Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
Can all Sil created threads automatically route to the Rubber Room? Thanks.

There are 49 of them so far. Each with dozens if not hundreds of pages of Sil offering her obsessive compulsive pseudo-legal gibberish.

She also created a website dedicated to the same topic where she begs for donations to fight gay marriage.

And created an entire message board where she is the only member, making 29 more threads on gay marriage where she talks exclusively to herself.

That's what mental illness looks like.
Give it a rest. Its the law in all 50 states dummy. :laugh:

Not if it violates contractual terms children found necessary. Then there is no law that binds anyone to follow Obergefell. Pay attention here because you will read this in print again: Adults CANNOT change the terms of a contract they implicitly share with children to the children's detriment. That is supported in the Infant's Doctrine re: necessities in contracts with children AND the Finding of New York vs Ferber (USSC 1982) where it was Found that even if an adult enjoys an unquestioned civil right, rock solid like the 1st Amendment to free speech, if that right harms a child physically or psychologically, the adult does not enjoy that right.

You're going to hear more of this in the future, you might as well study up on it now..

Rinse and Repeat.

Laughing....if I had a nickel for every time Sil made a prediction about a legal outcome and failed, I could probably buy a small car.

But this time its different, huh?
Laughing....if I had a nickel for every time Sil made a prediction about a legal outcome and failed, I could probably buy a small car.

But this time its different, huh?

Her wild and nonsensical interpretation of Ferber would also ban single parenthood households. I am not seeing a 'hope exemption' for single parents anywhere in Ferber. :lol:
Laughing....if I had a nickel for every time Sil made a prediction about a legal outcome and failed, I could probably buy a small car.

But this time its different, huh?

Her wild and nonsensical interpretation of Ferber would also ban single parenthood households. I am not seeing a 'hope exemption' for single parents anywhere in Ferber. :lol:

Irrational Fixation is a hallmark of obsessive compulsions. Remember when she selectively quoted Windsor, insisting that Justice Kennedy was saying that the States get to make all decisions regarding marriage?

She quoted those carefully edited passages for months. Until the ruling came, anyway.

My favorite part is when she insisted that Justice Kennedy in Obergefell didn't understand what Justice Kennedy in Windsor meant. You can't teach that kind of batshit.
Can all Sil created threads automatically route to the Rubber Room? Thanks.

Surely she's already posting these threads from a rubber room.

Not that I'm aware of. She's definitely ill. But my understanding is that she's still on her 'ranchette', disabled and slowly descending deeper into madness.

I wonder what a psychologist would have to say about Silly Sil? I'm guessing that someone so obsessed with the lifestyle of others, is probably not addressing some serious issues with their own life. I'm sure Sil is using this as a distraction.

I feel sorry for her, but she's doing this to herself.
Laughing....if I had a nickel for every time Sil made a prediction about a legal outcome and failed, I could probably buy a small car.

But this time its different, huh?

Her wild and nonsensical interpretation of Ferber would also ban single parenthood households. I am not seeing a 'hope exemption' for single parents anywhere in Ferber. :lol:

Irrational Fixation is a hallmark of obsessive compulsions. Remember when she selectively quoted Windsor, insisting that Justice Kennedy was saying that the States get to make all decisions regarding marriage?

She quoted those carefully edited passages for months. Until the ruling came, anyway.

My favorite part is when she insisted that Justice Kennedy in Obergefell didn't understand what Justice Kennedy in Windsor meant. You can't teach that kind of batshit.

Sure do. Months and months of gassing on about how Windsor reaffirmed the state's right to define marriage 56 times. Yes, states do get the right to define marriage, but those laws must past certain constitutional guarantees. For some odd reason that part was omitted from her spammy harangues. lol
Actually madness is denying reality.

Which is what you are doing.

Reality is that same gender couples are legally marrying.

The most respected dictionaries in the English language say that they are married.

Who doesn't? an anonymous nobody on the internet- you.

The reality is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

It is you who is denying reality, and it is your side that is abusing the force of law to try to impose madness and evil on society, in place of reality and reason.
What the cult of gay hatred as established by Silhouette does is not give a damn about the health of children- just as she doesn't give a damn about gay teen suicides.

Remember- preventing two parents of the same gender from marriage has only one effect on children: it harms their children.

The harm is done by deliberately depriving children of a proper family, that includes a mother and a father.

Yours is the side of hatred against the children that you cause to be abused in this manner.

And, of course, in true liberal fashion, you cite your ersatz concern for the children in defense of policies that willfully and deliberately harm these very same children.
Actually madness is denying reality.

Which is what you are doing.

Reality is that same gender couples are legally marrying.

The most respected dictionaries in the English language say that they are married.

Who doesn't? an anonymous nobody on the internet- you.

The reality is that marriage is between a man and a woman.

It is you who is denying reality, and it is your side that is abusing the force of law to try to impose madness and evil on society, in place of reality and reason.

Reality can't be destroyed. It can only be recognized.

What the cult of gay hatred as established by Silhouette does is not give a damn about the health of children- just as she doesn't give a damn about gay teen suicides.

Remember- preventing two parents of the same gender from marriage has only one effect on children: it harms their children.

The harm is done by deliberately depriving children of a proper family, that includes a mother and a father.

Yours is the side of hatred against the children that you cause to be abused in this manner.

And, of course, in true liberal fashion, you cite your ersatz concern for the children in defense of policies that willfully and deliberately harm these very same children.

Leaving aside for a moment your claims that children are harmed- again- how does 'gay marriage' harm these children?

Lori and Molly have and are raising two children- but are not married.
Mary and Jane have and are raising two children- but are married- why are the children of Mary and Jane harmed by Mary and Jane being harmed?
Leaving aside for a moment your claims that children are harmed- again- how does 'gay marriage' harm these children?

Lori and Molly have and are raising two children- but are not married.
Mary and Jane have and are raising two children- but are married- why are the children of Mary and Jane harmed by Mary and Jane being harmed?

It's nonsense.

No, “Mary and Jane” are not married. It is not possible for a woman to be married to another woman. Marriage is only between a man and a woman.

The law cannot declare two women to be married to each other, any more than it can declare Bruce Jenner to be a woman, nor any more than it can declare two plus two to equal a hundred.

Both sets of children are being equally harmed, by being deprived of a father. Imposing an insane fraud against one set of children, by declaring their two female “parents” to be “married”, does nothing to mitigate the harm that is already being willfully done to them.
Leaving aside for a moment your claims that children are harmed- again- how does 'gay marriage' harm these children?

Lori and Molly have and are raising two children- but are not married.
Mary and Jane have and are raising two children- but are married- why are the children of Mary and Jane harmed by Mary and Jane being harmed?

It's nonsense.

No, “Mary and Jane” are not married. It is not possible for a woman to be married to another woman. .

And again- legally you are wrong.

Mary and Jane have a marriage license- and all of the legal protections that go with that- and the protections for their children- Lori and Molly don't.

Tell us how children are harmed by having the legal protections of marriage?
Reality can't be destroyed. It can only be recognized.

I'll have to remember that line when a "transgender" tells me he doesn't feel like a man, but feels like a woman trapped in a man's body.

I'll remind him of the reality between his legs.

Meanwhile, the reality of infants, necessities and contract law also can't be destroyed. Might want to look it and New York vs Ferber (1982) up when you get a chance. Children cannot be part of a contract with terms that strip them of a vital need. Children may exist in single parent homes currently without a vital need, but they aren't there by contract, stripped for life even of the hope for improvement.
Reality can't be destroyed. It can only be recognized.

I'll have to remember that line when a "transgender" tells me he doesn't feel like a man, but feels like a woman trapped in a man's body.

I'll remind him of the reality between his legs.

Meanwhile, the reality of infants, necessities and contract law also can't be destroyed. Might want to look it and New York vs Ferber (1982) up when you get a chance. Children cannot be part of a contract with terms that strip them of a vital need. Children may exist in single parent homes currently without a vital need, but they aren't there by contract, stripped for life even of the hope for improvement.

All these little standards you pull out of your arse never seem to apply to heterosexuals. Good thing only the people in Imaginationland have to life by your standards.
And again- legally you are wrong.

Mary and Jane have a marriage license- and all of the legal protections that go with that- and the protections for their children- Lori and Molly don't.

Tell us how children are harmed by having the legal protections of marriage?

You're asking a question based on a false premise.

The “marriage” is nothing more than a mockery that does nothing to protect the children. Nothing about this is about protecting the interests of the children. It's entirely about indulging and catering to the desires of immoral perverts; with no regard to how it affects the innocent children who are dragged into the resulting mess.

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