Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
I insisted no such thing. But, I will insist that the term "marriage" as being used today is incorrect,


Insist away. That and $5.00 at Starbucks will get you a cup of coffee.

And at least the coffee will be made from real beans.

Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082

I would rather be me than you. I understand that Jenner is a man, and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.

Only a child pretends the world is different than it really is.

marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.

Only a child pretends the world is different than it really is.



You've insisted that definitions don't change. The dictionary contradicts you. So you ignore the dictionary and cling to your opinion.

Why would I or any rational person ignore the dictionary and instead believe you on the meaning of words.

Or ignore the Supreme Court on the Constitution. Or ignore the law on legal definitions? Or ignore any link on Islam save the one that you have deemed is 'reality'?

You've never been able to explain that.

I insisted no such thing. But, I will insist that the term "marriage" as being used today is incorrect,


Insist away. That and $5.00 at Starbucks will get you a cup of coffee.

And at least the coffee will be made from real beans.

Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


Aren't you the one that is ignoring the law and the dictionary, insisting that definitions do not change?

Or am I thinking of someone else?
I insisted no such thing. But, I will insist that the term "marriage" as being used today is incorrect,


Insist away. That and $5.00 at Starbucks will get you a cup of coffee.

And at least the coffee will be made from real beans.

Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


Aren't you the one that is ignoring the law and the dictionary, insisting that definitions do not change?

Or am I thinking of someone else?

Men can change the definition of a word. But, they cannot change the reality of it. That is why gays cannot marry and Jenner can never be a woman. Even if the law says he's a woman.

Insist away. That and $5.00 at Starbucks will get you a cup of coffee.

And at least the coffee will be made from real beans.

Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082
and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.k

Yet the actual reality- the real reality- not what voices in your head say- say you are delusional.

Per both the Webster and Oxford English Dictionary- marriage includes same gender couples.

And thousands of same gender couples are being married legally married all around the United States.

You are as deluded as the person who claims that a mixed race couple is not really married.
Insist away. That and $5.00 at Starbucks will get you a cup of coffee.

And at least the coffee will be made from real beans.

Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


Aren't you the one that is ignoring the law and the dictionary, insisting that definitions do not change?

Or am I thinking of someone else?

Men can change the definition of a word. But, they cannot change the reality of it.

Marriage is a Man made institution.

Man can and does define what words mean- and by 'man'- I mean functional rational human beings- not you.

For about 12 years the APA considered homosexuality a mental illness.

Then, based upon the evidence, the APA reconsidered, and for the last 30 years has not considered homosexuality a mental illness.

Just like female hysteria is no longer considered a mental illness.
And pedophilia is also just an orientation. I suppose that necrophilia and bestiality are as well. Welcome to a world the left was hoping for.



You equate bestiality with female hysteria. You equate child rape with consensual adult sex.

No wonder you wave that sign.
Rational people know I'm right

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082
and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.k

Yet the actual reality- the real reality- not what voices in your head say- say you are delusional.

Per both the Webster and Oxford English Dictionary- marriage includes same gender couples.

And thousands of same gender couples are being married legally married all around the United States.

You are as deluded as the person who claims that a mixed race couple is not really married.

I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality. Society now tells us that Jenner is a woman. Hell, they could even pass a law stating that "fact".

Will it change reality? No.

So, you can say gays are married, if it makes you feel better. Reality says something different.


For about 12 years the APA considered homosexuality a mental illness.

Then, based upon the evidence, the APA reconsidered, and for the last 30 years has not considered homosexuality a mental illness.

Just like female hysteria is no longer considered a mental illness.
And pedophilia is also just an orientation. I suppose that necrophilia and bestiality are as well. Welcome to a world the left was hoping for.



You equate bestiality with female hysteria. You equate child rape with consensual adult sex.

No wonder you wave that sign.

Sorry, thats the APA that says so. You'll have to take it up with them.

Rational people avoid you like they do a dog with rabies.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082
and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.k

Yet the actual reality- the real reality- not what voices in your head say- say you are delusional.

Per both the Webster and Oxford English Dictionary- marriage includes same gender couples.

And thousands of same gender couples are being married legally married all around the United States.

You are as deluded as the person who claims that a mixed race couple is not really married.

I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality.

Marriage is whatever we say marriage is.

That is the reality.

In the United States, any couple issued a marriage license is in reality- married.

Those who claim otherwise are denying reality.
Actually, if they want to keep their sanity, stay grounded, and not devolve into a "1984" type society by denying reality, they will pay attention when I speak the obvious.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
George Orwell


When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082
and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.k

Yet the actual reality- the real reality- not what voices in your head say- say you are delusional.

Per both the Webster and Oxford English Dictionary- marriage includes same gender couples.

And thousands of same gender couples are being married legally married all around the United States.

You are as deluded as the person who claims that a mixed race couple is not really married.

I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality.

Marriage is whatever we say marriage is.

That is the reality.

In the United States, any couple issued a marriage license is in reality- married.

Those who claim otherwise are denying reality.

Yes, yes, everything is what we say it is. Black can be white, man can be woman. If you have children, I hope that you live to see the world you are leaving them.

The book "1984" is coming true. Orwell was just a little to early with the date.

When a society gets used to denying reality, it becomes so much easier for the next denial.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

When they see you staggering down the street, waving your sign........the smart, rational ones scatter before you can start shouting trying to get someone to pay attention
View attachment 65082
and that marriage cannot happen in a gay marriage.k

Yet the actual reality- the real reality- not what voices in your head say- say you are delusional.

Per both the Webster and Oxford English Dictionary- marriage includes same gender couples.

And thousands of same gender couples are being married legally married all around the United States.

You are as deluded as the person who claims that a mixed race couple is not really married.

I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality.

Marriage is whatever we say marriage is.

That is the reality.

In the United States, any couple issued a marriage license is in reality- married.

Those who claim otherwise are denying reality.

Yes, yes, everything is what we say it is. Black can be white, man can be woman. If you have children, I hope that you live to see the world you are leaving them.

The book "1984" is coming true. Orwell was just a little to early with the date.

When a society gets used to denying reality, it becomes so much easier for the next denial.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell


Mark.....you're stuck. As your only argument is to insist that marriage is whatever *you* say it is. And you're nobody. Your argument breaks at the same place it does with Bobs: your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

You can't get around that.

So why would a rational person ignore the law and the dictionary and instead believe you.....citing yourself?
Yes, yes, everything is what we say it is. Black can be white, man can be woman. If you have children, I hope that you live to see the world you are leaving them....

Mark.....you're stuck. As your only argument is to insist that marriage is whatever *you* say it is. And you're nobody. Your argument breaks at the same place it does with Bobs: your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

You can't get around that

So why would a rational person ignore the law and the dictionary and instead believe you.....citing yourself?

Hmmm...and YOU Skylar can't get around the poll numbers at the top of the page. 80-90%. Society's majority defines its terms, not your little mentally ill cult.
Yes, yes, everything is what we say it is. Black can be white, man can be woman. If you have children, I hope that you live to see the world you are leaving them....

Mark.....you're stuck. As your only argument is to insist that marriage is whatever *you* say it is. And you're nobody. Your argument breaks at the same place it does with Bobs: your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

You can't get around that

So why would a rational person ignore the law and the dictionary and instead believe you.....citing yourself?

Hmmm...and YOU Skylar can't get around the poll numbers at the top of the page. 80-90%. Society's majority defines its terms, not your little mentally ill cult.
And how does a straw poll on an obscure message board that doesn't even mention marriage have a thing to do with the definition of marriage?
I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality. Society now tells us that Jenner is a woman. Hell, they could even pass a law stating that "fact".

Will it change reality? No.

So, you can say gays are married, if it makes you feel better. Reality says something different.


Of course, you're arguing with someone who probably thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Someone who is fawning all over the spectacular new outfit that the Emperor is wearing, and who will call you and I unpardonably stupid or unfit for our posts, for correctly observing that His Majesty is stark naked. May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on him.
I have never denied that people can change a definition. I do deny that they can change reality. Society now tells us that Jenner is a woman. Hell, they could even pass a law stating that "fact".

Will it change reality? No.

So, you can say gays are married, if it makes you feel better. Reality says something different.


Of course, you're arguing with someone who probably thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Someone who is fawning all over the spectacular new outfit that the Emperor is wearing, and who will call you and I unpardonably stupid or unfit for our posts, for correctly observing that His Majesty is stark naked. May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on him.

Laughing.....and 50 of 50 States still perform marriages for same sex couples every day. Marriage still includes same sex couples. And you insisting that your subjective opinion is objective reality is still gloriously irrelevant to reality.

Get used to the idea.
Mark.....you're stuck. As your only argument is to insist that marriage is whatever *you* say it is. And you're nobody. Your argument breaks at the same place it does with Bobs: your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

You're doing the same thing.

The only difference is that the position that 80zephyr and I take is backed up by hard science, biology, and thousands of years of human history, while your position is backed up by nothing but a passing fad of extreme wrong-wing sexual perversion.
I suspect you have an agenda, and view about it already.
What you suspect is immaterial...
You don't have a suspicion. You have a fear. That the results of the poll will not make the liberal point of view on marriage and family structure look so well.
I suspect you have an agenda, and view about it already.
What you suspect is immaterial...
You don't have a suspicion. You have a fear. That the results of the poll will not make the liberal point of view on marriage and family structure look so well.

The results of the poll don't even mention marriage. Nor does marriage define the gender of your parents. Recognize gay marriage or deny gays the right to marry......same sex parents are still same sex parents.

All denying same sex parents marriage does is guarantee that their children never have married parents. Which hurts their children and helps none.

Which is one of the many reasons that same sex couples can now marry like anyone else.
Mark.....you're stuck. As your only argument is to insist that marriage is whatever *you* say it is. And you're nobody. Your argument breaks at the same place it does with Bobs: your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

You're doing the same thing.

The only difference is that the position that 80zephyr and I take is backed up by hard science, biology, and thousands of years of human history, while your position is backed up by nothing but a passing fad of extreme wrong-wing sexual perversion.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the law and the dictionary. Two sources that are far more objective and reality based than you desperately trying to convince us that your personal opinion defines objective reality.

Sorry, Bob.....but you're stuck. As your entire argument has degenerated into one big Begging the Question fallacy. None of which has the slightest relevance to anyone's marriage.

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