one's parents?

Is there some law that prevents same sex couples from having kids unless they are married? Nope.

Are same sex parents magically transformed into opposite sex parents if they are denied marriage? Nope.

Marriage is quite simply irrelevant to every 'problem' you've cited. Allow gays to marry or deny them marriage.....same sex parents are still same sex parents. And denying same sex parents marriage only hurts their children while benefiting none.
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Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.

So is that it? Just you insisting that your subjective opinion defines reality?

The distinction between the sexes, and the relationship between them, is at the very core of the definition, nature, and purpose of marriage.
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.

So is that it? Just you insisting that your subjective opinion defines reality?

The distinction between the sexes, and the relationship between them, is at the very core of the definition, nature, and purpose of marriage.

Says who? And that's where your argument breaks. As your only source is you citing yourself.

And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, same sex couples are married in 50 of 50 States. Get used to the idea.
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.

So is that it? Just you insisting that your subjective opinion defines reality?

The distinction between the sexes, and the relationship between them, is at the very core of the definition, nature, and purpose of marriage.

Says the person who denies the reality of both Dictionaries and the legal marriages taking place.....
Oh, we recognize the difference between male and female. Its just not relevant to who can marry.

So is that it? Just you insisting that your subjective opinion defines reality?

The distinction between the sexes, and the relationship between them, is at the very core of the definition, nature, and purpose of marriage.

Says the person who denies the reality of both Dictionaries and the legal marriages taking place.....
More gaslighting. Your group is the one that calls men "she" who dress up in sterotypical girl-slut costumes and hack their dicks off. Who is reinventing dictionaries?

No contract may exist with children, like the marriage contract implicitly does, that contains terms onerous to children. Binding them away from the hope of either a mother or father for life is an onerous term. Contract law says that these contracts are not merely voidable, they are already void.

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